Pyatigorsk is a land whose nature is unique. Many believe that the city got its name because of the mountains that frame it in a neat ring. Actually it is not. There are many more mountains in this area. However, only a few of them have their own backstory. The mountains of Pyatigorsk are a whole system that fascinates with its beauty.

Mount Sulakhat
This is one of the highest mountains in Pyatigorsk. Its height is about 3439 meters above sea level. Almost all the mountains of Pyatigorsk are associated with legends. Many locals tell the story of the formation of Sulakhat.
Legend says that a young girl gave her life to save the inhabitants of a small Dombai. In ancient times, the Alans tribe lived in this area. Their leader had a daughter who had incredible beauty and kindness. The tribe successfully bred domestic animals and was engaged in agriculture. However, through the gorges, cold winds began to penetrate into the valley, which destroyed the plantings. Most of the crop died. As a result, famine settled in the valley.
The chief's young daughter could not bear to watch her people suffer, and she sacrificed her life, shielding the gap through which the cold penetrated with her body. Inhabitantsthe valleys have long mourned this loss. Their tears formed three rivers: Alibek, Dobay-Ulgen and Amanauz.

Mount Mashuk
There are other legendary mountains of Pyatigorsk. Their names are heard by many tourists. First of all, it is worth noting Mount Mashuk. If you believe the Balkar epic, then this is not just a hill. This is the mountain of giants. Of course, it does not differ in special height - no more than 1000 meters. As history shows, the great Russian writer M. Yu. found eternal rest on the western slope. Lermontov. A path leads to the place where the duel took place.
What to visit?
The mountains of Pyatigorsk, whose names and photos are given in this article, many associate with youth forums. It gathers promising people who have ambitions, create business projects and make plans for the future.
Mount Mashuk has an elongated shape. Therefore, walking is a difficult activity. You can climb the peak of the mountain for a fee. This is done thanks to the cable car.
And what beauties endowed with the mountains of Pyatigorsk! The names "Failure" and "Shameless baths" are immediately associated with the height of Mashuk. All this is located at the foot. There are real legends about the healing properties of Lake Proval. Next to it there is a place where you can experience the effects of mineral water, which has a blue tint. This place is called Shameless Baths.

Pyatigorsk Mountains: Camel
From the height of Mount Mashuk, a view of the peaksMountain Camel. Its slopes open completely when moving towards Kislovodsk and Cherkessk. The mountains of Pyatigorsk amaze with their beauty. It is very difficult to find such an amazing landscape anywhere else. Mount Camel is lonely. The plain stretches around her.
This place has been described by many famous people. However, they did not know anything about this mountain before. Although Mount Camel is located almost near Pyatigorsk. As for the name of the city, it was formed from the name of the Beshtau height. It is also called "Five Mountains" or "Turkic". It should be noted that territorially Pyatigorsk does not belong to the mountain.
"Five Mountains", or Beshtau
How high are the mountains of Pyatigorsk? If we consider that the city is located about 500 meters above sea level, then all the hills seem to be small hillocks. The highest mountain is Beshtau. It can be seen from almost anywhere. The landscape of this hill is simply amazing. Hiking is a pleasure. There is a ring road that allows you to go around the mountain in a circle. In time, such a walk takes about three hours.

It is best to start a walk from the city of Lermontov or from Zheleznovodsk. On the way to the peaks, you can see picturesque mountain streams enveloping the slopes of Beshtau, gigantic oaks, ash trees and beech thickets. It should be noted that there are no coniferous forests on the slopes.
In the southern part is the Second Athos Monastery. This place is definitely worth a visit. Here are locatedpurest springs. From two springs you can taste mineral natural water. They are located from the side of the city of Lermontov.
Mount Beshtau got its name from five peaks: Shaggy, Two Brothers, Goat Rock, Small and Big Tau. They all form one whole and create a landscape of indescribable beauty.

Mount Sheludivaya
Other mountains of Pyatigorsk are not without beauty. Their height is insignificant. However, the flora and fauna are unique in their own way. Many have argued that Mount Sheludivaya is different from the rest. According to many, there is sparse vegetation. From the central part, Mount Sheludivaya is not visible. The view of it opens at the entrance to the suburb of Vinsanda. In many reference books of the Soviet era, the mountain has a different name - Zelenaya. At that time, its vegetation was dense. As a result of cutting down relic trees, the landscape has changed a lot. The western and southern slopes have also undergone changes. In the 80s of the last century, mining was carried out here. The mining industry has left scarred slopes in its wake.
The beauty of the Pyatigorsk mountains strikes and excites. These slopes are saturated with life. It is very difficult to refuse walks in such places. After all, here a person begins to feel like a part of nature itself, healing with his soul.