Tolubeev Yuri Vladimirovich is an actor who is known to absolutely all moviegoers of the older generation. And we recommend young people to get acquainted with the work and life of a great man right now.
Actor biography
Yuri Tolubeev, whose photo you can see below, was born in early May 1905 in St. Petersburg.

After school, he began studying at the Institute of Performing Arts in Leningrad, which he successfully graduated in 1929.
In 1926, the actor became an employee of the Vsevolodsky-Grengross Experimental Theater. In 1927 he went to work at the Theater of Trainees. After another 12 months, he settled in the Theater of Acting in Leningrad.
Yuri Tolubeev is an actor who has changed more than one theater stage throughout his career.
The first serious role he played in the film "Adults", and it happened in 1935.
Soon, Yuri Tolubeev began working on the stage of the Pushkin Drama Theater in Leningrad. Since 1942, the actor has received roles in many productions. In particular, he played the Gorodnichiy in N. V. Gogol's The Inspector General, the Leader in V. V. Vishnevsky's Optimistic Tragedy, Bubnovstaged "At the Bottom" based on the work of the same name by Maxim Gorky.
The best roles of Yuri Tolubeev have become truly standard. Participation in film adaptations of works of classical literature is a kind of actor's feature. The roles of the Mayor in The Inspector General and Polonius in Hamlet were able to repeat his theatrical success.
The greatest achievement in the career of Yuri Tolubeev can be called his joint duet with Nikolai Cherkasov in the film "Don Quixote" by Grigory Kozintsev. The unforgettable duet of Sancho Panza and the protagonist made an indelible impression on the audience.
It is also very interesting to watch the actor in the dramatic military film "Chronicle of a dive bomber" and in the detective film "Accident".
Actor Yuri Tolubeev, whose biography is full of not only achievements in the field of cinema, but also personal dramas, proved that one can be multifaceted and at the same time hold a unified position.
He died on December 28, 1979.
Tolubeev Yury Vladimirovich (photo). Wife
The first wife of the famous actor was the daughter of the artistic director and theater teacher, known both then and now, Leonid Vivien.
Yuri entered into a second marriage with Tamara Aleshina, an actress of the same theater.

In this family, an heir was born, who was named Andrei. He, like his parents, went along the acting path. Andrei recalled that when he was four years old, the family collapsed. Tamara Alyoshina never managed to join her fate with someone else, but Yuri Tolubeev stillonce married. Despite the fact that the parents divorced, they managed to maintain a good relationship and communicated with their son regularly.

The third wife of Yuri Tolubeev was Galina Grigorieva, who worked at that time in the magazine "Change". The couple had a daughter, Lyudmila, who became an English translator.
Russian Jean Gabin
That's what they call Yuri Tolubeev. In adulthood, he was really outwardly similar to Gabin, known to the whole world from the films "Thunder of Heaven" and "The Powerful Ones".
Both actors were distinguished by their measured, deliberate gestures, the density of the figure, and the connection with the earthly foundation. Looking at the work of the early Jean Gabin, you can see that Yuri Tolubeev is similar to him not only in appearance. There is something more, the similarity of souls and manifestations of acting skills. Both men perfectly possessed a special gift to convey the emotions of a full-blooded, living person.
It cannot be said that Yuri Tolubeev played this or that role wonderfully in the production, because he always reincarnated as a hero and fully corresponded to him.
Russian Jean Gabin all his life followed the traditions of the national school of acting. The characters of Yuri Tolubeev are a product of life, and the actor himself has always given them his own human qualities. Despite the significance of stage creations, they have always remained natural. The fate of the characters in the performances is determined by a passionate beginning, along with an abundance of small details.
Yuri Tolubeev is an actor who not only played a role, he penetratedinto human nature, penetrating the image with deep thoughts.
Theatrical roles
- 1937 - Listrat in "Earth" by N. E. Virta; Lartsev in "Confrontation" by L. R. Sheinin and the Tur brothers.
- 1938 - Shmaga in A. N. Ostrovsky's "Guilty Without Guilt"
- 1940 - Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov in "Field Marshal Kutuzov" by V. A. Solovyov; Gypsies in "Barbarians" by M. Gorky.
- 1942 - Gradoboev and Khlynov in A. N. Ostrovsky's "Hot Heart"; Miron Gorlov in the production of "Front" by A. E. Korneichuk.
- 1946 - Ivan Petrovich Voinitsky in "Uncle Vanya" by A. P. Chekhov.
- 1947 - General Alexander Panteleev in "The Winners" by B. F. Chirskov.
- 1972 - Blokhin Khristofor Ivanovich in "Tales of the Old Arbat" by A. N. Arbuzov.
- 1974 - Sobakevich Mikhail Semenovich in "Dead Souls" after N. V. Gogol.
- 1976 - Socrates in "Conversations with Socrates" by E. S. Radzinsky.
- In 1979, the actor took part in his last theatrical production. He embodied the image of a coachman in the play "Emigrant from Brisbane" by J. Chehade.
Yuri Tolubeev: filmography
During his life, the actor perfectly embodied the heroes of various eras and genres in fifty films. This huge number of different images are combined into a single whole, because they are played by a talented person.
Among the films with the participation of Yuri Tolubeev, I would like to highlight the five most significant and significant in his career.
The actor perfectly reincarnated as Henry VIII in the film "The Prince and the Pauper", played Eremin in "Ordinary People" and Major General Lavrov in "The Greatfracture.”
"The Battle of Stalingrad" - a two-part feature film telling about one of the decisive battles of the Great Patriotic War, in which Yuri Tolubeev played the role of Zhdanov, a Soviet party leader, became a kind of reflection of real events.

