To establish what a prostitute is, one should refer to the exact wording of her occupation. Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment in the form of money, goods, services, or some other benefit agreed between the parties to the transaction. This practice is sometimes referred to as commercial sex. A prostitute is a person (equally a woman or a man) who receives payment for sexual services provided to him.

According to the public majority, today's sex workers are most often victims of circumstances, people with a low standard of living who need money or satisfaction of their drug addiction. This is far from always true, especially given the rich and varied history of prostitution. Among the paid whores, there have always been those for whom such activity was a necessary measure, and those who consciously, without undue hesitation, chose this path. One thing remained unchanged: professionalgradation from incredibly expensive to the cheapest prostitutes.
Classification of "moths"
The cost of services, and hence the earnings of prostitutes, largely depends on their belonging to certain levels, directly related to the places where prostitutes work.

Very arbitrary sex workers can be divided into three main categories according to the level of payment, which vary significantly depending on countries, regions and localities. Each category, in turn, is subdivided into several more types.
- Cheap prostitutes look for clients on the streets, along highways, in ports, train stations, serve drivers of cars and heavy vehicles on the road.
- The middle price segment can also include street prostitutes, but at a higher level and in more prestigious habitats. Basically, these are workers of brothels, special massage parlors, prostitutes who work in nightclubs, bars, hotels. The most common type of call service, the main representative on adult sites.
- Dear prostitutes, who are often advertised as elite, are intended only for we althy gentlemen. In Russia, sex workers who receive $200 an hour can be considered as such, in Europe this amount exceeds the equivalent of $1,000. In Russia, a prostitute who receives $ 2,000 from a client can safely classify herself as a VIP. There are few of them. Their appearance, professional skills, education and demeanorcloser to art than to prostitution.
Commercial sex elite
There is a special, the smallest kind of prostitutes. It is a creamy layer over the cloaca of the sex industry. Their services are so expensive that only the we althiest, most influential and famous personalities in the world can use them. There has always been constant interest in the image of such sex deities, both men and women, and, as a result, the question arose: what is a prostitute of this level, how is she different from the rest, and why is she paid so much?
First of all, these are people of both sexes, if not of exceptional beauty, then certainly very attractive. Youth, good looks and a perfectly well-groomed body are the most important aspects, but even they will not make even elite prostitutes so perfect in their field of creation. They invest fortunes in their image and appearance. And, like any super-class specialist, they know all the subtleties of the profession. The variety of services and the level of their skill is such that customers are willing to fly half the world and pay tens of thousands of dollars for a few hours spent in their company.
Undoubtedly, these people are extremely smart, often have a good education, perfectly apply the features of practical psychology. They often have decent success in sports, choreography, music, vocals, and other areas of art, or at least have good skills in these areas. Wherever they appear, they always attract everyone's attention. Each of them, without exception, has a special artistry and a certain charisma, which makes them extremelymagnetic.
Sometimes such people have already noticeably succeeded in television, show business, advertising, fashion, theatrical activities, cinema. And their images can show off in glossy publications or in the headings of web news, and not among photos of prostitutes, but as glamor models and participants in prestigious parties.
Since such subjects initially must possess special qualities, knowledge and skills that are not directly related to prostitution, they do not fall into this echelon by chance, and even more so from the lower levels.
Most expensive gay escort
$7,000 or more is worth a one night stand with gay Josh Brandon, one of London's highest paid escorts. His annual income can be up to $500,000. Josh, in his early twenties, is British and, dreaming of conquering the fashion world, moved four years ago to London, where his dreams did not quite materialize. Josh became a star, but in the world of prostitution. Now he lives in Soho, the most prestigious area of the city and accepts invitations from clients from all over the world.
$25,000 per night
If we talk about the most expensive prostitutes, then Lauren (Lauren Grace Pope) is exactly that, although in fact this famous socialite is an actress playing a popular television character in England, a glamor model, a DJ, a musical producer and entrepreneur. She is beautiful, talented, world famous and breathtakingly sexy. At the same time, Lauren is one of the highest paid escorts, which is incredibly difficult to get. A night spent with her will cost$25,000 or more, and weekends in her company are worth 50,000 greenbacks. Most of her clients belong to the Forbes list.

$200,000 Cavalier
What is a gigolo prostitute? This is the name of special representatives of male sexual services intended only for women. The most expensive paid beau is Japan's Hikaru Aizawa, who earns up to $200,000 a night. In addition to the fee, Hikaru's clientele showers him with expensive gifts. One of the ladies presented him with a wrist watch, of which there are only two copies in the world (the second belongs to Brad Pitt). Another client gave me a $7,000 bottle of Japanese Soja. Gigolo also claims that all the chic furnishings of his expensive apartment are cute souvenirs of admirers.

Everyone is in danger
It would seem that, unlike cheap prostitutes, the professional elite are better than others protected from attacks. But this is not a fact. And the upper layer is subjected to violence, even fatal.
In 2007, one of the expensive professional women, 30-year-old porn star Trudy Webb, was strangled in her own London apartment. Regulars who paid this gorgeous blonde $4,000 a night included movie and football superstars, we althy bankers and businessmen, and a couple of Middle Eastern oil tycoons.
The most risky profession
If we talk about the danger, then according to the Americansociologists, prostitution is a riskier occupation than logging, fishing in Alaska, or oil workers on offshore platforms. Of every 100,000 sex workers, 204 experience fatal violence (occupational mortality among fishermen: 129 per 100,000). The highest mortality rate is observed among cheap prostitutes. Each of the street prostitutes at least once a month is subjected to physical attacks, albeit without lethal consequences. Prostitutes are easy prey because they can't file a formal complaint with the police without being arrested.
There is no doubt that in countries with lower living standards, including for Russian prostitutes, these figures are much higher.

