Vladimir Nikolaev: biography and photos

Vladimir Nikolaev: biography and photos
Vladimir Nikolaev: biography and photos

The biography of Vladimir Nikolaev is quite interesting and rich. He was born in the year 73 of the last century, on the tenth of October. His homeland is Vladivostok. Mom's name is Raisa Antonovna, and dad's name is Viktor Vasilyevich. My father was the head of the Prodintorg enterprise, and my mother was the head of the Pacific Ocean.

Briefly about everything

He graduated from school number twenty-three, she was with a physical and mathematical bias. From the age of thirteen he began to play sports. Among his hobbies were karate and hand-to-hand combat. When the Patriot club was organized by the military, Vladimir immediately joined it.

Vladimir Nikolaev
Vladimir Nikolaev

Vladimir Nikolaev had, like his father, a craving for the economy. Therefore, he entered the Far Eastern State Technical University of the Fisheries Industry at the Faculty of Economics. He practiced in the Pacific Directorate of Fisheries Intelligence and Research Fleet. After graduation, he decided to stay at the enterprise. At first he was a simple employee, but having passed all the steps of the career ladder, he became the chairman of the board.

Business activity

When Nikolaev Vladimir Viktorovich was a member of the board of JSC "Turnif", the company experienced not the best years. The company is alreadyfor a long time did not pay salaries to their employees. No taxes were paid. The fishing fleet did not go to the ocean for a long time.

Life outside of business

Sports Vladimir Nikolaev did not quit. He was elected to the post of President of the Kickboxing Federation in Primorsky Krai. Now he himself has created the Patriot club. The goal of this club was to unite the best athletes in the region. Vladimir Viktorovich leads an active lifestyle and tries to help not only athletes, but also people of culture. He is the founder of the award in the Primorsky branch of the Writers' Union.

Nikolaev Vladimir Viktorovich
Nikolaev Vladimir Viktorovich

Since 2001, his political activity begins. Residents of the city of Partizansk nominate Vladimir Nikolaev as a candidate.

Deputy activity

Vladimir Viktorovich is going to the post of deputy with good support - 65% of the votes. He did not let his voters down and took action. To be more precise, it develops and implements social programs. According to one of these programs, doctors, cultural workers and teachers were able to undergo sanatorium treatment. His idea was to make allowances for teachers for classroom management and category. By the way, teachers still receive these allowances.

One of the most important programs for the development of the city is "My Yard". About two hundred sports grounds were installed in Vladivostok and Partizansk at that time.

Vladimir Nikolaev also put things in order in the housing and communal services sector. Within the framework of this program, order was restored in the entrances of multi-storey buildings.

The program Primorye - worthylife” is also entirely his merit. It was Vladimir Viktorovich who developed and launched. This program allows you to buy many food products at an impressive discount. This program is still running in some areas.

Vladimir Nikolaev biography
Vladimir Nikolaev biography

The Patriot Club never ceases to please its founder, as it receives the highest awards in competitions.

In 2004 he received a diploma from the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, he graduated from the university in absentia with a degree in international law. Then he became a member of the United Russia party. The Minister of Defense himself presented the party card.

As mayor

All in the same 2004, his candidacy was announced for the elections. The victory in the first round was brilliant - 26%. But the second round exceeded all expectations. First, there was a record high turnout for Vladivostok - 49%. Secondly, he scored more than fifty percent in the second round, while his opponent - less than ten. Vladimir Nikolaev officially received the city of Vladivostok on July 18, 2004.

But the city at that time was going through a hard time. Then the income of the treasury was two and a half billion rubles, the budget debt was almost the same. But Mayor Vladimir Nikolaev quickly began to implement his programs, which he had introduced before, only with large volumes. He initiated and implemented several new programs. They were aimed at the development of the city and the growth of the well-being of residents.

Programs already in operation continue to evolve. "My Yard" is expanding to all areas of the city. Under the program "Sports Vladivostok" 15 stadiums were built at the school. Continuework social programs to support all disadvantaged segments of the population.

An interfaith council appeared, which united the communities of the city, and Honorary citizens of the city began to be included in one council.

In the housing and communal services sector, changes for the better are also taking place. Not only entrances are being repaired, but also sewers and roads. The ambulance fleet has been completely renovated. The embankments of the city are being put in order. The trolleybus fleet has also been 100% renewed.

Vladimir Nikolaev Vladivostok
Vladimir Nikolaev Vladivostok

In the central park of the city, with the light hand of Nikolaev, the construction of the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Mother of God begins. At one time, the structure was destroyed.

This temple was dedicated to the founders of the city and to Viktor Vasilyevich Nikolaev, who, like his son, did a lot for Vladivostok.

For the temple Mayor Vladimir Nikolaev received two orders from the Orthodox Church. The Patriarch of Russia presented them personally.

The Mayor of Vladivostok was awarded the Order of the Patron of the Century. Another award that Vladimir Nikolaev has is the medal of the President of Russia "300 Years of the Russian Fleet".

Mayor Vladimir Nikolaev
Mayor Vladimir Nikolaev

After a year of work as mayor, it was possible to adopt a budget. A year later, the budget doubled. The city paid off all debts.

But February 2007 was marked by an unpleasant event. A criminal case was initiated against the head of the city and his deputies. They were accused of abuse of power. Allegedly they used security andtransport inappropriate. But the deputies escaped with a slight fright, the charges were quickly dropped from them due to the lack of corpus delicti. But Nikolaev himself received a suspended sentence of 4.5 years. After that, he left the country. Then he was convicted in absentia, and the term was already quite real. But in 2012, the case was reviewed and the Primorsky Court did not find corpus delicti in it. The former mayor was acquitted.

Marital status

Vladimir is a father of many children. He has three boys. Boys also love sports and lead a he althy lifestyle. Father teaches sons to love their country and hometown.
