Everyone knows that it is customary for Eskimos to kiss differently from the rest of the world. Their exchange of tenderness is quite unconventional. The Eskimo kiss involves, first of all, the contact of noses. There is some deep meaning hidden in this action. Let's try to figure out what the Eskimo kiss means?

A Brief History
For the first time, the Eskimo kiss was seen by pioneers who explored the Arctic latitudes at the beginning of the last century. It was they who gave him such an original definition. In fact, the Eskimos did not explain this behavior as a kiss. Local peoples only showed a friendly attitude towards guests from distant lands in this way.
The way an Eskimo kiss looks like in reality became known to Europeans from the movie "Nanook from the North". The picture is the first documentary film about the life and way of life of northern peoples. Probably, it is thanks to this film adaptation that the whole worldlearned about the existence of such an unusual tradition.

Eskimo kiss - meaning
There is an opinion that this behavior was formed due to the climatic features of the region. The fact is that in the polar latitudes, with an ordinary kiss, the inhabitants freeze to each other with their lips. In addition, their skin is very weathered. In fact, the people who live here kiss, like other nationalities. What we are talking about is a completely different process. The Eskimo kiss, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is just an act of friendly greeting. Such behavior gives a chance to come into contact with a loved one with a piece of skin that is not covered by clothing. Indeed, in conditions of severe frosts, the rest of the body is hidden under coarse layers of fur and fabric.
How to do an Eskimo kiss?
The action in question is performed as follows:
- Partners are placed opposite each other. They stare intently into the eyes. Then they press their body so close that their noses can touch.
- Next, one participant in a kind of ritual easily, without pressure, runs his nose over the nose of another person. After that, the partner performs similar actions.
- In the Eskimo tradition, it is customary to blink your eyelashes during such a “kiss”. The latter should lightly touch the partner's face and tickle his skin.
- In the end, the participants of the action take turns pressing their lips to each other's face. They take a small breath. This allows partnerssmell the body.
- Especially close people can “fight” a little with their noses and fool around, which is also practiced by the Eskimos. The comic form of this behavior allows you to relax your partner and set him up in a friendly way.
When performing an Eskimo kiss, northern peoples sometimes freeze in a motionless position, pressing their noses against the interlocutor's cheek. Such behavior does not hide an erotic meaning. It only makes it possible to enjoy the warmth of another person in severe frosts.

Why should Europeans learn how to kiss?
Eskimo kiss is good for us because it allows us to reveal the sensuality of our own nature. Its regular practice makes it possible to demonstrate a special closeness and affection for a loved one during an ordinary kiss. In addition, a light touch of the nose to the cheek looks like a good solution to say goodbye to a partner.
There are a whole host of elements in the Eskimo tradition that look acceptable to any European. For example, in our understanding, when performing a kiss, the partners' heads should be slightly inclined in opposite directions. The same thing happens during the Eskimo version of the exchange of tenderness, when the participants in the ritual touch their noses.
Eskimo Kiss Variations
Researchers identify several variations of the kiss, which is similar to the Eskimo. It is practiced by other indigenous peoples of the planet. Such a famous discoverer as Darwin described in his scientifictreatises Malaysian kiss. Here, the initiator of the action places his own nose to the right of the interlocutor's nose during the greeting. Then there is a slight friction of the indicated parts of the body for several seconds. Isn't it true that the Malaysian kiss is very similar to the Eskimo?
Inhabitants of remote islands located in the Atlantic Ocean traditionally greet each other with mutual contact of the tips of their noses. This tradition is also akin to the Eskimo kiss. Researchers identify an Australian variety of such a ritual. However, here the partners do not rub their noses, but their cheeks. In some New Zealand tribes, it is customary to press your noses and cheeks, and then take a small breath. It is believed that in this way, a person absorbs a piece of the opponent's soul.

In the end
So we looked at how to properly perform an Eskimo kiss, what secret meaning the tradition hides in itself, where it came from. Finally, it is worth noting that most Europeans in adulthood consider such behavior unacceptable and stupid. However, according to the results of special studies, about 95% of people get considerable satisfaction from touching their noses.