Why do people live on earth? From time immemorial, both great philosophers and ordinary people have been looking for an answer to this question. But none of them has come to a final conclusion yet, because this problem does not have a single solution. How many philosophical schools, the same number of opinions, and maybe even more.
And yet, some were able to find logical answers that could explain the existence of man.

How often do we think about why a person is born and lives?
The most carefree time is childhood. During this period, we all run like crazy in our native yards, pretending to be pirates, superheroes, robots. Thousands of amazing ideas may swarm in our head, but there is not a single question about the meaning of life. And why?
And only after crossing the threshold of youth, a person begins to look for an answer to it. Why does a person live? What is his purpose? What is the meaning of my life? - all these questions disturbed the heart of each of us. But some quickly threw them away, switching to more pressing problems, while others, on the contrary, spent their whole lives in search of an undeniabletruth.
Ancient philosophers and the meaning of life
Once Aristotle said: “Knowledge of the soul is the main task of the philosopher, since it can give answers to many questions …” Moreover, he believed that any thinker should look for meaning in everything, since this search is an integral part of ourselves. He taught that it is not enough to accept things as they are, you also need to understand why they are needed in this world.

The German philosopher Georg Hegel was also puzzled by the question of why a person lives in this world. He believed that such a craving for self-knowledge is inherent in us by nature and is our true self. Moreover, he argued that if you understand what role is assigned to a person, then it will be possible to unravel the purpose of other phenomena of the universe.
Also, do not forget about Plato and his thoughts about why a person lives on earth. He was sure: the search for one's destiny is the highest good for a person. In part, it was in this search that his meaning of life was hidden.
God's plan, or Why do people live on the plan?
You can't talk about the meaning of life without touching on the topic of religion. After all, all existing beliefs have their own opinion on this issue. Their sacred texts have clear instructions on how one should spend one's life and what is the highest good for a person.

So, let's look at the most common denominations.
- Christianity. According to the New Testament, all people are born forin order to live a righteous life, which will give them a place in paradise. Therefore, their purpose in life is to serve the Lord and also be merciful to others.
- Islam. Muslims are not too far removed from Christians, their faith is also based on the service of God, only this time to Allah. In addition, every true Muslim must spread his faith and fight the "infidels" with all his might.
- Buddhism. If you ask a Buddhist: “Why does a person live?”, then he will most likely answer this way: “To become enlightened.” This is the goal of all the followers of the Buddha: to clear your mind and pass into nirvana.
- Hinduism. Everyone has a divine spark - Atman, thanks to which a person after death is reborn in a new body. And if in this life he behaved well, then at the next rebirth he will become happier or richer. The highest goal of being is to break the circle of rebirth and indulge in oblivion, which gives pleasure and peace.
A scientific point of view on the destiny of man
Darwin's theory of evolution called into question the supremacy of the church. This was due to the fact that humanity received another version explaining the appearance of life on Earth. And if at first only a few agreed with this theory, then as science developed, its adherents became more and more.
But how does science view the issue we are discussing? Why does a person live on earth? In general, everything is quite simple. Since man descended from an animal, their goals are similar. And what is the most important thing for every living thingorganism? That's right, procreation.
That is, from a scientific point of view, the meaning of life is to find a reliable partner, reproduce offspring and care for him in the future. After all, this is the only way to save the species from extinction and ensure a bright future.

Disadvantages of previous theories
Now we should talk about what are the disadvantages of these concepts. After all, both scientific and religious hypotheses are not able to give an exhaustive answer to the question: “Why do people live on earth?”
The disadvantage of scientific theory is that it highlights a common goal that is ideal for the whole species as a whole. But if we consider the problem on the scale of one individual, then the hypothesis loses its universality. After all, it turns out that those who are not able to have children are completely deprived of any meaning in life. And a he althy person is unlikely to like to exist with the idea that his only purpose is to pass on his genes to offspring.
The position of religious communities is also not ideal. After all, most religions put the afterlife above the earth. Moreover, if a person is an atheist or agnostic, then his existence is devoid of any meaning. Many do not like such a dogma, therefore, over the years, church foundations begin to weaken. As a result, a person is again left alone with the question “why do people live on earth.”
How to find the truth?
So what now? What to do if the scientific point of view is not suitable, and the church one is too conservative? Where can I find the answer to such an importantquestion?

In fact, there is simply no universal solution to the problem. Each person is a person, therefore, his inner world is unique. Everyone must find their own way, their own meaning and their own values. This is the only way to find harmony within yourself.
It doesn't always have to follow the same path. The beauty of life is that there are no established rules and boundaries. Everyone has the right to choose for himself specific ideals, and if they seem false from time to time, they can always be replaced by new ones. For example, many people work half their lives to make a fortune. And when they achieve this, they understand that money is far from the main thing. Then they again start searching for the meaning of being, which can make their life brighter and more beautiful.
The main thing is not to be afraid to think: “Why do I exist and what is my purpose?” After all, if there is a question, then there will definitely be an answer to it.