All children, and many adults, know and love fairy-tale characters. Especially such as Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. These characters have long gone out of fairy tales and meet children and their parents in Veliky Ustyug and Kostroma. How much do you know about the Snow Maiden? Maybe one or two facts. Today we will replenish the piggy bank of your knowledge and tell you when and how the Snow Maiden celebrates her birthday.

A little about the fabulous helper
Few people thought about how the Snow Maiden appeared. But really, how? In 1873, A. Ostrovsky's novel called "The Snow Maiden" saw the light of day. This date of birth is officially assigned to the girl. But A. Ostrovsky did not come up with an intricate plot himself. He read it in the legends and myths of the ancient northern peoples. It was there that for many centuries people believed that snow idols help to live. They were prayed for, brought gifts and asked for help.
But the glory of the "Snow Maiden" did not find immediately. The story of A. Ostrovsky gained popularity after the production of the opera of the same name by Rimsky-Korsakov. That's when the whole country learned about the Snow Maiden.

April 8 is the birthday of the Snow Maiden. This holiday is celebrated widely and every year attracts more and more guests. Moreover, the granddaughter of the famous grandfather meets not only ordinary people, but also eminent guests who come to her as representatives of different cities. Recently, the Snow Maiden has a tradition of collecting kokoshniks made especially for her. In her Kostroma residence, you can look at the exhibits of the collection.
How the Snow Maiden celebrates her birthday
Snow Beauty loves to celebrate her birthday in a big way. But she often fails to celebrate exactly on April 8th. We have to postpone the celebration so that as many guests as possible can attend the birthday of the Snow Maiden. The date can even move forward, although there is a sign that holidays are not celebrated in advance, the granddaughter of Santa Claus does not believe in this.
Both ordinary mortals and heroes of folk tales come to visit her. Ivan Tsarevich, Baba Yaga, Hen Ryaba, Nightingale the Robber. Each of the fairy-tale characters arrives with a hotel or a gift.
The opening of the holiday begins with the annual fair. Here you can buy local handicrafts. Vases, cups, napkins, toys and decorations - everyone can find something to their liking. The parade starts at 11:30. Fairy-tale heroes line up in a column and march through the streets of the city. Anyone can join this fun procession. The procession ends with games, songs and dances. And already at 14:00 a fascinating performance at the zoo begins. At 17:00, the Snow Maiden returns to her home to receiveguests there. But on her birthday, she does not sit at home for a long time, she will drink tea with the guests and go to a fabulous disco that starts at 18:30.

Birthday script
The festive celebration in Kostroma usually follows a very similar scenario. Characters and competitions change, but the canvas remains the same. The problem in writing the script "Snow Maiden's Birthday" is that all the participants in the holiday will not be able to rehearse together even once. Therefore, it is necessary to compose, taking into account this fact. Approximate holiday scenario:
The Snow Maiden comes out of the palace, waves her hand to the guests and says: "Hello, friends, I am glad to see you all at my holiday. I am pleased that so many people came to wish me a happy birthday. It is especially flattering to see those who came Hello Santa Claus, I'm glad you were able to get there."
Santa Claus comes up to his granddaughter and hugs her and says: "Hello, granddaughter. Happy birthday to you, Snow Maiden. I wish you happiness and long life, and now let's go to the square, our friends are waiting for us there."
Fairy-tale characters get into a sleigh and go to the square. There they are met by Ivan Tsarevich, Baba Yaga, Koschei the immortal and other fairy tale characters.

Snow Maiden: "Glad to see you friends."
Everyone takes turns congratulating the birthday girl.
Snow Maiden: "Now let's play. Everyone stand in the stream".
Beginstrickle game.
Snow Maiden: "Oh, how cool and fun, and now I would not mind listening to congratulations. Kids, who wants to read me poetry?"
Children go out, read poetry and win sweet prizes.
Santa Claus: "Granddaughter, we have prepared a gift for you, the children get into a round dance and let's sing a loaf song."
All together dance around the Snow Maiden and congratulate her.
Ivan Tsarevich: "Boys who want to test their strength and dexterity. Let's go. We need to hit that target with a snowball."
An accuracy contest is being held.
Baba Yaga: "Who wants to play with me? I'm an elderly woman, I can't run anymore, but I like it when children run."
The relay is being held, the winners are given prizes.
Santa Claus: "Well, now granddaughter, let's give residents and guests of the city the opportunity to congratulate you on the holiday."
The festive procession of fairy-tale characters around the city begins.
Do darlings celebrate their birthdays in other cities
April 8 is not celebrated in most cities. Children, of course, know what date the Snow Maiden's birthday is, but this is rarely mentioned in kindergartens and schools. If parents want their child to plunge into a fairy tale, then they take him to Kostroma to admire the magical holiday, which is gaining momentum every year.

Why celebrate the birthday of the Snow Maiden
It seems, why invent a holiday if it neverIt was. For the first time the Snow Maiden celebrated her birthday in 2009. Since then, the snow beauty has been celebrating it every year. When is the birthday of the Snow Maiden in Russia? It is customary to celebrate it on April 8 in Kostroma. Why celebrate fictitious holidays? Children love a fairy tale and they need it to develop their imagination and faith in miracles. And such a humanization of fairy-tale characters makes fiction closer to reality. Bringing children to Kostroma, parents not only take them to the solemn part of the event, but also visit the house of the Snow Maiden with them. Thus, it is possible to instill in children a love for museums, travel and a fairy tale.