A little is known about Kira Machulskaya in the press - only that she was the first wife of the famous actor and favorite of women Yuri Yakovlev and is the mother of actress Alena Yakovleva. Kira worked all her life as a doctor, never lived a public life and always eschewed journalists, only occasionally could give short interviews, in which the topic of living together with the actor was certainly touched upon. There are not even many photographs that are widely available on the Web.

Read the article about how Kira Machulskaya's personal life developed, how many children she had and what happened after her divorce from Yuri Yakovlev.
First marriage
At the time of meeting Yuri Yakovlev, who had already experienced a breakup with a girl named Galina after four years of relationship, Kira Machulskaya was engaged. In addition, she herself managed to be married. At the age of 17, she tied the knot for the first time with the future famous academician Yuri Lopukhin and went with him to live in Bulgaria, where the young hadyour housing. Kira's young husband showed great promise in the field of research and science, therefore he was often invited to various conferences and symposiums.
Yuri Lopukhin once went with a group of Soviet research specialists to Sofia in order to work on the embalmed body of the Bulgarian leader, Georgy Dimitrov. In those years, he was called the "Bulgarian Lenin". However, Kira suddenly had an affair with Loiko Chervenkov. The young man moved in high circles. His father was Vylko Chervenkov, leader of the Communist Party.
Return to Moscow
Having learned about his wife's betrayal, Yuri Lopukhin decided to divorce. Kira returned to her parents in Moscow. The girl's first husband was not saddened by what had happened - somewhere in the depths of his soul he understood that their marriage would sooner or later be doomed. Parents, relatives and friends were categorically against this marriage. Many understood that the decision to marry was too hasty and reckless. It turned out that the premonitions came true. Yuri Lopukhin successfully married a second time - to a Russian emigrant.

Kira, having parted with Loiko, came to her hometown and started an affair again - now with a famous director from Leningrad, the parents of both parties were preparing for a new marriage. But then a fatal meeting happened - with Yuri Yakovlev.
Dizzy romance and second marriage
Kira Machulskaya met the future famous actor at a festive event in the Tchaikovsky Hall. The girl was accompanied by her mother andyoung man. Yuri came with a friend. Charming Kira Yakovlev noticed immediately, but he did not dare to approach to speak for a long time. After the end of the concert program, the young man volunteered to see off the beauty he liked. All night the lovers walked under the moon, talking and did not want the morning to come.

For a long time their romance was not made public - Kira was afraid to tell her parents about her new hobby, especially since they had already agreed to marry the groom's parents. But one day the girl's mother saw that Yakovlev was escorting her beloved to the entrance. I had to confess everything. However, there was no scandal and misunderstanding on the part of the parents. The engagement was canceled, and literally two weeks after the first meeting, Yuri Yakovlev and Kira Machulskaya exchanged rings at the registry office. In the summer of 1952, the wedding was played at the bride's house.
Married life
The young were blinded by their happiness - they could not see enough of each other. They settled in a room with the bride's parents, where they were given a separate place behind the closet. They really wanted children, but for a long time Kira could not give birth. The first-born died a few days later - it turned out to be unviable. Doctors claimed that it was all about different Rh factors. The discouraged father rushed about all over Moscow: he fought for the life of the baby, looking for blood for a transfusion, but nothing helped. The first test for a young family. But they did not lose heart, they supported each other. Yuri wrote touching letters to his beloved wife from the tour - he talked about in which cityis, where he managed to visit, how he played in a particular performance. Kira Andreevna kept all the letters until the last moment.

Throughout his family life, Yuri never stopped caring for his beloved for a minute, always called her affectionate nicknames, hurried home, always brought gifts from each trip. According to the memoirs of Kira Andreevna herself, she never had quarrels, conflicts with her husband, she never even heard the word "fool" from the lips of the people's artist.
There would be no happiness…
Despite the fact that the couple had already lost one child, both believed that they would definitely become parents. The miracle finally happened - Kira became pregnant. But at that moment, disaster struck. Yuri cheated on his wife with actress Ekaterina Raikina. "Kind" people hurried to bring the news to the pregnant woman - Katya flirts with her husband, jumps on her knees, all the time looking for meetings. It turned out that Raikin also became pregnant at almost the same time as Kira.
Machulskaya could not forgive betrayal, she was not afraid to be left alone, she knew that there would be a loving man - the beauty never had a shortage of admirers. Fighting for your love was not part of Kira's principles. She understood: with the growing popularity of her husband, the army of fans would also grow.

Alena was born by a woman after her divorce from Yuri Yakovlev. He practically did not participate in the upbringing of his daughter, only occasionally visited them with gifts.
Life afterYakovleva
After breaking up with the actor, Kira got married for the third time. She went abroad with her new husband for several years, practically did not visit Moscow. No more children were born to Kira Machulskaya except for Alena.
The woman lived to a ripe old age. She learned about the death of Yuri Yakovlev from her daughter, but decided not to go to the funeral, she wanted her ex-husband to remain alive and young in her memory. Here is such an interesting biography of Kira Machulskaya.