Barguzinskaya Valley… There are many legends and tales about these truly amazing places. Here, sacred springs await you at every turn, and any stone has miraculous powers. All this attracts thousands of pilgrims and tourists who find help here in solving burning issues and problems or simply enjoy their vacation, fueled by the energy of fabulously picturesque nature.

Let's go on this exciting journey to get acquainted with some of the features and attractions of the Barguzin Valley. And first, let's turn the pages of the book of time and find out the history of this place.
Mystery of the name
The name of the valley comes from the local word "bargut", meaning "outskirts", "backwoods". This was the name of the Mongolian tribe that previously inhabited the valley and represented one of the widely known Mongolian ethnic groups. The country of Bargujin-Tukum (end of the world) was often mentioned in the Secret History of the Mongols, an early chronicle of Mongolian history. It contains information that the mother of a legendary historical figure, Genghis Khan, was from these places, and in the 12th century the Bargut tribes did not fight against Genghis Khan and even supplied soldiers for his army. Even today you can see evidence of this ancient people's stay here - numerous antiquities, irrigation canals and rock inscriptions. Bargujin-Tukum was quite a vast region, rich in fast rivers and impenetrable forests, and the name of this land, capable of capturing the imagination of a person, was given a very poetic one: "Tukum". It is believed that originally this word meant a picturesque bend covered with virgin forests.

Transferred in antiquity to this colorful region, together with the name Bargudzhin, it created a sonorous and memorable name - Bargudzhin-Tukum, which these places supposedly bore from the 12th to the end of the 14th century. Gradually, the lands that were part of this territory began to acquire their own names, and it began to fade from the memory of people. In the 16th century, the toponym was no longer used, but it still lives in the name of the Barguzin Valley, which once formed the outskirts of the Bargudzhin-Tukum country.
Geographic reference
The Barguzin Valley is famous for its numerous mineral springs and picturesque rocks on the slopes of the Ikat Range. Located in a basin and has a length of 200 km with the widest part of 35 kmnear the village of Barguzin. The total area is about three thousand hectares, and two hundred of them are occupied by the national Dzherginsky nature reserve, founded in August 1992

Currently, there are 1208 animal species, including 1003 invertebrates, 8 fish, 3 amphibians, 5 reptiles, 146 birds and 43 mammal species. The flora includes about 1170 species. From the slopes of the hills surrounding the valley, the Barguzin River, the third largest tributary of Baikal after the Selenga and the Upper Angara, draws its strength. The river valley stretches for 416 kilometers. In the northwest, the valley borders on the very steep Barguzin Alps (2840 m) and less steep (2558 m), forested slopes of Ikat. The mountainous part of the valley attracts many tourists and climbers. There are good walking paths along the valleys of mountain rivers to mountain passes and peaks with numerous waterfalls, ice karts and lakes. The mountain ranges are covered with dense forest taiga with a predominance of cedar pine. Also here you can find rhododendron and leather bergenia on grassy thickets. At the bottom of the Barguzin Ridge, along the banks of the Barguzin River, there is an asph alt highway. The valley is inhabited and well developed. The population is about 30,000 people, of which 30% are Buryats.

Well, let's start our journey
Railroads do not lead to the Barguzin Valley, and it is rather difficult with ordinary roads here - asph alt is only in places, and gravel often erodes. However, in these fabulous places you will find so muchincredible adventures and impressions that they will more than cover any difficulties or inconveniences that may be encountered along the way. You can get here by bus or car from Ulan-Ude (6-8 hours on the way) or Irkutsk (10-12 hours on the way). At the beginning of the journey, it will be a sin not to use the magical powers that assist in all endeavors, and not to ask for good luck while staying in this amazing place.
Gateway to the valley
On the east coast of Lake Baikal in the Barguzinskaya valley there is a unique monument of nature - a granite boulder called "Stone Turtle". This is a special energy place, and here you can make a wish, ask for healing and forgiveness.

The contours of the Svyatoy Nos Peninsula are visible in the distance - the location of many cultural heritage sites. Old-timers say that it is from here that the Barguzin Valley begins.
Behind the village of Barguzin, the asph alted roadbed approaches the Barguzinsky ridge, and next to the road, the Ulunsky eye source beats. Its water improves metabolic processes, stimulates appetite, treats eye diseases and colds. According to legend, in these mountains, stunning in their grandeur, near the village of Yarikto, located at the foot of the Barguzinsky ridge, the Buddhist goddess Yanzhima descended into the Barguzinsky valley. Miraculously, the face of the goddess appeared in the spring of 2005 on a large boulder and was discovered by a group of lamas who were looking for Buddhist relics in this place, hidden during the repressions in the thirties. Afterhow, during meditation, the monks saw a rock with a miraculous divine image, they consecrated this place and held a prayer service. In honor of the goddess, a secluded datsan was built in the middle of the forest. Yanjima, also known as Sarosvatya, is the goddess of wisdom and arts, the helper of women and the patroness of motherhood. She is often depicted dancing with a mine in her hands (this is an old Indian instrument). Many people have a question about how to get to Yanzhima in the Barguzin Valley. Regular buses run from Ulan-Ude daily or you can join a tourist group, because this place is very popular, and many travel agencies organize tours with transport and a guide.
What they ask Yanzhima
Pilgrims come here from all over Buryatia to ask for happiness in their personal lives and children. You need to take a hadak with you to the sacred stone - this is the name of Buddhist ritual scarves made of silk. You can buy them on the spot for one dollar. The entire forest near the sacred place is tied with colorful ribbons, and on the wooden altar you can see Barbie and Ken, and parts of the Lego constructor.

