Peninsular countries of Europe and the world

Peninsular countries of Europe and the world
Peninsular countries of Europe and the world

A peninsula is a piece of land adjacent to the mainland on one side and washed by water on the other. The configuration can be relatively even, like that of the Arabian Peninsula, or indented, like that of the Balkan Peninsula. The area is not always possible to calculate accurately, since there is no clear boundary connection with the mainland. Peninsular countries tend to have access to the sea and try to use this advantage by promoting tourism, diving and fishing from yachts and boats. Otherwise, these countries are trying to keep up with the continental states in terms of economic and social indicators.

peninsular countries
peninsular countries

The northern peninsular countries attract tourists with their landscape sights. The famous Norwegian fjords are breathtakingly beautiful at any time of the year. Southern countries can offer hiking in red sand deserts, camel and quad biking trails.

peninsular countries of the world
peninsular countries of the world

The largest peninsula - the Arabian - is washed by the seas on three sides, the Red Sea from the west, the waters of the Persian Gulf from the east, and the Arabian Sea in the south. On its vast territory there are six states, these are the Arab peninsular countries. Among themThe largest country in the Arab world is Saudi Arabia. In the neighborhood there are smaller states - the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Kuwait, Yemen and Qatar.

peninsular countries of Europe
peninsular countries of Europe

The Indochina Peninsula is the second largest after the Arabian Peninsula. It contains countries such as Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. Further to the west is a very colorful and peculiar India. A country with deep traditions, ancient history and many religious customs. India almost completely occupied the Hindustan peninsula. Nearby, at the northern tip, is Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon. The diversity of flora and fauna is not inferior to India, the ethnic population is the same.

The peninsular countries of Europe are located in the Apennines and the Balkans. Italy is a country with a thousand-year-old culture and monuments of world significance. Also on the Apennines is the state of the Vatican, the center of religious life throughout the world. Abode of the Pope and red cassocks - cardinals. Recently, the life of the Vatican has been in decline. The Pope renounced the throne, without really explaining the motives for his decision, it became restless in St. Peter's Cathedral. Italy is preparing for upheavals and the invasion of atheists, such threats have already been made.


Another peninsula in the Mediterranean, the Balkan, bears eight countries that also have a difficult fate, wars and defaults, financial confusion and government scandals. First of all, this is Greece, a large country in which “everything is”, or rather, everything was. Then Bulgaria and Albania, both stronglylagging behind in economic development. Macedonia and Romania, Serbia with Montenegro and Croatia. All these peninsular countries have a developed tourism infrastructure, but due to the unstable political situation, they cannot gain momentum in the further development of tourism.

But things are much better in the Iberian Peninsula. Calm, balanced Spain, although not without temperament, still knows how to be friendly with all visitors. And the blessing in this country is what to see. The same can be said about Portugal. Thus, the Iberian states feel better than all other peninsular countries in the world.
