Alexander Folomkin - a car mechanic with a comb

Alexander Folomkin - a car mechanic with a comb
Alexander Folomkin - a car mechanic with a comb

Alexander Folomkin is an amazing personality remembered by millions. This man worked as a car mechanic in Moscow, and found his fame through self-expression. His work is manifested in the performance of strange rap songs with enchanting dances. He also publishes deep texts of his own composition with a bright emotional coloring on his blog. At the same time, Alexander gained a large number of fans.

The appearance of the meme

MS Folomkin
MS Folomkin

At first, no one noticed Alexander Folomkin's talent and did not comment in any way, which was a shame. Therefore, Alexander decided to fix this by starting to write comments to users in the style: “Your channel is very interesting! Come check out my blog.”

This led to him being spotted in the summer of 2009. A video "Moscow City", a blog and several of his sparkling phrases appeared on a resource popular at that time. The video gained a huge number of views, the hero of which even took a prize position in the YouTube rating.

Alexander Folomkin began to appear several times a week on Tirech and fell in love with many viewers. Some time later, a video clip of the Moscow City video appeared withwith musical accompaniment by 50 Cent.

Folomkin caught a wave of popularity and a year later his channel already had 26 videos, while he continued to blog.

Portrait of a hero

Sasha Folomkin
Sasha Folomkin

Alexander always dreamed of fame and for a while he really gained popularity. Another of his desires is to meet a girl and start a family. His best freestyles, according to the audience, were considered - "I read the text, you listen to the text", "Yes, this is my car."

In one video, Alexander Folomkin's hairbrush appears, which he puts into the intimate part of the body, in another - the hero dances naked. Moreover, all his videos were accompanied by funny phrases.

There is currently no meaningful information about his real life. But, judging by some information, Sasha still lives in Moscow, as he did ten years ago, and continues to work as a mechanic.
