Physocarpus opulifolius is a genus of plants belonging to the Rosaceae family. These are deciduous, fast-growing, unpretentious shrubs of North American origin. Popularly known as "Meadowsweet" or "Calinophylla spirea".

The most prominent representative of this genus is the Diablo or Purple vesicle. The height of an adult bush can reach 4 m and the same width. The bark on such a specimen peels off interestingly. Its branches are slightly drooping. Planted in a sunny place, it attracts attention with the color of the leaves, fully justifying its second name. Foliage color changes to bronze in autumn. Its leaves are medium-sized (up to 6 cm in length), three-lobed, slightly corrugated, with teeth along the edges.
For 3 weeks, starting from mid-June, Diablo's vesicle blooms. The photo shows its small flowers, collected in corymbose inflorescences with a diameter of about 5 cm. The buds are pink in color, and the opened flowers are white with red long fluffy stamens. The fruits are swollen, prefabricated, at first they havereddish color and later turn brown.
The vesicle Diablo dor (sometimes the name of this variety is spelled in the literature) is an unpretentious plant. It grows well on any soil with a neutral reaction, prefers sunny places. Foliage loses in partial shade

original coloring, turning green. These bushes do not tolerate waterlogging at all, therefore it is impossible to plant them in places where melt water accumulates. In hot summers, they require watering and fertilizing is desirable.
The plant is frost-resistant, but in very cold winters, the ends of the shoots can freeze slightly. Pruning does not spoil it at all, moreover, it quickly recovers and becomes more branchy. The Diablo vesicle perfectly tolerates the winds and gas pollution of modern megacities. It is practically not affected by diseases, pests do not show much interest in it.
In one place Diablo's vesicle can live up to 40 years. It propagates by dividing the bush, rooting cuttings and seeds. In the latter case, one should not forget that not all maternal qualities will be transferred to young plants. Some part will be with purple foliage, and the rest with green. It is advisable to plant the seeds before winter, with spring sowing, a monthly stratification in the refrigerator will be required.

The most simple and painless (for a bush) method of propagation is with green cuttings cut in the second half of summer. For a greater percentage of survival, it is desirabletreat with a root formation stimulator, and when planting - cover with a jar. Young plants in the first winter should be insulated with a layer of foliage or peat. In the spring they need to be planted in a permanent place.
Diablo's vesicle looks good against the background of the lawn both in a single copy and in a group planting. It is excellent for both free-growing hedges and regularly trimmed hedges that maintain a defined shape. The plant is decorative at any time of the year, but most - during the fruiting period.
The Diablo vesicle combines unpretentiousness and high decorative qualities, which is why it is so in demand among gardeners.