Economic life of each state depends on many factors. The country's own resources are also important. The reserve of minerals is necessary in any industrial sector, the field of agricultural labor, construction. In turn, the development and functioning of individual regions directly depends on the availability of natural resources and their quantity.
First deposits
The main minerals of the Perm Territory determine the areas of employment. Oil, s alt, diamond, gold, coal and many other deposits continue to be actively developed here.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the search for riches donated by nature is a dangerous and hard work. Not so long ago, workers who were engaged in the discovery of ore were called ore explorers. But in the modern world, this is done by geologists - specialists with a professional level of training and qualifications.
Some mineral deposits in the Perm region have been known since the middle of the 15th century. geological period,called "Permian", was marked by the first finds in the territory of this region of perennial deposits of rocks. This merit honestly belongs to the geological expedition of the Englishman Murchison, who managed to discover important natural reserves on the banks of the Yegoshikha.
S alt deposits of Perm
It turns out that one of the world leaders in s alt reserves is the Perm Territory. Minerals of the Verkhnekamsk deposit are represented by rock, potash and potassium-magnesium s alts. In the radius of Berezniki and Solikamsk, at a depth of up to 600 meters, s alts are located in thick layers. The uppermost layer is stone, it is also found as an intermediate strip. Behind it is a layer of potassium-magnesium, and the hardest thing is to get to the potassium-stone layer. Jokingly, geologists call the field "pie".

Verkhnekamsk s alt deposits were formed more than one million years ago. It turns out that the sea was once present here. Due to exposure to hot sunlight, sea water was heated and evaporated for a long time. The concentration of s alt in the gradually decreasing amount of water increased, and it began to accumulate mainly at the bottom of small shallow bays. And when the sea disappeared completely, in its place was the beginning of the formation of an underground pantry of various s alts, painted in many colors: from snow-white to bright red.
Rock s alt resources
Rock s alt is often pink andyellow color, while the full list of minerals of the Perm region includes a colorless pure subspecies of these reserves. Halite (the so-called transparent s alt) dissolves easily in water, it has been used by the population for their domestic needs for several centuries in a row. The Upper Kama has places where groundwater rises close to the s alt subsoil. This phenomenon was the reason for the emergence of natural s alt springs.
The pioneers of the s alt industry were the merchant couple Kalinnikovs, who arrived from Novgorod. Interested in the riches of the Permian land, they set up s alt mining near the Usolka and Borovitsa rivers, building several houses and equipping s alt pans. Later it will become known that the emergence of a small village of Sol Kamskaya around the main fishing grounds served as the basis for the emergence of the modern city of Solikamsk.
The development of s alt production in the XV-XVI centuries
Basically, s alt mining was the pumping out of brines and their evaporation. An important fact of that time is that table s alt could not be bought so easily. It could be purchased at a price that not everyone could afford.

Soon, the Kama region passed into the possession of other owners who received a royal permit from Ivan the Terrible. In the middle of the 16th century, the merchants Stroganovs, engaged in industry, became the owners of the lands. Since then, s alt mining has reached a new level and glorified the entire Perm Territory. Minerals were sold within Russia and exported toNear Abroad. The economic development of this area brought significant income and allowed the industry to develop successfully.
Permyak - s alty ears
By that time, many ordinary workers were involved in the s alt mines, for whom to this day the nickname known as “Permyak - s alty ears” has been preserved. Calling them that is a no-brainer. The fact is that work at the Stroganov crafts was not considered easy, since it had not the most pleasant consequences for the workers. S alt dust seeped through numerous bags of processed goods. This affected the he alth of people who constantly carried such a load in the most negative way: shedding corroded the skin of the face, hands and ears, after which they turned red and inflamed.
In honor of the people who selflessly engaged in this work, a monument to Perm was erected in the central part of Perm. Verkhnekamsk s alt remained for quite a long time the only s alt shaker not only for all Russian residents, but also the main source for the development of the chemical industry and food technology. However, with the discovery of more profitable deposits in the lakes of the Volga basin, the s alt industry has significantly slowed down in the Perm Territory.
Potassium and magnesium resources
Much later, not far from Solikamsk, Ryazantsev N. P. managed to discover deposits of potassium-magnesium s alts. This discovery, important for geologists, happened while drilling a well, which later received the name in honor of the wife of the discoverer, Lyudmila. And a couple of decades later, in the vicinity of the Lyudmilinskaya mine, geologists found a potashpink s alt, scientifically called sylvinite.

