When we are going to get a pet, not least is the question of how much time our pet will spend with us. The life expectancy of turtles today is considered the longest, in some individuals its life span reaches 150 years or more. Recently, the hobby of keeping them at home has become very popular.

Features of turtles
Their appearance is so peculiar that these reptiles cannot be confused with anyone else. They differ from other animals in the presence of a shell, which serves as a kind of shield located on the upper body. The shell is a bone covered with keratinized plates.
The turtle's body is fused with the shell, and represents a single whole with the entire skeletal system. The shell is equipped with holes through which the animal can easily retract its limbs. Its shape and structural structure can be different and are largely determined by the habitat of the turtle. For example, marine reptiles havethe shell is flat, while in land counterparts it is thicker and has a convex shape.
How long do turtles live?
The question of how long the life of turtles is is especially acute when they are fascinated by lovers of exotic pets at home. The answer is obvious: it all depends on the proper care of reptiles.
Today, there are about 300 species of turtles all over the world, while in Russia there are only 7. Animals of any kind are very tenacious and hardy. They have good immunity, helping to overcome many infections and promote rapid healing of injuries.
These cute reptiles are absolutely picky eaters, they can go without food for a long time, and at the same time they feel good.
The life expectancy of turtles of different species is different from each other. For example, a case is known when a turtle named Marion is 152 years old and is still alive. Under favorable conditions, it is quite capable of reaching 200 and even 300 years. This is how long the giant tortoises that live on the Galapagos Islands live. Turtles of large sizes are recognized as long-lived among this class of animals. Obviously, this is due to a slow metabolism. Most species of turtles are 20-30 years old. A popular red-eared species, for example, can live up to 30 years under favorable conditions.

Why do turtles live so long?
This animal is able to do for a long time not only without food, but also without water. Cases are known whenturtles went without food for a long time, measured in several years. This amazing fact of their behavior was recorded quite a long time ago. Turtles move very slowly all their long lives and have wrinkled skin. For these reasons, age-related changes and aging are very difficult to notice in them. The same applies to internal organs.
Scientists have long been looking for an answer to what determines the life expectancy of turtles, studying their genetic characteristics. The natural death of these reptiles overtakes very rarely. The cause of death is more often illness or death from predators and people.
If we exclude these cases, then the life of turtles would last much longer. They have another amazing feature - to control the heartbeat: stop it for a while, and then start it again. During cardiac arrest, the turtle freezes and does not move at all.

Turtles are long-livers of the planet
Studies have shown that these reptiles have lived on earth for over two hundred million years. There is a suspicion that they mastered the earth before the dinosaurs. For such a long time, turtles have not changed at all, as if evolutionary changes have not touched them.
This has not happened to any animal on the planet. This ability to adapt to any external conditions and explains such a long life of turtles.
Lifespan of pet turtles
The age of wild turtles can exceed, under favorable conditions, the duration of human life several times.
If we consider the question of the lifespan of domestic reptiles, then here the indicators are more modest. And yet, compared to other pets like cats and dogs, they live much longer.
Popular home turtle species have the following lifespan:
- red-eared - 30 years old;
- European swamp - 20-25 years old;
- Central Asian - 20-30 years old.
Looking at these indicators, one can conclude that, having a turtle at home, one must be ready to live with it a significant part of one's life and provide this amazing silent inhabitant with worthy care and attention.

Size of land turtles
The size of a land reptile is largely influenced by its appearance. The largest land individual is the elephant. The sizes of turtles sometimes reach 1.8 meters, and weight - 300 kilograms. It is impossible to keep such a giant at home.
Land turtles that are recommended for keeping at home are usually about 40 centimeters long. This is due to the small area of \u200b\u200bthe living quarters and the limited housing of the turtle. If she lives in a spacious place that does not restrict movement, then she develops much more actively. If the turtle, upon reaching a certain size, slows down in growth, it means that it has become crowded in the enclosure and, accordingly, it is difficult to move around in it. In order for a reptile to grow much larger than its relatives, it is necessary to provide it with a spacious abode.

Turtles of the largest sizes living in the marine environment are huge reptiles, they are also called leatherbacks. They got their name because of the shell, which consists of small lamellar bones connected to each other, but separated from the skeleton. Due to this structure, the turtle is unable to retract and hide its head inside.
The length of the reptiles reaches two and a half meters, and the weight is about six hundred kilograms. They are inhabitants of any southern warm sea. Despite the fact that there are many such turtles in the world, it is extremely rare to see them. Due to caution, the leathery inhabitants of the sea swim close to the shore and emerge from the sea only at night, when there are less dangers on land.
The main delicacy of these turtles are shellfish, as well as small fish, crustaceans, jellyfish, scallops. The meat of the reptiles themselves of this species is quite suitable for eating, despite the fact that there are cases of poisoning by the toxins contained in it. For a turtle, toxins that enter the body with food are not dangerous, but for humans, such meat is dangerous.
Among the inhabitants of marine reptiles, the so-called green ones are also considered large. They are also called soup. The habitat of these animals is the subtropics and tropics of the oceans. In size, they reach one and a half meters in length, and their weight is close to two hundred kilograms. There are single individuals that have a weight of half a ton, and a length of up to two meters.

Red-eared tortoise - ideal for those who have not previously domesticatedreptiles
Such a pet is hardy enough and can adapt to different habitats. Still, the owner needs money and time to keep such a friend in good he alth. In general, the red-eared turtle tolerates cohabitation with humans very well, even despite its shyness in the wild. From food, domesticated reptiles prefer special food. The life cycle of this exotic animal is between 50 and 70 years.
If you are serious about looking for a pet with whom you want to live a long and happy life side by side, buying a turtle will undoubtedly be the right choice.