What is TNN? Abbreviation meaning

What is TNN? Abbreviation meaning
What is TNN? Abbreviation meaning

Surely, wandering around the Internet, you have often met the abbreviation TNN. What is TNN? You can find out the answer to this question by reading this article.

Network jargon

Network jargon, or computer slang, is a certain set of words used by Internet users. Such words can often be found on the expanses of the World Wide Web. But the problem is that their meaning remains a secret for many users. And this needs to be corrected. In this article, we will consider a fairly common abbreviation TNN. We'll talk about what TNN is, what it means, etc. Interested? Then read the article!

What is TNN?

TNN is a popular slogan in narrow circles. What does TNN mean? The abbreviation stands for "Chan is not needed", or "Girls are not needed." In fact, this is a movement common on the Internet, which consists in the complete rejection of girls. Do you want to know more about what TNN is? This article will help you figure it out.

THN: value

What is TNN?
What is TNN?

As mentioned above, the TNN theory is a form of male chauvinism on the internet. TNN adherents do not respect women, they consider them absolutely useless. They don't seeit makes sense to communicate with the fairer sex, build relationships with them, spend your money and time.

What is most interesting, most of the TNN adherents are ordinary poseurs. On the Internet, they shout everywhere that they do not need girls. But this is a lie. They are like that only on the Internet. In real life, they are most likely ordinary sufferers who were not lucky enough to find a passion for themselves. They do not enjoy success among individuals of the opposite sex. As a result, anger accumulates, which TNN people pour out on the Internet with comments like "TNN, scourge", etc. In fact, their "independence from girls" is characterized by hatred of the opposite sex. After all, they are not paid attention to in life, and they are trying to win back on the Web.

TNN value
TNN value

People who don't really want girls (they are called asexuals) don't shout it all over the place. They keep their opinions to themselves. The fakers just want to draw attention to themselves.


Deepening into the essence of TNN, you begin to involuntarily ask yourself a question like: "What is the reason for such hatred?". Of course, we can say that the TNNschik himself is to blame for the fact that girls prefer other men. But this is only half the truth. The origins of the problem lie in society.

For example, in the territory of the post-Soviet countries there is a stereotype that a man should be able to do everything. Too much is required of him these days. He must not only support the girl, but also spend his personal time on her. And if you spend most of your time with the chosen one,then when to earn and rest? As a result, the young man begins to form wrong stereotypes, illusions about women. There are complexes and discontent that need to be put somewhere. And this outlet is the Internet.

TNN Beach
TNN Beach

How to deal with it? It is necessary to change the prevailing stereotypes. This is done very difficult and long. But this must be done in order to understand that women and men are equal. In the modern world there is no such thing as the weaker sex. Women have long received all rights and are valued in society no less than men.

This problem has been solved in highly developed countries like Europe. For example, when a couple of lovers spend time together, each pays for himself. Nothing is required of men there, since the rights of both sexes are equal. As for our country, the man acts as a wallet. He must support the girl and at the same time spend a lot of time on her. But this is fundamentally wrong. How can you build relationships with inequality? It turns out that a man just buys a girl, and there can be no talk of love.

What does TNN mean?
What does TNN mean?

Due to established stereotypes, the fair sex consider themselves superior to men and have excessive demands. They, in turn, scare away guys and cause hatred. This leads to the formation of various complexes.


TNN is an abbreviation for the expression "chan (girls) are not needed." This slogan is often used on the Internet. Basically, this expression is used by men whoway they try to show their independence from the fair sex. In fact, in most cases, all this is just posturing, and TNNschik is an ordinary guy who is not popular with women.