In the process of researching the found site, scientists found that the abundance of subsoil can provide plenty of glass, potash fertilizers for agricultural production throughout the Perm Territory. Minerals of the same area presented the developers with another surprise just a year later: under a thick level of rock s alt, there was a layer of s alt deposits, which included magnesium.
From such dark red s alts, it was later possible to obtain a low-melting metal, which is used in shipbuilding and in the design of aircraft.
Oil discovery
Considering the s alt minerals of the Perm Territory (some of the photos are presented above), it is worth mentioning the accidental discovery of an oil field. In order to identify the boundaries of the former sea expanses, a team of geologists, led by Preobrazhensky P. I., in 1928, within the village of Verkhnechusovskie Gorodoki, searched for additional, yet unexplored s alt reserves. No one could even imagine that they would find oil at the drilling site. Moreover, they wanted to stop the work due to the lack of s alt mining. Meanwhile, Preobrazhensky refused to liquidate the rig, deciding to continue drilling and further deepening the well.

The chief geologist's intuition did not let him down - from a depth of about 330 meters they gotrock filled with oil. As it turned out, the upper oil slick was even deeper. In place of the first well, which was respectfully nicknamed "grandmother", a tower was installed. The moment of the appearance of the first fountain that broke through the ground remained in the memory of people for a long time, reflected in literary works, essays, memoirs.
The discovery of the next oil field of minerals in the Perm region occurred in 1934 in Krasnokamsk. This time, as in the previous one, no one imagined that they would not find exactly what they were looking for again. Before stumbling upon oil, they planned to drill an artesian source in the city. Soon, nearby, geologists discovered several more deposits, including Osinskoye, Chernushinskoye, Kuedinskoye, Ordinskoye and others.
Coal basin in the Perm Territory
Minerals of the Perm Territory (photos and names of each can be found in specialized periodicals) also have coal in their list. Despite the fact that today the past coal reserves are not enough to cover the production needs of the Kama region, one should not forget that, for example, the Kizel coal basin provided fuel for the main part of the Russian territory for more than two hundred years.

It is used in heating plants, industrial plants, metallurgical plants and for heating the population.
Extraction of precious metals and stones
Precious diamonds are still being mined in some areas. They are found in the mountainsrocks and stony placers of the river coast. Mostly colorless stones are found in these places, however, yellow and blue diamonds were often found. Diamonds are cut diamonds. These gemstones are particularly expensive. They are used not only by jewelers when creating their masterpieces. Diamonds are often involved in many complex technological processes. For example, they are indispensable when drilling hard rocks, processing glass, metal and stones.
They say that the first diamond was found by a Perm serf boy of fourteen, Pasha Popov. Subsequently, he was presented with a freestyle as a thank you for a valuable find. In the vicinity adjacent to the Vishera River basin, gold has been mined for about a century. The most successful deposits are called Popovskaya Sopka and Chuvalskoye.
Other minerals
Some minerals in the Perm region are measured by huge reserves, which will last for more than one century. These include peat resources, which, according to preliminary geological calculations, amount to about several billion tons. Peat is especially valued not only as a fuel, but also as a natural fertilizer for plants.

It is also worth noting that clay, sand, limestone, gypsum are the resources that the Perm Territory is rich in. Minerals of this spectrum are irreplaceable. They are widely used in construction work.