Russian proverbs about cowardice well reflect how our ancestors treated this manifestation of human weakness. Probably, the Slavs were among the first who thought about what fear is and why it needs to be fought. So let's take a look at the brightest examples of proverbs about cowardice and see what they can teach.

What is fear?
Many Russian proverbs and sayings about cowardice reveal the true nature of fear, thereby showing a person how stupid it is to succumb to unbridled emotions. In addition, if you know what the root of all evil is, it is much easier to find a way to deal with it.
A good example would be the following proverbs about cowardice:
- Ignorance is the root of most fears.
- Don't be a sheep, then you won't have to be afraid of a wolf either.
- A coward does not love life itself, he is only afraid of losing it.
- Either in the stirrup with your foot or in the ground with your head.
- Shadows are scary onlywhere there is no light.
- The more you think about fear, the more it envelops you.
What can fear do?
However, there are more proverbs about how bad it is to be a coward. After all, everyone has fear, but not everyone is amenable to its influence. Everyone needs to remember this little truth, otherwise how can you live in the world?
And so that no one would forget about her, the Russian people came up with many proverbs that expose cowards. Here are some examples of these folk creations:
- A frightened bird is afraid of every bush.
- A timid friend is worse than a fierce enemy, because you expect meanness from the enemy, and support from a friend.
- To a coward and a small beetle will seem like a giant.
- He runs like this, as if the earth is burning with a scarlet flame under him.
- He conquers the country in words, but in reality he cannot move a frog.
- From the wolves ran into a bear's lair.
- A hero dies once, a coward a million times.

How to get rid of weaknesses?
But more importantly, proverbs about cowardice can not only condemn various manifestations of weakness, but also help get rid of them. By and large, their main task is to free a person from his internal problems. And even if folk authors and storytellers do not do it as well as psychologists, they can still point in which direction to go.
And here are vivid examples of what proverbs about cowardice are capable of:
- The brave is not the one who does not know fear, but the one who steps on ittowards.
- The eyes are afraid, but the hands do the job anyway.
- Those who are afraid of misfortune, most likely, will not notice happiness.
- Be afraid of wolves all your life - do not go into the forest.
- Fear does not come to those who do not remember it.
- Courage is the first step of strength.;
- Whoever is afraid of death is a small bird, and whoever loves life conquers fear.
Praise the Heroes
Also, many proverbs about cowardice can tell us about the difference that distinguishes heroes from scoundrels. And it is this difference of contrasts that can finally tip the scales in favor of courage. The main thing is to remember that heroes are not born, they are made.
- From the brave and death flees in fear.
- A coward will never make a good friend.
- Warriors win not by multitude, but by courage.
- A brave man has a hundred roads, but a coward has one, and bears walk along that one.
- One hero is worth ten cowards.
- The brave dog only barks, and the frightened one also bites.

Things to remember
But proverbs and sayings can only help people if they are remembered. Therefore, it is so important to pass on this knowledge through generations, retelling wise lines to your children and friends. This is the only way to preserve the cultural heritage of the nation and take care of your own future.
In addition, the Russian people have always been considered one of the most courageous and persistent on the planet. And the fact that its representatives remember and revere proverbs,ridiculing cowardice only reinforces this conclusion. Therefore, do not forget about your heritage, because it is an integral part of each of us.