Population of Novorossiysk. Ecology, districts, city economy

Population of Novorossiysk. Ecology, districts, city economy
Population of Novorossiysk. Ecology, districts, city economy

The largest transport hub in Russia on the Black Sea, Novorossiysk, has a long and interesting history. But perhaps the main we alth of the city is its population. Novorossiysk is a city of military glory, it has repeatedly proved that its inhabitants are a courageous people.

population of Novorossiysk
population of Novorossiysk

Geographic location

Novorossiysk is located in the south of Russia, on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. The sea is the main advantage of the geographical position of the settlement. People move along it and transport goods, it provides food, and it is a powerful tourist and recreational resource. Novorossiysk is located in a convenient Tsemess Bay. From the coastline, it rises like an amphitheater to the foot of the Caucasus Mountains. The southeastern border of the city is formed by the Navagir Range. The highest point of Novorossiysk in the southeast is the 447-meter Mount Koldun. The northern border of the city lies at the foot of the Markoth Range with the highest point within the city - Sugarloaf Mountain (558 m). Novorossiysk is not rich in fresh water resources. A small river flows through the cityTsemes, and 14 km from the settlement there is a large fresh lake Abrau. The relief of the city is created by terraces, with which it rises from the coast to the foot of the mountains.


Climate and weather

Mountain peaks reliably protect the city of Novorossiysk from continental air masses and create a special microclimate here. According to its characteristics, it is close to the Mediterranean. In summer, tropical weather reigns here, and in winter, the climate of temperate latitudes. The summer season here is characterized by warm weather (average temperature is plus 22 degrees) with little rainfall. It runs from the end of May to the end of September. In winter, such a natural phenomenon as bora or north-east winds is often observed. They bring a sharp drop in temperature and unusually thick fogs. The winter season runs from December to February.

employment center Novorossiysk
employment center Novorossiysk

History of the city

People in the Tsemess Bay began to settle in the 5th century BC. The city of Bata existed here, which was subjected to raids by invaders and was destroyed by the Alans in the 2nd century BC. Then, for several centuries, these lands passed from hand to hand of different tribes and peoples. In 1453, the Turks settled here, preparing for a war with Russia and building the Sudzhuk fortress here. While the Russian troops are seizing the territories of the Crimea and the Black Sea coast, the Turks are strenuously defending Sudzhuk. In 1791, the troops of the Russian Empire managed to capture this impregnable fortress. The Russians blow up the building in 1812 so that the Turkscould never recover it. Only in 1829 was the Tsemess Bay officially recognized as Russian property.

For Russia, this place was strategically important, and therefore it was decided to build a base for the Imperial Black Sea Fleet here. From this moment, a new history of the settlement begins, the city is filled with a predominantly Russian-speaking population. Novorossiysk begins to fortify, as the invaders continued to threaten it. In the middle of the 19th century, the city was almost wiped off the face of the Earth as a result of attempts by the Anglo-French squadron to capture it. But he was heroically reborn. During the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War, Novorossiysk again becomes a field for constant fighting. Large hostilities were fought in the city during the Second World War. Novorossiysk withstood several attacks and blockades, but survived. After the war, the active restoration of the city began, in 1973 the city was awarded the honorary title of Hero City.

Novorossiysk employers
Novorossiysk employers


Since 1853, a relatively regular count of the population of the city has been conducted. In that year, 960 people lived here. Historical milestones in the development of the city led to the fact that the settlement developed, and the population grew. Novorossiysk is growing steadily and today almost 267 thousand people live here. Declines in the number of city residents were observed during the Second World War, and in the first decade of the 21st century. Even the all-Russian recession of the early 90s passed here without a decrease in the number of inhabitants. This suggests that Novorossiyskthere is a certain attraction for residents who come and stay here for a long time.

Novorossiysk sea
Novorossiysk sea

Districts of the city

The area of Novorossiysk is 81 sq.km. It stretches along the coastline. Today, the Tsemesskaya Bay is quite densely built up, and the city has only one opportunity for growth - this is the extension of the settlement line, mainly due to the development of the eastern and southern parts. Officially, such districts of Novorossiysk are distinguished as Yuzhny, Primorsky, Central and East. The oldest part of the city, Primorsky District, includes several historical settlements that have retained their names: Borisovka, Vasilievka, Kirillovka, Vladimirovka, Glebovskoye, Ubykh and Yuzhnaya Ozereevka.

The youngest, most promising and prestigious is the Southern region. The development here combines large modern complexes of multi-storey buildings with cottage housing. The center in which administrative, trade and entertainment organizations are concentrated is the Central District. Here is the most expensive housing, good infrastructure for life. Primorsky district is the "continental" part of the city, the most remote from the coast. The main type of buildings here are estates, i.e. small private houses with an adjacent plot with a garden and a kitchen garden. There are also multi-storey buildings, but they are much smaller. In spirit, this area strongly resembles traditional Kuban villages. The eastern region is an industrial zone. Housing here is built mainly along the seashore, the rest of the district is industrial enterprises, a port, transport facilities.

City Ecology

Like many southern settlements, the city of Novorossiysk as a whole has a poor ecological situation. The state of the city is affected by the amount of transport and industrial emissions. The most unfavorable area of the city is Vostochny with almost constant smog due to numerous working industrial enterprises. The most prosperous is the Southern region, where there are no industrial organizations at all. For the whole city, a problem is a large number of transport. Novorossiysk does not have the ability to pass moving streams away from residential areas, and gas pollution is very high here. Also, an environmental problem is the seasonal increase in the population, which leads to the fact that in the summer the city cannot cope with the increasing amount of garbage.

districts of Novorossiysk
districts of Novorossiysk

Economy of Novorossiysk

The city is a major industrial center in southern Russia. The economy of the settlement depends on the functioning of large industrial enterprises. For Novorossiysk, the most important in the economic aspect are 5 cement plants, which makes the city the leader in this industry in the entire southern part of the country. Also, such large employers of Novorossiysk as the Priboy radio plant, the Molot and Novorosmetall plants make a great contribution to the city's economy. A prominent role in the economy is played by the port with numerous adjacent enterprises. Novorossiysk has a well-developed service and trade, processing and wine industry.

Novorossiysk roads
Novorossiysk roads

Employment of the population

Centeremployment (Novorossiysk) monitors the labor activity and involvement of city residents. The economic crisis has had a negative impact on employment, and unemployment rates have risen slightly. However, Novorossiysk compares favorably with many cities in the Kuban, and the lowest level of people looking for work is recorded here. In the Krasnodar Territory in 2016, the unemployment rate is 0.8%, in the Hero City, as noted by the Employment Center (Novorossiysk), it remains at the level of 0.6%, and the national average is 1.3% of the unemployed to the total working-age population.

City infrastructure

The city's geographic location makes it a major transport hub, which has two consequences. Firstly, transport links are very well developed here for both internal and external transportation. Secondly, the city is increasingly in traffic jams, and the population suffers greatly from this. Novorossiysk still cannot solve the problem of transport collapse, which overtakes the city every day during peak hours.

This is due to the fact that the main traffic cannot bypass Sovetskaya Street, where the main traffic jams are created. At the same time, the roads of Novorossiysk are in fairly good condition, thanks to the services of the city.

The city's domestic and cultural infrastructure is well developed, although it is unevenly distributed across districts.