The film "Nameless Island" also tells about the fighting, in which the actor reincarnated as one of the main characters.
About the role in the film "Don Quixote"
Sancho Panza, performed by Yuri Tolubeev, appeared on numerous screens as touching, practical, masculine and spiritual at the same time. The faithful squire of Don Quixote has become poetic, but has not lost his earthiness. Sancho appears before the audience as the strength, mind and soul of the people. This mobile lout will not go into his pocket for a word and will be able to intrigue with just a glance.

Becoming the governor of the island, Don Quixote's assistant shows that he has true wisdom. He does not use his position, but seeks to sort out every conflict situation that has arisen between his subjects.
Despite all the comedy of the situation, Sancho Panza is constantly thinking about the realization of the right of citizens to build their own destiny. When the character, perfectly played by Yuri Tolubeev, is tried to be escorted out of the palace by the duke's servants, he growls furiously and brushes their hands away with one mighty movement.
This good-natured person is completely in line with the situation. He is slow and wise at the time whenit's time to do justice. And the awakening of anger in him makes him a terrible beast.
About the role in the film "Hamlet"
Playing the role of Polonius in this film, Yuri Tolubeev denounces the social stratum represented in the work. But in his performance, the character becomes an obedient and sensitive instrument of power. The great actor saved this hero from excessive malice, he presents Polonius as an intelligent and quick-witted creative person who can adequately assess the current situation. It can also be called Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky at the court level.
At home, the hero becomes an ordinary family man who likes to sit comfortably in an easy chair and utter a myriad of common truths and his own conjectures. It immediately becomes clear that for this person the greatest value is the time spent in slippers with the family.
But here Polonius appears before Claudius, habitually bends in a half-bow and peers into the eyes of the chief with a readiness to immediately begin to act. His mind, having become sophisticated in palace intrigues, helps to come up with traps and tricks at the right time.
It would seem that this fat man should have been sitting in a cozy house for a long time, playing with his grandchildren and counting family we alth, but he still does not get tired of running through the corridors of the palace and performing various tasks. The hero does not leave the craving for people who have power, and so throughout his life. Even Hamlet calls him a stupid and fidgety troublemaker when he kills Polonius.
About the role in the film "The Return of Maxim"
To the heroes of Yuri Tolubeevno reflection. Their internal state is built on a solid foundation, originally given by the author of the work and supplemented by the actor.
The strikebreaker from the story "The Return of Maxim" is the weakest character, but even Tolubeev gives him confidence and determination on the way to correcting mistakes.
Who can believe that this cute worker bursting into the office of the editorial office, with calloused hands and a face smeared with coal, could have planned to betray his colleagues and comrades?
His confidence in the existence of the possibility of atonement for sin in the newsroom and an ingenuous smile assure that he is just a naive child, completely ignorant of social issues.
About the role in the film "Man with a gun"
Heavy armored cars, numerous columns of Red Guards appear on the screen in front of the audience, huge crowds of people are moving, who have opened their eyes and are ready to give themselves to history. And then a sailor breaks out of the crowd, but immediately returns to the stream of pea coats. For a brief moment, you can have time to look into the soul of the character played by Yuri Tolubeev. This hero symbolizes the soul of the revolution.
Sailor Tolubeev is a fair judge, confident that he has the right to pass judgment on behalf of the whole people.

After all, his character is the identification of a people endowed with a sense of social justice.
One soldier in Smolny decides to sue on suspicion of provocations. The sailor, having begun to consider the case, thoroughly sits down on an armchair and beginscarefully study the papers of the detainee. After reading through all the documents, he smiles innocently and broadly, concluding that this is just a misunderstanding.
This is not the only referee character played by Yuri Tolubeev. In another film, he also got the role of a just arbiter of destinies, although the action took place in a completely different era and on the other side of the planet.
Yuri Tolubeev, whose films with the participation of which amazed many Soviet viewers and continue to amaze so far, could not remain unmarked with honorary titles and awards.

So, in 1939 he became an Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
1951 brought the actor the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR.
In 1956, Yuri Tolubeev was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR, and 20 years later - Hero of Socialist Labor.
Awards and prizes of the actor
In 1947, Yuri Tolubeev played a role in the play "The Winners" by B. F. Chirskov. The role of General Ivan Pantelelev brought the actor the Stalin Prize of the second degree.
1959 was marked by the Lenin Prize for the character of the Leader in a theatrical production based on V. V. Vishnevsky's Optimistic Tragedy.
The Stanislavsky State Prize of the RSFSR was given to the actor for portraying Anton Zabelin, Nikolai Bogoslavsky and Matvey Zhurbin.
In the film "Vyborg Side" Russian Jean Gabin played the role of Yegor Bugai. For this, he was given the Order of the Badge of Honor in December 1939.