Retribution - what is it? What can be retribution and what is its essence?

Retribution - what is it? What can be retribution and what is its essence?
Retribution - what is it? What can be retribution and what is its essence?

Retribution is a concept that is quite difficult to express in simple terms. Probably, the reason for this is the abstractness of this phenomenon. Not to mention that each person sees the basic concept of this expression a little differently. And yet, it is quite possible to draw certain parallels that reflect the essence of retribution.

retribution is
retribution is

What is retribution?

We should start with what the explanatory dictionary tells us. According to him, retribution is a payment for certain actions. At the same time, in most cases, this means punishment or retribution according to merit.

The main difference between retribution and punishment is its sublime emotional coloring. It is stronger and does not apply to minor offenses or transgressions. For example, retribution may come to kill the killer, but it does not apply to those cases when it comes to punishing a delinquent child.

It should be noted that many philosophers and writers have wondered what retribution is. For example, the ancient Greek poet Homer defined the essence of this word in this way: “… playing with tonguesflame - he will surely get burned.”

Retribution is punishment from above

Quite often the concept is positioned as a retribution for transgressions from above. For example, in many religions there are stories about how heavenly punishment overtook those who went against the will of God or did truly terrible things. However, even now it is generally accepted that she will come to all bad people.

essence of retribution
essence of retribution

Simply put, retribution is an inevitable price that is taken at the behest of supernatural forces. Naturally, many consider this a fiction, but they also cannot refute this cosmic law of justice.

Retribution in modern realities

As for the everyday life of people, retribution can be regarded as a well-deserved punishment. For example, a criminal robbed a jewelry store, but while escaping, he was hit by a car and caught by the police. Consequently, he was overtaken by the appropriate punishment, both divine (unsuccessful collision with a car) and criminal (in the form of several years in prison for an attempted robbery).
