The history of the people of the 20th century during the Second World War is extremely sad. But if we are unlikely to learn anything about the life of many ordinary people, then political and military figures are in full view. They were entrusted with a great responsibility for the course of the history of the country and the world. And imagine for a moment how their wives lived, who had to support the ideology of their husbands…
In the same atmosphere, the life of Karin Goering, the first wife of Hermann Goering - Reich Minister of the Imperial Ministry of Aviation, Reich Marshal of the Great German Reich, Obergruppenführer of the SA and SS, General of the Infantry and General of the Land Position, passed. She was selfless and devoted to her husband and Nazism until her last breath.

Birth and early biography of Karin Goering
Daughter of Baron Carl Fock and his wife Guldina (nee Veamish), was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1888. His father was a colonel and part-time regiment commander, his mother was from Ireland. The whole family they are even before birthKarin emigrated from Westphalia to Sweden. Karin had four more sisters: Elsa, Lily, Maria and Fanny.
First marriage
In 1910, when she was 22 years old, Karin Fok married Niels Gustav von Kantsov, an officer and Olympic champion. Three years later, their son Thomas was born. In marriage, she had to follow her husband everywhere. As Karin herself said, such a life was boring and monotonous for her. The lack of opportunity to realize herself led her into a state of depression.
Incredible meeting
Karin von Kantzow and Göring met in February 1920 when she went to visit her sister Marie, who by that time was already married to the we althy count and famous traveler Eric von Rosen.

Marie's husband has just returned to Stockholm from an expedition to the Gran Chaco. He was impatient to move further as soon as possible, to his residence Rockelstadt, which was located several hundred kilometers from the Swedish capital. However, bad weather prevented the planes from taking off. The count has always been distinguished by a stubborn character and, without thinking twice, turned to the private airline Svenska Lufttrafik. Three pilots turned him down, citing bad times to fly.
Meanwhile, the poor German pilot Hermann Goering agreed to a highly paid job. For him, the priority was a generous reward, which at the moment he so needed. So the risk of losing his life did not really scare him. In addition, he was a high-class pilot since the Firstworld war, having received the Purple Heart award for courage, and was confident in his abilities. As he himself later said, this flight was the most difficult in his life. He managed to save himself and his passenger only thanks to incredible efforts and land the plane on the ice of the lake.
The story of Karin and Hermann Goering
Hermann Goering was delighted at the sight of the castle, which reminded him of his childhood days in the Waldenstein fortress, owned by his mother's lover. And he also really liked the earl's hunting lodge, which many years later he recreated on a large scale and called "Carinhall". In the hall they were met by Marie von Rosen with her daughter to greet the guest who delivered her husband to the family. Karin joined them a little later.

Propaganda German literature of the 20th century says that it was love at first sight. And they also write that the acquaintance took place by the fireplace with an iron grate in the form of a swastika, as a sign of the fatefulness of this couple to stand under the banner of the NSDAP. Herman instantly liked the beauty, grace and nobility of Karin. That evening they talked for a long time, exchanging life stories and discussing interesting topics.
Having stayed on a visit for one more day, Herman kindly said goodbye to the owner of the castle and his family and agreed with Karin von Kantzow on future dates. She readily agreed to this proposal.
Second name change
The love relationship between Karin and Herman began, as they say, at first sight. Aftermeeting in the castle of Count Hermann wrote in a letter to Karin tender confessions of his feelings, which instantly affected the romantic and adventurous nature of the girl.
Soon, Karin left her husband and her eight-year-old son for the sake of great love and went to her lover in Stockholm. Goering highly appreciated such an act and was grateful for such an opinion about him. A few months later, when Karin was still in her first marriage, they went together to Herman's mother to get acquainted. However, she reacted sharply to such a relationship and insisted on ending the relationship. Although earlier she herself had a lover for some time, absolutely not hiding this from her lawful husband.
After being in a relationship with Hermann for about two years, Karin von Kantzow changed her surname to Goering on February 23, 1922. They lived happily married for another nine years. Accompanying and supporting her husband everywhere, the woman was finally happy. About Karin Goering, the wife of Hermann, they said that she belongs to a noble family and many at first did not recognize their love affair. But over time, the couple became one of the most famous in the XX century.
Honeymoon and life together
The newly-married couple spent their honeymoon in the Alps, in a place called Gohkreuth. And those were the best days of their lives, filled with serenity, joy and happiness. There they lived in a hunting lodge, which they later acquired as a property to preserve their memories. Then it was not yet known what Goering himself would do, what profession he would choose, and all the horrors of the upcoming war did not yet concern them.
Karin's influence onHerman
Immediately after meeting Karin and Herman, they visited many museums in Stockholm, having many hours of fascinating conversations about art and its role in society and the world. Gradually, Karin instilled in Goering a sense of beauty. Herman had been acquainted with art objects before, but only now began to understand why they deserve such attention.
It was with his future wife that Herman felt the gap in education between himself and his beloved. So, he decided to leave for a while in order to go to Munich and get an education.

