To take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoy peace and quiet, breathe fresh air - every city dweller dreams of this. There is no need to go to distant countries, because Russia is rich in such heavenly places, having been in which you can get a boost of energy that will last for a long time. Such places, no doubt, include the Ivanovsky pond, which is located in the Voronezh region. Hundreds of lovers of natural recreation, fishing are sent here both on weekdays and on weekends.

Fishing in the Voronezh region
The Voronezh region is famous for its wonderful corners of nature, reservoirs, rich in a variety of fish. Fishing enthusiasts come here not only from the surrounding area, but also from all over Russia. The most common inhabitants of ponds and rivers here are carp, bream, crucian carp, pike, grass carp, and silver carp. Fishermen often wonder where it is better to go, to what place. In the Voronezh region, there are now many paid ponds, this guarantees that fishing will be successful, proper care is established for the reservoir, stocking with fish is carried out. These places include Ivanovsky pond. The body of water is verypopular among the population. Well-established fishing tourism has recently attracted more and more fishing enthusiasts. If there is a desire to come here, do not confuse the places, Ivanovsky Pond (Kommunarka), where fishing is also paid, is located not far from Moscow. And today we are going to the Voronezh region.
Ivanovsky pond, Emancha 2nd (Khokholsky district)

It is recognized as the best paid reservoir in the Voronezh region. The stocked pond with an area of 35 hectares is located in a picturesque place. You can drive here in any season, the road is laid to the pond itself. Near the reservoir there is a spacious parking lot, which is guarded at night. Electricity is provided to the shore, lighting is organized here at night. Convenient places for fishing are equipped along the entire coast. For a comfortable stay, pavilions for 6-12 people, fishing houses, trailers, which are heated all year round, have been built, and a sandy beach has been equipped. A covered wooden tent for 60 people allows you to organize large celebrations (weddings, anniversaries). Here you can arrange a corporate holiday, family and even romantic for two. The security service ensures peace and quiet on the reservoir. Nearby is a spring with clean drinking water. The area is regularly treated for ticks. Picturesque nature, a clean, well-groomed and monitored pond will allow you to enjoy this world of peace and quiet.
Every year, competitions among fishermen and other events for all those present are held at Ivanovsky Pond. Prizes are drawn, various promotions are held. Lovers of comfortable rest near the water will enjoy unforgettable fishing. The pond is stocked regularly. The density of the fish provides a bite in any weather and in any season. The ichthyofauna is represented by the following representatives: carp, crucian carp, pike, grass carp, silver carp, roach, perch, pike perch, catfish and even sturgeon. At the end of September, 2 tons of crucian carp were released into the pond for a full-fledged winter fishing. In the spring, replenishment of the reservoir is also carried out. Everything possible is done to ensure a successful, comfortable stay, so that everyone who comes here speaks of this place only with enthusiasm. Fishing lovers will never be left without a rich camping fish soup and do not leave here empty-handed. And the photos taken here with giant carps remain the pride of any fisherman for a long time.
Ivanovsky pond where is it?

Getting to the pond is not difficult at all. The passage is open in any weather. The road to the pond is covered with rubble. The path lies through the village Khokhol. Always move along the main road towards Repyevka. After Khokhl, you pass a deep log and after about 20 km you will see a sign “Pond to the left” on a hillock. The road will lead to the village of 2nd Emancha. The asph alt road will gradually turn into gravel. So - to the very Ivanovsky pond.
In dry weather, you can drive along the Ostrogozhskaya highway. Do not miss the Ivanovka sign, turn off. You reach the end of the asph alt, look to the right for the “Pond” sign, you need to drive along the rolled primer 5km and you are there. If you use a navigator, Ivanovsky Pond - Kommunarka can go out. Do not confuse! Your direction is in the Voronezh region.

