Actor Maxim Kostromykin: biography, filmography, personal life

Actor Maxim Kostromykin: biography, filmography, personal life
Actor Maxim Kostromykin: biography, filmography, personal life

“Everyone will die, but I will stay”, “Brest Fortress”, “Bride at any cost” - these and other pictures gave fame to the wonderful actor, who is Maxim Kostromykin. By the age of 36, this talented person has starred in approximately 50 films and TV shows, most often he can be seen in comedies and dramas, as well as in detective stories. What else can you say about him?

Maxim Kostromykin, biography: early years

The actor's hometown is Kaliningrad, where he was born in January 1980. The boy was born in an ordinary family, the professional activities of his parents had nothing to do with cinema. Maxim Kostromykin, talking about his childhood years, claims that he was an ordinary child. There were two passions in his life - theater and literature.

Maxim Kostromykin
Maxim Kostromykin

Of course, he attended a drama club, classes in which brought him much more pleasure than school lessons. It is not surprising that by the time of graduation from school, MaximKostromykin was convinced that he should become a famous actor.

Study, theater

Having received a certificate, the future actor went to the capital. Maxim Kostromykin from the first attempt became a student at VGIK, got into the course taught by Yasulovich. He received a diploma from a famous university in 2006, after which he became a member of the troupe of the Stanislavsky Theater. He failed to connect his life with this theater, but he managed to play in the performances "The Frog Princess" and "Cuba - My Love".

Maxim Kostromykin biography
Maxim Kostromykin biography

In 2007, Maxim accepted the offer to move to the Moscow Youth Theater, as he considered this theater more promising for himself. Over the years of work in it, he played in many productions. "Green Bird", "Happy Prince", "Thunderstorm" are the most famous of them. On the stage of this theater, he declared himself as a talented dramatic actor, capable of embodying a variety of images.

Movie roles

The comedy "Four Tankers and a Dog", released in 2004, became the debut for a little-known actor, which at that time was Maxim Kostromykin. The filmography of the young man began with a very eccentric picture, but he does not regret the experience. His first role was episodic, but still helped Maxim attract the attention of directors.

Maxim Kostromykin filmography
Maxim Kostromykin filmography

Fame came to Kostromykin a few years later. This happened thanks to his filming in the drama "Everyone will die, but I will stay." Scandalous tape of Germanica, aimed primarily at teensaudience, has become a kind of hallmark of Maxim. In the same year, the melodramatic comedy King, Queen, Jack was released, in which the actor embodied the image of Sergei. His character is a young guy suffering from his parents' divorce, blaming his father's new wife for everything and dreaming of paying her off.

"Brest Fortress" is another famous film starring Maxim Kostromykin. The biography of the actor indicates that this happened in 2010. The young man brilliantly embodied the image of Kolka in this picture, forcing the audience to sincerely empathize with his hero. The actor also succeeds in "frivolous" roles. To be convinced of this, it is enough to recall the comedy "The Bride at Any Cost", in which he played the careless Kostya.

Shooting in serials

Not only in films, but also in long-running TV projects, Maxim Kostromykin is happy to act. For example, in the series "My Relatives" he embodied the image of a dealer. In the famous "Balzac Age", the actor tried on the role of a computer scientist Anton. You can see it in the series “Moscow. Three Stations”, “Zaitsev Plus One”, “Wild 2”, “School No. 1”.

Maxim Kostromykin personal life
Maxim Kostromykin personal life

In the new series "Olga" Kostromykin embodied the image of Grigory Yusupov, who has outdated views on life due to his grandmother's upbringing. According to the actor, he is delighted with the kindness, honesty and openness of his character. The TV project tells about the difficult life of a single mother who is trying to put children born of different fathers on their feet.

Life behind the scenes

Of course, fans are wondering if Maxim Kostromykin is married. Personal life is not a topic that the star readily discusses with journalists. It is only known for sure that the actor is not officially married, he has no children. Maxim himself claims that a busy filming schedule does not give him the opportunity to start a family right now, but does not exclude such a possibility in the future. In recent years, he has been permanently living in Moscow.
