Pheasant egg: useful properties and photos

Pheasant egg: useful properties and photos
Pheasant egg: useful properties and photos

Amazing birds are found on farms - pheasants - with a memorable appearance and high egg production.


A pheasant egg is half the size of a chicken egg. The color scheme is much more colorful, ranging from light gray to dark green. Chicks hatched from gray eggs are more likely to survive than chicks hatched from greenish eggs.

pheasant eggs photo
pheasant eggs photo

The structure of the egg shell is very fragile, it may have small pores. In order to get good offspring in the future, it is necessary to choose the largest eggs.

Eggs not suitable for use:

  • very small in size;
  • too light or dark color;
  • having damage to the shell;
  • irregular shape (round or oblong).

How to inspect eggs

Before sending the eggs to the incubator, they are very carefully examined using a special device - an ovoscope, which detects any deviations. Ovoscope determines:

  • compositionsquirrel;
  • shell quality;
  • yolk placement and color;
  • air chamber size.

Pheasant eggs are divided into small, medium and large categories. In order for the chicks to be born he althy, all categories must be laid out separately.

Incubation period: how long do pheasants sit on eggs?

Female pheasant has no incubation instinct, she lays her eggs all the time in different places. They can be scattered throughout the enclosure.

how long do pheasants incubate their eggs
how long do pheasants incubate their eggs

In the middle of spring, mating season begins for pheasants. Pheasants lay their eggs between April and August. In addition, females have a very poor memory, which manifests itself as follows:

  • they don't remember their chicks and can take care of others;
  • do not remember where the eggs were laid, form a huge number of nests.

How long do pheasants incubate their eggs in the wild? Farmers ask this question. In terms of time, it takes an average of twenty-five days.

During the laying period, pheasant females need special vitamins and minerals. The more balanced the diet, the better the eggs will be.

Rules for keeping eggs before hatching:

  • stored in a dark, ventilated area;
  • needs to be turned regularly, otherwise the yolk will stick to the shell;
  • shelf life is from 5 to 14 days.

Before putting pheasant eggs in the hatchery, they must be kept warm for five hours so that they warm up to room temperature. Temperature regimein the hatchery should be 37.8 °C and humidity around 60 percent.

how long do pheasants sit on eggs
how long do pheasants sit on eggs

The incubator must not be opened for 14 days, and on the fifteenth day the eggs are cooled a little. To do this, you need to open the lid for 15 minutes. This has a positive effect on the development of the chick, since all growth processes are stimulated, gas exchange becomes better. Starting from day 22 and until the chicks are born, the temperature in the hatchery is reduced by 0.1 ° C, and the humidity, on the contrary, is increased to 75–80 percent. If you comply with all the requirements, then the maximum birth rate of he althy chicks will be. Every four hours, the eggs are turned over, thanks to which the embryo develops perfectly. The incubation period is four to five weeks. On the eighth day, pheasant hatching eggs are examined with an ovoscope, if the fetus is motionless, there is no point in putting it back. If the heart muscles contract in the embryo, then it is suitable for further maintenance.

How to keep young animals

Once the chicks are born, they need a lot of attention. You can grow them indoors or in an aviary, on the floor of which there should be a dense litter. Before placing newly appeared pheasants there, you need to prepare the room:

  • to build a floor litter from river sand, sawdust and hay;
  • disinfect;
  • put appliances for air heating.

In the first week, the room temperature should be 28°C and near the heater 35°C. Starting from the second weekthe temperature is gradually lowered to 25 °C, on the third - to 23 °C, for the remaining period - to 20 °C.

pheasant egg
pheasant egg

Chicks are born very weak, in order for them to get stronger, they need a balanced diet and comfortable living conditions. The first days they need to be fed with chopped boiled eggs with finely chopped greens. Instead of water, it is better to use yogurt. After seven days, the chicks are fed wheat porridge with milk. After two weeks, the chicks begin to fly and easily fly over a meter fence, so it is recommended to make a canopy. As soon as the chicks are one and a half months old, it is advisable to diversify their food with grain and animal feed. Pheasants are not afraid of the cold, so they are kept in enclosures even in winter.

Composition and properties

Pheasant eggs are classified as very high-calorie foods. Eggs contain a large amount of useful substances, so they are often consumed after illness or heavy loads, they are recommended for pregnant women.

hatching pheasant egg
hatching pheasant egg

Useful properties of eggs:

  • have a good effect on the hair structure and facial skin;
  • many vitamins and macronutrients;
  • high nutrition;
  • increase immunity;
  • good for immunocompromised people.

Use for food

Pheasant eggs (photo above) are prepared in various ways - baked, boiled, fried, added to sauces. The taste and quality of the egg depends on the type of pheasant and what he ate. Boiled pheasant eggs are more tender than chicken eggs. BeforeHow to use, they must be rinsed well at a water temperature of at least 46 ° C. Thanks to this, all harmful bacteria will die and will not enter the human body. Eggs can only be eaten cooked. Raw can harm the human body. They have a negative effect on digestion, in addition, there is a possibility of contracting salmonellosis.

Use in cosmetology

Pheasant eggs are used to improve the skin, hair structure, production of creams, masks and medicines. For example, with dry skin, you can use a mask made from one pheasant egg and a spoonful of cream. All components must be mixed, then the mask is applied to the face. Keep it for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water. For a rejuvenating mask, you need to mix the yolk with vegetable oil and add a spoonful of lemon juice.

Pheasant eggs are a great opportunity to diversify your diet, strengthen immunity and improve facial skin structure.
