The famous philosopher Alexander Rubtsov took part in the creation of the Messages of the Russian President to the Federal Message of the Russian Federation. But this is not the only project that made him famous. If you wish, you can find several political technology projects in which Alexander Rubtsov was a participant, as well as read many monographs and articles written by his hand. Also in 2006 and 2007, he received a personal commendation from the President of Russia.

The start of the journey
Rubtsov Alexander Vadimovich was born in Moscow in 1951. He initially received his higher education at the Faculty of Urban Planning at the famous Moscow Institute of Architecture (Architectural Institute). Alexander Rubtsov chose the All-Union Institute of Technical Aesthetics as his first place of work. But after a couple of years he became the head of two departments at the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, engaged in sociocultural forecasting, as well as the study of public consciousness.
Road to"authorities"
For two years (at the end of the nineties) Alexander Rubtsov was an Advisor to the Government of the Russian Federation. In 1996, he was appointed coordinator of the group of consultants of the Administration of the head of state, and five years later he became deputy head of the Economic Working Group of the head of the Russian Federation.
In addition, from 2004 to 2005, he combined this position with the position of adviser to the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. In addition, in 2001-2002 he advised CERN on the problems of philosophical PR. Together with other persons, Alexander Rubtsov was the head of the expert councils of various industries in 2003-2008. His biography is replete with facts of participation in various political projects.
In 2004-2006, the scientist was the Chairman of the Committee established to support reforms in the Russian Federation. In 2010-2011 - an expert of the Institute of Contemporary Development. Today, Alexander Rubtsov is in charge of the Center for Philosophical Research, replacing the head of the Department of Philosophical Anthropology and Axiology of IFRAN. In addition, Rubtsov is a member of the Scientific Council of the INDEM Foundation. In addition, he is the chairman of the expert board of the journal Polygnosis.

Philosophical thoughts
He co-authored the following monographs: "Russia in search of an idea", as well as "Reform of technical regulation". He also worked on "Russian Identity and the Challenge of Modernization" and others. In a number of articles, Alexander Rubtsov touches on a variety of political topics. For example, he talks about the so-called cargoexperience that our country is receiving in a given period of time. In another article, he refers to what is happening now as "the sluggish end of the world." In it, he gives examples of how people reacted to the death of people, cataclysms before and now.
The philosopher talks about the ongoing reassessment of values. Although, comparing reality with past eras, he comes to the conclusion that good always replaces bad, eras change in waves. In the next article, Rubtsov touches on the topic of patriotism and the national idea, gives an assessment of their existence in our country.

Within the framework of this article, it is impossible to even briefly talk about all the works of the candidate of philosophical sciences. If you are interested, you can easily find them in the public domain. Perhaps, for someone, the thoughts of Alexander Vadimovich will be close and understandable.