Desert Fennec fox. Desert fox as a pet

Desert Fennec fox. Desert fox as a pet
Desert Fennec fox. Desert fox as a pet

This animal is cute and attractive in appearance, like all foxes. Despite the fact that they are predators, one cannot help but be touched by their fluffiness, cute pointed muzzles, and soft habits. In addition, the desert fox has huge ears, which give her image an additional charm, which will definitely not leave indifferent those who see her for the first time. Interestingly, the name of this animal "Fenech" in Arabic means "fox".

desert fox
desert fox

These animals live in the deserts of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula. They are the national symbol of Algeria and are depicted on one of the coins of this country. The eared desert fox is small in size. At the withers, it reaches 18-22 centimeters, and weighs only 1.5 kilograms. The ears are gigantic compared to the head, reaching 15 centimeters in length.


The desert Fennec fox is perfectly adapted to living in the desert. In order to walk on the sand without fear of getting burned, the feet of her paws are overgrown with wool. The fur has a reddish-fawn color on the back and white on the tummy. This allows you to disguise yourself among the dull and monotonously colored desert landscape. Ears, like locators, allowhear the rustle of even the smallest vertebrate or insect, which the desert fox eats, although as food it does not disdain the roots and fruits of plants, eggs, carrion. In addition, these hearing organs help to establish thermoregulation in extremely hot living conditions of the animal.

fennec desert fox
fennec desert fox

Tolerating heat

No, she doesn't fan herself with them to escape the heat. Through their thin skin, blood vessels shine through, which are adapted to remove excess heat from the body of the fox. The internal structure of the animal is also adapted to such a life. The desert fox is able to eat only dry food and go without water for a long time, for this its kidneys work in a special way to retain as much moisture as possible inside the body. Fenech has no sweat glands.

fennec desert fox
fennec desert fox

Fox song

In the desert you can often hear the sounds that these animals make. And they are very diverse. Sometimes barking, howling, whining, growling, and sometimes something like crying or screeching is heard. Fenechs repeat their "songs" many times. Unlike other representatives of the fox family, these individuals do not live alone, but in groups that include a married couple and their cubs of different ages. They dig holes in the sand with many secret passages. Looking at charming fluffies, it is difficult to say that they guard their territory very severely and are ready to defend it in battle. So that no one doubts that this is their site, these animals mark it withfeces and urine. The dominant male leaves the most feces.

desert fox
desert fox

Comfortable at night

On the surface, the desert fennec fox stays in the shade of bushes or grassy thickets. But they rarely come out of their holes. They mostly hide from the bright sun and walk only at dusk. To catch prey, these kids are able to perfectly jump in height and length. In addition, the desert fox is a very intelligent animal. For example, in order to break an egg with a strong shell that cannot be cracked, the fennec fox quickly rolls it onto a stone, on which it breaks. Interestingly, these foxes play various games with each other. They are very interesting to watch, as they often come up with something new.

Fluffy Babies

The adult fox is extremely cute, and what can we say about her cubs! These babies, whose cuteness is simply limitless, are born in March-April, after the mating season ends, which begins in January. Fenech pregnancy lasts 50 days. Tiny foxes weigh only 50 grams when they are born. Mom does not leave the hole until they open their eyes, all this time the male feeds the family, who is temporarily not allowed to see the children. When the babies are 5 weeks old, they begin to leave the den, and at 3 months they travel long distances. These nimble animals are almost not afraid of anyone. They are able to elude both the caracal and the eagle owl, who wish to catch them. But man turns out to be more cunning than the beast.

fennec desert fox as a pet
fennec desert fox as a pet

Affectionate pets

Desert fennec fox as a pet, of course, is very cute. But often the owners forget that this is a creation of wildlife. And although it can be tamed, it needs to create living conditions close to nature, because the instincts, even next to a person, do not disappear anywhere. As a home, the fox needs a hole, and the air temperature in the room should be high, as the fennec fox is used to living in a hot desert. Those who decide to buy a "living toy" should remember that it is very expensive (the minimum price today is 65,000-70,000 rubles) and requires considerable care. In good hands, the animal will live, as in nature, for about 12 years. These chanterelles are attached to their master, affectionate and playful. They need to be fed with meat, eggs, dairy products, fruits and vegetables. You can also give grain or fish.

desert fox
desert fox

Difficulties in content

The owner needs to know that the desert fox sleeps during the day, and begins to lead an active lifestyle at night. If it is not kept in an aviary, but simply in a room, then all the things that are there will be spoiled, as the fennec fox will gnaw everything, try to dig holes, tear the upholstery of the sofa and chairs. Especially dangerous for a fox are attempts to gnaw electrical wires. Be sure to keep the pet warm, because, having caught a cold, the desert fox dies, and it is not possible to cure it.

But is it worth it to start a "live toy" for your own entertainment? Maybe it's better to leave the desert foxes in the distant desert, nearwith his own family?
