Mongolian names: list, meaning

Mongolian names: list, meaning
Mongolian names: list, meaning

The mystery of the name has long worried psychologists and scientists. They tried to find out if it really affects the character and fate of a person, and also made assumptions about the meanings. Mongolia is a country with the most mysterious and beautiful names. They are unusual, exotic and sonorous. Among them are often the names of famous commanders and conquerors, and this, of course, can greatly affect the temperament of the wearer. In general, in Mongolia they take the process of inventing a name for a child very seriously. This is probably due to the national character, because, as you know, the Mongols are a very responsible and extremely patriotic nation. Moreover, they value their native land more than the country as a whole. Also, these people believe that the person who has many acquaintances and friends is “wide as the steppe”. This means that parents strive to name their baby as beautiful as possible so that people are drawn to him.

Origin and use

Mongolian names, like any other, originate fromhistory from antiquity. And since the Mongols respect their ancestors very much, it is a pleasure for them to name their children after them. However, the names reflected not only the traditions, customs and culture of the country, but also such factors as the religion and worldview of the people.

Mongolian names
Mongolian names

If we compare Mongolian names and surnames, then it must be said that a personal name for a Mongol is more important than a surname and even a patronymic. For them, it is like a symbol of a person, like a certain amulet that accompanies him throughout his life.

Mongolian names are used not only in the habitats of this nation, because they want to name a child in an original way always and everywhere, therefore they are quite popular in Russia, and in China, and even in the USA, in general, where the Mongols left any trace.

By the way, some surnames around the world are of Mongolian origin, they were formed from words or names.

According to philologists, Mongolian names play a special role in the study of the language of the peoples of the East. The list, which includes names that have preserved some long-forgotten linguistic phenomena, is really large.

Groups of Mongolian names

Usually, names are divided according to origin, composition, social status and function. These groups are official and are indicated in many sources. The first category includes Mongolian, Tibetan, combined translations from Tibetan and Indian. For the most part, Mongolian names are represented in this section.

Mongolian female names
Mongolian female names

The next division appeared during the Middle Ages, when names made up of two independent ones, for example, Dorzh (translated as vajra) and Tsagaan (white), came into fashion, resulting in Tsagaandorzh. You can also find three-piece or four-piece.

The social status of the Mongols can be shown with the help of names. Some of them are associated with wild animals, therefore, its bearer is either a hunter or a reindeer herder. And a subgroup of names of Chinese and Mongol khans attracts those in whose family history is especially valued. Religious families name their children as disciples of the Buddha, teachers and deities. Occasionally, children are called the same as the heroes of the scriptures.

The Mongols also believe that every name must fulfill some function. There are amulets, they act as protection from evil spirits and are given if the children in the family were often sick. Among them are Terbish (not that one), Nokhoi (a dog) and Enabish (not that one).

There is another classification, which includes Mongolian male and female names, indicating the day of the week when the child was born. Nyamtso is translated as “Sunday” and Byamba is translated as “Saturday”.

Female Mongolian names and their meanings

Girls are usually called names that have the meaning of jewelry or flowers. Erzhena - "pearl", Sarana - "lily", Horgonzul - "flower", Tsagaantsetseg - "white flower", Altan - "pink dawn" or "gold".

Mongolian male names
Mongolian male names

As you can see, girls in Mongolia are called very beautifully, as if repeating the bends of the petals andglitter of jewels. If you unusually want to name your girl, you should pay attention to the Mongolian names. Feminine can mean character traits of a person: Alima - “knowledgeable”, “intelligent”, Aryuna - “clean”, Gerel - “illuminating everything around”, Saina - “good”, Tungalag - “clear, clean and bright”, Unura (purely Mongolian) - “fertile”, etc.

Male names and their meanings

Some male Mongolian names are also popular in our country, among them Airat - “amazing”, Arat - “shepherd”, as well as a Greek politician who lived in 271 BC, Batu - from “Batu”, in another meaning is translated as “strong”; Boris is a "fighter". Surely few could guess that the latter came from Mongolian.

Among the truly Mongolian are such names as Altai (“gold”, “moon gold”), Amgalan (“calm”), Baigal (“nature”), Batu (“strong”), Dalai (“ocean”), Mingiyan (“commander of a thousand soldiers”), Oktay (“understanding”).

meaning of Mongolian names
meaning of Mongolian names

The most beautiful Mongolian male names

Every parent wants to give their child the most beautiful name, especially in Mongolia they are so reverent towards him. Boys are most often called like this: Barlas (“fearless”, brave), Naran (“sun”), Tarkhan (“craftsman”, “master of all trades”), Shona (“wolf”), Genghis Khan (from “Genghis” - “strong”).

As you can see, male names are translated mainly as “brave” or “strong”, such qualities are most important for Mongolian men. Newborn boys are often given names that symbolize physical strength and innerrod.

The most beautiful female names

Mongolian names for girls, on the contrary, are more focused not on the qualities of a person, but on his external attractiveness. The most beautiful are Alimtsetseg (“apple blossom”), Delbee (“petal”), Jargal (“happiness”), Erdene (“jewel”), Tseren (“long-lived” - a talisman name).

Mongolian names and surnames
Mongolian names and surnames

Most often, girls are given names denoting beauty, meekness, purity and grace, most of them have just such semantics. Parents of girls believe that children will remain as innocent as in childhood if they call them something affectionately.

Strange names

Mongolia is a country where children are named beautifully, with meaning. However, with a sense of humor there is also not bad, as well as with an understanding of beauty. There are a number of names in the Mongolian tradition that have strange and even unexpected translations, so it is impossible to take them seriously.

But it turns out that they have an important function and are given to sick children. The meaning of Mongolian names can be different, for example, “cheese”. The name Byaslag is translated in this way. Ontsog means nothing more than “airplane”. And in order for a person to live long, they give a long and difficult to read name (Luvsandenzenpiljinzhigmed).

Mongolian names list
Mongolian names list

But the oddities of the Mongols do not end there, if the parents do not know what to name their baby, they just turn to the lama for advice.