Internet is the engine of debauchery
More and more sex trafficking deals are being made over the internet. The reasons for this are numerous: more anonymity, security for both the business itself and employees. The network simplifies the acceptance of orders and the choice in the price list of services for every taste. Here girls of all ages, types and colors are offered; prostitutes are cheap, expensive and moderately priced. Online forums are also attracting more we althy clients.
The ability to find clients without leaving the monitor has created many job vacancies for individual prostitutes who had not even thought about selling their own bodies before. So there was a huge number of proposals from mature women, whose summers have long surpassed the forty-year milestone.
Age is no barrier
Oddly enough, the web pages of mature prostitutes are of considerable interest to a certain contingent. The main clientele are older men who feel more confident and calmer with women of their age.
There are several reasons that prompted the ladies to such a decision: loneliness, widowhood, increasing their self-esteem. But the main factor remains the financial problems that have worsened in times of crisis: loss of a job or a small pension, increased prices and the cost of utilities, and the need to pay for medical treatment.
South Korea, for example, has long been a notorious country for having the largest number of older sex workers despite its illegality and regular police raids. It is impossible to say with certainty that they are among the cheapest prostitutes, but the payment for their services is quite low. This is one of the dark sides of the rapid economic growth in this country - the violation of traditional relations between children and parents, as a result of which many old people were left without the support of their children and, moreover, with a meager pension or no pension at all. There are certain places in Seoul where very middle-aged ladies parade in search of clients. Among them, sometimes, you can see neat, neat old women in breeches and sneakers, over 70 and even 80 years old, who can only pay their bills in this way.
The oldest prostitutes
If someone believes that there is an age limit for women selling the body of their activities, then they are deeply mistaken. Among the sex workers there are old-timers who have become worldknown for the extremely advanced age at which they continued their work.
The 75-year-old Fokkens twins Martina and Louise are considered one of those. They are recognized as the oldest prostitutes in the city of Amsterdam, where they worked in this field for 50 years. In 2013, celebrating their 71st birthday, they decided to retire. The twins began their fishing when they were 20 years old, and most often worked in pairs, which gave them a special piquancy. Together, the ladies claim they have served over 335,000 customers.

In Britain, the oldest working prostitute is 85-year-old Grand Sheila Vogel-Coupe. Four years ago, after the death of her second husband, she found a new exciting business for herself, citing loneliness as the main reason that prompted her to do so. And it should be noted that Sheila is doing pretty well, earning £250 an hour and taking on 10 clients a week.
Age record
But the Englishwoman Millie Cooper (1915) became the record holder. After marrying an American, she emigrated to the United States. After the death of her husband at the front during World War II, Millie began to earn a living for herself and her child by prostitution in the mid-forties. She has always belonged to the highest paid category. After accumulating capital, Cooper became the mistress of a brothel with a dozen prostitutes subordinate to her, and, having remarried, Millie moved away from individual practice. But at the age of 64, while continuing to run a brothel, she decided to shakeantiquity and return to direct work with the clientele. It is not known whether the lady works now, but at 96 she was still an elite prostitute and earned $ 1,250 per session, taking men twice a week. And the age of her clients ranged from 29 to 92 years old.
The question is intriguing: why is such a dilapidated prostitute so attractive, and what could she offer men so unusual? Only its visitors know the answer. One can only assume that many years of experience is a great power.
Which is more profitable: drugs, guns or sex?
It turns out that the arms and drug trade is not the biggest problem in a number of countries, including the US. Prostitution is one of the largest and most profitable industries in America, even though it is not legal. According to sociological estimates, there are more than 42 million prostitutes in the world (data for 2012), and 1 million of them, according to official statistics alone, have citizenship or a residence permit in the United States. Do not think that most of these girls chose this career path because of material need or other hopelessness.
According to The Urban Institute (a non-profit US organization that studies society), there is more cash in the sex industry than in gun and drug deals. Since prostitution is illegal outside of Nevada in the US, it is unregulated and remains a shady industry.

290 million in prostitution in Atlantadollars. Miami is second in this regard ($235 million), and Washington is third (Greens 103 million). In Atlanta, a pimp earns an average of $32,833 per week. Denver is not far behind with a weekly pimp income of $31,200.
I wonder if there are similar statistics in other countries, and what kind of funds are turned into the sex industry around the world?
Digging into the figures and facts above, it begins to seem that this ancient craft no longer belongs to the category of despised and humiliating, and the whole world is divided into clients and prostitutes. In most countries with a low standard of living, such employment is overlooked. And the public of many developed countries, if the matter does not concern sexual slavery or child prostitution, prefers to modestly take a position of tolerance. Here also you will reflect: whether this employment soon becomes worthy qualified speci alty with trade union and pension fund? Especially when you learn about the inscription on the statue erected (2007) in Amsterdam in honor of the prostitutes of the planet: "Respect sex workers around the world."