Fyodor Bondarchuk and his wife Svetlana are one of the strongest married couples among domestic celebrities. They are beautiful, successful and happy. Fedor and Svetlana took place both as parents and as masters of their craft. Svetlana is a model, TV presenter and actress. Fedor is an actor, producer and director. Despite the outward carelessness and gloss, the couple had to overcome many difficulties, but, in spite of everything, they are still together.
How many children do Fyodor Bondarchuk and his wife Svetlana have?
The couple has two children: son Sergei and daughter Varvara.

The children of Bondarchuk Fyodor were born with a difference of 10 years. Sergei Bondarchuk Jr. was born on January 1, 1991. Then his parents were not yet officially married. Fedor and Svetlana lived in a civil marriage. They met when he was 19 years old and she was 17. The novel developed rapidly, but everything was complicated by the fact that Fedor's girlfriend did not like his famous father Sergei Bondarchuk Sr. at all. Confident in the strength of his feelings, Fedor insisted on his own and, in order to be with his beloved girl, he even left home, going against his father. Of course, after the birth of a grandson, a happy grandmotherand grandfather softened, and relations with his son and daughter-in-law improved.
Fyodor and Svetlana officially registered their marriage when their son was already a year old. The absence of a stamp in the passport did not bother the young parents at all, but to solve the housing problem, its presence was necessary. There was no noisy wedding. They just got married and had a glass of champagne in the family circle in the evening.
The children of Fyodor Sergeyevich Bondarchuk live in an atmosphere of love, harmony and understanding, because their parents carried their feelings through the years, and the problems that arose along the way of life only strengthened the star family.
Sergey Bondarchuk Jr
Seryozha grew up as a difficult child. He studied reluctantly at school, did not shine with special success. He did not like to read very much, he had problems concentrating in class. But the parents were not particularly worried about this, rightly believing that not everyone is given the opportunity to be an academician or scientist. They gave the son the opportunity to find himself.

Having reached the age of majority, Sergey became a regular guest of various social events and parties of golden youth. He had a reputation for Casanova and rowdy. Several times he was seen in small street fights. But there was also a high-profile case associated with the aggressive behavior of Sergei. In 2009, for unknown reasons, he got into a fight with his father's friend, tennis player Marat Safin. They tried not to make the case public, but the information nevertheless came out. However, no one from the star family commented on this behavior of Sergei Bondarchuk Jr.
SergeyBondarchuk Jr. and Tatiana Mamiashvili
Children of Fedor Sergeevich Bondarchuk are very friendly with each other. And all family members constantly demonstrate excellent relations with each other. Sergey's wife, Tatiana (Tata) Mamiashvili, perfectly joined the friendly Bondarchuk family. One of the most enviable brides, she, having met Sergei in 2009, broke off her engagement with her then fiancé and began dating the son of Fyodor Bondarchuk. The girl had a very beneficial effect on Sergei. He stopped appearing in scandalous news, attending all events with his lover. The couple did not part for almost a minute.

May 17, 2012 Sergey and Tata got married. It is known that at the time of the marriage, the bride was already in an interesting position. In December, the couple had a daughter, who was named Margarita. And on May 12, 2014, their youngest daughter Vera was born.
The children of Fyodor Bondarchuk (see photo in the article), as well as his beloved granddaughters, according to the actor himself, are the most important and valuable thing in life for him. It is harmonious relationships in the family that give him the opportunity to draw inspiration and work fruitfully.

Following in the footsteps of parents
Sergey did not immediately decide to continue the acting dynasty. He was looking for himself in other areas of activity, but came to the conclusion that the acting profession is his vocation. He made his debut on the silver screen in 2011, starring in the film "Indian Summer's Web". Then there were roles in the films "The Bride of Myfriend" (2012) and "Housekeeper" (2013). Sergey also took part in the famous TV series "The Thaw" (2013). But real success came to him when he played the role of the Soviet fighter Sergei Astakhov in the film "Stalingrad". The director of the film is his father Fyodor Bondarchuk. Family, children for him, of course, in the first place. But, by his own admission, professionally, he was absolutely impartial towards his son. Casting Sergey took place on a common basis, along with other applicants.
Also, Sergey played one of the main roles in the film "The Warrior", where his on-screen dad was embodied by his father Fyodor Bondarchuk.
Birth of a daughter
The children of Bondarchuk Fyodor are not only different in character. The moment of birth for the daughter and son was also completely different. If Sergey was born he althy and on time, then Varya's daughter was born prematurely, and the doctors fought for the girl's life for a long time. Fortunately, Varya survived and now pleases her parents with a happy smile. The girl has developmental problems due to her early birth, but no one in the family calls her sick. For relatives, she is special.
Varvara is a special child
The daughter's illness not only did not destroy the relationship between Fedor and Svetlana, but, on the contrary, rallied the spouses even more. Together with Varya, they achieve great success in the fight against the disease. The girl grows kind, smiling and affectionate. Of course, such children are sometimes closed, but parents do everything so that their daughter lives a full life. That is why Varya lives most of the time abroad, where moresuitable conditions for the development, treatment and rehabilitation of special children.
Not so long ago, the children of Fyodor Bondarchuk (Svetlana Bondarchuk posted a photo of a family celebration on the Web), as well as other family members, all gathered together to celebrate a happy event - Varya's 14th birthday. In the picture below, a happy Barbara is getting ready to blow out the candles on the birthday cake.

Fedor Sergeevich Bondarchuk and his children do not spend much time together, but despite this, the strength of their family ties is beyond doubt. Parents always support their children: Sergei - in his acting career, and Varia - in the fight against the disease.