It is a great pride for every fisherman to catch large trophy carp. Ivanovsky pond (Emancha 2nd, Khokholsky district) will provide you with such an opportunity. Every year this pond is stocked with carp, and every craftsman can catch good prey.
Carp is unpretentious, withstands temperatures up to +35 degrees, found in many reservoirs. At the age of 3, it reaches puberty, large sizes. Carp is looking for deep and wide areas where the water is stagnant or the current is moderate. The bottom prefers silty or soft clay, but not rocky. Carp loves warm water and tends to stay deep.
What to catch carp? Bait must be full and odorous. Experienced fishermen mix steamed corn with ground roasted seeds. Another way - ground seeds are mixed with flour and feed. You can simply boil the corn, add sugar and any flavorings to it.
Crucian carp

Ivanovsky pond is rich in carp. Fishermen often post photos of their rich catches on forums. Such a “harvest” is often taken in quantity (the normal weight of a specimen is 600-700 grams). Although there are crucians and up to 3 kg in weight. Reviews of fishermen who visited Emancha-2 confirm the richness of these places with fish. No one collects a trifle, it is released backinto the pond.
From early spring, crucian carp begins to awaken an immeasurable appetite, and he willingly goes to live bait: worms, maggots. Catching carp is a whole science. In summer, he bites more on a vegetable nozzle - cereals, bread, cereals. Some lure carp by adding hemp or linseed oil, vanilla. They catch crucian carp not only on a worm, they also adapted shrimp to business - they are thawed, cut into several pieces and put on a hook. They guard the crucian near the thickets of reeds, at the borders of the reservoir. The depth constantly needs to be changed, as if to probe where he is now.
White carp
White carp belongs to the carp family, reaches enormous sizes. Catching it is the luck of any fisherman. Its length reaches 120 cm, weight - 32 kg. But even smaller specimens delight any fishing enthusiast. Ivanovsky Pond sometimes surprises its guests with such specimens.
They catch grass carp on a float system, but it should be an order of magnitude stronger than usual gear for carp. Canned or boiled corn is used as bait, flavorings are not added. It is better to catch grass carp in calm sunny weather in spring or autumn from sunrise to evening dawn. There must be absolute silence around, otherwise the grass carp will stop feeding and go into the nearest thickets. If it does not bite in coastal thickets, you can try to move to clean reaches, where there are some plant remains. You can lure grass carp with tender, young vegetation - these are green pea pods, cucumber ovaries, young corn, clover, vetch. The bait can be fixedon a hook with green threads that resemble algae. You can notice the habitat of cupid by the abundance of floating excrement, which resemble duck or goose. Plants are the main food of grass carp, so you need to look for it closer to the thickets.

Bream is a representative of cyprinids. A young individual is called a scavenger, an old, large one is called differently in all regions (bream, keel, chebak). The Ivanovsky pond is also famous for bream (Emancha 2nd, Khokholsky district). Photos of fishermen prove what a rich catch can be collected here.
When going on a hike for bream, you need to take care of several types of baits from 3 to 5. It happens that at first the bream actively pecks at the worm, and then suddenly becomes indifferent to it, then you need to switch to flavored baits, bread, dough. Some fishermen put 5-6 worms on the hook at once, piercing them in one place, or several maggots. The dough needs to be kneaded, adding cotton wool to it, it is so easy to remove a trifle from the hook. Each fisherman can tell some of his secrets in the application of bait.
Heals bream in groups, very smart and careful. Prefers deep places and thickets. Winters at depth.

Pike is a long-liver. If she is lucky, she can reach the age of 15 years. Its weight reaches 32 kg. The fishermen who came to the Ivanovsky Pond use all their skill to catch larger specimens. Photos with this predator are very impressive. Anyone who manages to get such a trophy,then speaks of fishing with delight. So where does this queen of the pond live? Pike loves coastal places where there are a lot of algae, any avid fisherman knows a lot of tricks on how to catch it from there. Spinners often use turntables, these are the most catchy baits. They should be in any fishing kit. Someone successfully catches a pike on live bait using a special tackle.
Soup recipe
If you come to Ivanovsky Pond, where you can relax, go fishing, of course, be sure to prepare a fresh fish soup. With smoke, on a fire, in a bowler hat - for this it is worth getting out into nature. So here's the easiest recipe. The fish must be absolutely fresh, only off the hook.
- Large fish (pike, catfish, carp) - 1 kg.
- A trifle - 0.5 kg.
- Onion (2 heads).
- Potatoes, carrots;
- Celery, parsley (root).
- S alt, pepper.
- Vodka - 50g
First you need to cook the broth of small fish and large fatty heads. Then we remove this fish. Cut into large pieces and lay in the broth. Dice the potatoes, carrots and onions into rings. At the end, a little fishing trick - you need to add 50 g of vodka, this will help to beat off the smell of mud, and the bones of the fish will become softer. No grains are added to a real ear. Make sure that the brew does not boil too much. Remove from heat, let it brew for 15 minutes. Everything, the ear is ready! Have a good rest and appetite!