Göring often consulted with his wife already at the time when he received a high position in Hitler's party. She quite often prompted him with whom he could find a common language, as she understood people from the upper strata of society.
Görings get to know Adolf Hitler
Most recently, the First World War had just ended, and the spirit of rebellion, dissatisfaction with the government and the desire to return Germany to its former glory still hovered in society. Just at this time, the name of Hitler is increasingly appearing on the streets of Munich. But so far, Goering was not particularly interested in the personality of the future German leader. Then he and Karin were on the verge of poverty, trying to save money on literally everything, Herman tried to find a decent job.

But in November 1922, he nevertheless met with Adolf Hitler at one of the rallies and began to take an active part in the Nazi movement and in the life of the partyNSDAP, and then led the SA units. They very quickly found a common language, based on the similarity of political views. Later, Karin also met Hitler. She spoke of him extremely positively and considered him a genius and an ardent fighter for the truth.
Character of a woman
Karin Goering had an adventurous spirit from birth. She and her sisters inherited this trait from their mother, who was originally from Ireland. And her father rewarded her with a passion for adventure. All women in the von Fock family were very eccentric and domineering, but in the majority they had noble and even sublime traits, which were present both in character and in appearance.

It was rumored that the von Fock sisters before marriage were very fond of the occult sciences and spiritualism. Fanny von Fock said about Karin that she could sense bad omens. However, she never really saw the danger in Hitler's personality.
Karin Goering began to feel bad back in the early 20s of the XX century. She felt severe pain in her heart, suffered from arrhythmia. There was some kind of inverse relationship between Herman's growth at work and her well-being: the higher Herman climbed the career ladder, the worse the woman felt.
Eventually, the repeated disturbances in Berlin, the injury of Herman, the tense social life took their toll, and Karin began to feel even worse. She often lost consciousness and fainted for a long time. As a result, it was decided to send her for treatment tohe alth resort in Bavaria. Mountain air, clean water, beautiful landscapes, combined with qualified medical care should have helped her.

Karin's death
Karin never got better. One day in the summer of 1931, Hitler gave the Goering family a Mercedes bought with the money raised from the publication of the book Mein Kampf. Just during this period, Herman was granted an unscheduled two-week vacation. Karin suggested that they go on vacation by car and was delighted with the idea. Seeing how his wife blossomed before his eyes, Herman immediately agreed.
They went on a journey with Sister Fanny. First they went to Dresden, where they met with Hitler and spent several days together away from politics. Further, their route ran through Austria. There they attended the christening of the daughter of Herman's sister, whose name was Paula.
After that, returning back to Berlin, Karin received the news of her mother's death in September 1931. Together they went to the funeral. This news greatly crippled her, and in her last days Karin Goering no longer got out of bed. Herman was always there, near her. In connection with these events, son Thomas arrived. He, too, was always close to his dying mother.
Forces were leaving Karin swiftly. At this very time, Goering received a telegram from Hitler, which clearly stated that his presence was of the utmost importance on the upcoming visit to President Hindenburg in Germany. At this meeting, the question of the participation of the NSDAP in the government was decided. Hitlerthere were high hopes for this meeting. However, the trip was completely useless. The President appointed Hitler Minister of Posts and Telegraphs in order to temper the ardor and ambitions of the young politician, as well as Hermann Göring.

Karin Goering died at four o'clock in the morning on October 17, 1931 from heart failure. At that moment Herman was in Germany. The next day, he received a telegram with sad news, and immediately went to Sweden.
Karin Goering buried in Sweden. But after acts of vandalism, the body was reburied by Herman's order at the Carinhall residence. In 1945, after the defeat of the Nazis in the war, Hermann Goering, Marshal of the Reich, ordered to blow up the Carinhall along with the mausoleum in which his wife was buried. Later, not far from the former forest estate, one of the foresters discovered the woman's grave, and her remains were again reburied in Stockholm. Among all women Goering Karin forever remained the most beloved.