Supporting actor Gary Busey: biography, films and personal life

Supporting actor Gary Busey: biography, films and personal life
Supporting actor Gary Busey: biography, films and personal life

A fair-haired actor with a Hollywood snow-white smile, an alarming gleam in his eyes and fiery energy - all this is the master of episodic roles Gary Busey. Films with his participation are familiar to the Russian audience for a long time. Extraordinary appearance and talent are conducive to the personality of the actor, even the most sophisticated villain in his performance. With more than 150 projects and several nominations for the most prestigious film awards, his participation in the film is always a success.

gary busey
gary busey

Busy Gary Biography Facts

The charismatic American television and film actor was born on June 29, 1944 in the town of Baytown, Texas, in the family of an ordinary engineer and a housewife. He received a decent education, graduated from high school and studied at the University of Pittsburgh. His main hobbies were sports and acting. A year before graduation, he dropped out and decided to start his career in show business.

Gary Busey was married once, to Judy Helkenberg. In 1971, a son was born in marriage - William Jacob. He is now known as Jake Busey. A young American actor and musician, almost an exact physical copy of his famous father. The parents divorced when the boy wasnine years. In the photo, father and son are shots from the joint film "From Dusk Till Dawn".

gary busey movies
gary busey movies

In addition, the actor has two more children from different mothers: daughter Elektra and son Luke, born in 2010 from Busy's friend Stephanie Sampson (on the last photo).

Acting career

His creative path began with music. For some time he played as a drummer in several bands, including The Rubber Band. Since 1970, he began to take part in the filming of serials. For the first time on the big screen, Gary Busey appeared in 1968 in the film "The Savage on the Street." But the real breakthrough was the role of Buddy Holly, for which he was nominated for "Oscar", "Golden Globe" and British Academy Film Awards.

He has established himself mainly as a supporting actor. The main genre in which the actor takes part is action films. However, this did not prevent him from becoming famous and revealing his multifaceted acting talent. Bright and memorable images, a convincing game and a piercing look are loved by the viewer. For almost half a century of career, Gary Busey's filmography includes more than one hundred and fifty roles. It is rather difficult to list them all and pay attention to each. We just want to remind the viewer of the most expressive images embodied by Busy on the big screen.

The Buddy Holly Story

gary busey filmography
gary busey filmography

The film, which was for the actor a beautiful start to his career. The biographical musical drama was directed by Steve Rash in 1978. The plot is based onthe story of The Crickets and its energetic leader Buddy Holly. Events unfold in 1956 in the provincial town of Lubbock. Young people simply go on a rampage at the concerts of musicians, thereby bringing the adult generation into a state of shock. The soloist's father, Buddy, considers his son's occupation unworthy and recommends taking the seller's place in the store, and local priests anathematize modern rhythms. But true talent cannot be silenced. One of the group's songs gets on the radio and becomes an instant hit. The film was received more than favorably by critics and viewers, as was actor Gary Busey. In 1979, for this role, he was nominated for three prestigious film awards at once.

Lethal Weapon

The first film in the successful eponymous series starring Mel Gibson and Danny Glover. The action film was directed by Richard Donner in 1987 and was nominated for an Oscar for Best Sound. The plot is built around two policemen, antagonistic partners in character and attitude to life: calm and reasonable Roger and recklessly bold and risky Martin. Both of them are war veterans, but each experiences this page of life differently. Together they investigate suspiciously the case of the girl's mysterious suicide, gradually "pulling to the surface" more and more shocking details. For Busy, Gary was prepared for the role of one of the criminals - Joshua. In his own words, he got it only because of his role and appearance, the producers selected an actor capable of embodying the image of a real threat to the character of M. Gibson. In addition, hecredits the film with re-energizing his career.

On the crest of a wave

actor gary busey
actor gary busey

Crime detective directed by Kathrie Bigelow was released in 1991. Starring Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze played the main roles in it. A story about a mysterious gang of surfers who treacherously rob banks in broad daylight. The police are in a stupor from the speed and professionalism of the criminals. The investigation is carried out by an ambitious young agent and his mentor, played by Gary Busey. Films of this kind are doomed to success with the viewer: a brilliant cast, an abundance of special effects. In 1992, Keanu Reeves for the role of a young policeman received the MTV channel award as the most desirable man of the year ahead of his colleague Patrick Swayze.

Under Siege

Another action movie and another villain role in the filmography of actor Gary Busey. This time he was accompanied by a stellar team consisting of Steven Seagal, Tommy Lee Jones. According to the plot, the battleship Missouri of the US Navy is captured by terrorists, their main target is Tomahawk nuclear cruise missiles. Infiltrating the ship under the guise of musicians and cooks, they, with the help of a recruited assistant captain (G. Busey), take over. But they seem to get in the way of a very insignificant obstacle - the ship's cook (performed by Steven Seagal). It would seem that the threat is simply absurd, but in the past he is a professional special forces fighter. and he is not alone, he is assisted by a desperate dancer and singer who knew everything from the very beginning.


Popular American action movie1997. The story of a gang led by a cruel and completely crazy leader. Deadly professional mercenaries shake the city with a series of brutal murders. The assignment for neutralization is given to two young special agents. The film stars Lorenzo Lamas, Kristen Cloke and Gary Busey in the lead roles. The action movie was filmed in the best traditions of the genre with spectacular chases and gunfights, a dynamic plot.

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

gary busey movies list
gary busey movies list

Terry Gilliam's 1998 comedy-drama based on the novel by H. S. Thompson. An interesting and dynamic story of two friends of a journalist and a lawyer who go to Vegas to cover the legendary Mint 400. But something absolutely incredible is happening around and two “normal” guys feel at times not even at ease. An excellent cast (Johnny Depp, Benicio Del Toro, Tobey Maguire, Christina Ritchie, Gary Busey) and their brilliant performances ensured the success of the film.

The Russian audience is certainly familiar with all these films by Gary Busey. The list could go on for quite some time. We recommend that all fans of the actor should refer to his official filmography in order to appreciate the depth and versatility of his talent and skill.

gary busey movies list
gary busey movies list

In addition to Hollywood, Gary Busey is also invited to international projects, to voice cartoon characters. So, he took part in the filming of the Russian series "Yesenin", which tells about the tragic fate of the brilliant Russian poetS. Yesenin, the project was released in 2005. Gary Busey played the role of the ex-husband of the dancer Isadora Duncan - Singer. He also starred in the Russian-American TV series by R. Nakhapetov "Russians in the City of Angels" in 2002.