Those who want to ask for children are advised to bring a doll with them and put it in a rocking chair equipped in the datsan, and after detours and prostrations, take the doll with them. It is very important to immediately go home, without stopping anywhere on the road, otherwise the child may be born in the family where you stay, and you will return with nothing. They say that not everyone can see the face of the goddess, and if this happens, the wish will not come true. Howeverthe main thing is to believe and open your heart towards a sacred place called Yanzhima (Barguzin Valley). Feedback from people who have been here indicates that many have found what they were looking for and what they dreamed of for many years.
At 98 km from Barguzin, in the north-west of the Barguzin Valley, is the village of Kurumkan. Here is the Kurumkan datsan - these are the three temples of Dugan, in which four lamas serve. For pilgrims, several secluded houses are equipped here, which are rarely empty, since many people look for answers to vital questions in these places. It is not for nothing that this place is called "Little Tibet" - the powerful beauty of nature with the snow-capped peaks of high mountains and the emerald valley of the Barguzin River helps people achieve inner harmony and recharge their batteries. Even just looking at the photos of the Barguzin Valley, you can feel the greatness and uniqueness of these places. Nearby is the sacred mountain Barkhan-Ula, where, according to legend, the legendary progenitor of the Buryats, Bargu-bator, once lived.

According to legend, in Buryatia and Mongolia there are five main sabdaks - places where the supreme spirits live, and Barkhan-Ula is one of them. It is believed that the one who climbs the mountain will establish a connection with the mysterious power of this place for a year and become invincible. Such an ascent is not recommended for women, because, according to legend, after that they will not be able to give birth to a boy, and in the worst case, they may even remain childless. But do not be upset, because you already know the place in the Barguzin valley, whichwill gladly open its arms to the fair sex and is one of the most revered places of Russian Buddhists - Yanzhima.
Alla Village
These are six streets where less than a thousand people live. The village is famous throughout Buryatia for its healing mineral springs and thermal waters. A small resort has even been built here, which operates only in summer, and at other times of the year local residents are ready to provide shelter (a bed, breakfast and dinner will cost you 930 rubles per day). Waking up, you can admire the Barguzinsky ridge. Guests here will be greeted with freshly s alted fish from the Alla River and will definitely be treated to white food, which is considered sacred, so it cannot be eaten with a fork - only with a spoon. It is obtained by heating sour cream, to which flour is added when boiling and thoroughly mixed. It tastes like soft uns alted cheese. They say that the inhabitants of Alla make the most delicious sour cream, which is sold here at a price of 265 rubles per kilogram. After resting in the village and gaining strength, you can start exploring the main attraction of these places - the healing hot springs of the Barguzin Valley, which are called arshan.
Alla River and Allinsky Arshan
At the entrance you will be met by the owners of these places - two majestic rocks guarding the entrance to the gorge of fabulous beauty. Friendly Evenks and Buryats will be happy to tell you the legend about the two rocks Bur altar and Sahiltar as images of warlike horses of two brothers born in heaven. These brothers are considered the owners of these places and the locals believe that they protect the peace and beauty of the area. According to tourists, this is one of the most beautiful places on earth, where the majestic panorama of a mountain gorge with a stormy swift river at the bottom is simply breathtaking.

The river falls down from the mountains in waterfalls and calms down closer to the valley, but its rebellious temper is reminiscent of a measured growl. A pine forest stretches along the banks. There are more than fifty hot springs in the river valley with temperatures ranging from 50 to 77 degrees. The composition of the healing water is sulfate-bicarbonate-sodium. In addition to solving problems with the musculoskeletal system, Allinsky arshan also cures diseases of the nervous system, gynecological and skin diseases.
Spirit of the Hellenic Arshan
The Buryats believe that every road, mountain or river has its owner, and these local spirits are called ezhims. It is better to be friends with them, otherwise they can either pierce the wheel, or lead astray, or do some other trouble. The Allinian arshan also has its own spirit-owner. According to legend, the sources of the Barguzin Valley can only benefit those who are able to establish contact with them. Therefore, everyone comes here with offerings - white food and vodka with milk. All the holy places of shamanism have become sacred in Buddhism, so you can see statuettes of Buddha in the arshan.
Kuchiger thermal springs
These truly miraculous springs have been widely known and popular since the 19th century. Water combined with silt forms mud with unique characteristics. Every year many people from different parts of Russia come here totake mud baths, the healing properties of which are legendary. This is evidenced by the crutches and sticks that people leave here as proof of their healing.

Water composition: sulfate, sodium, bicarbonate with a high fluorine content, hydrogen sulfide, silicon dioxide, pH 7, 2-8, 2. Water temperature is 46-47 ° C. Thermal springs have shown effectiveness in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal musculoskeletal system, gynecological and skin diseases, as well as the peripheral nervous system.
Opportunities for tourists in Kurumkan region
In the northern part, near the Barguzin River, you can find excellent hunting grounds in the Barguzin Valley. Special tours are organized, which include accommodation in hunting wooden houses, 3 meals a day, as well as the provision of all-terrain vehicles and boats. Here they hunt bears, wolves, foxes, wild boars. An additional bonus will be the opportunity to fish for grayling and a local type of fish - lenok.

Many climbers are attracted by the Barguzinsky mountain range - a huge mountainous country with alluring peaks, rocky slopes, canyons and glaciers. Here you can climb to the top with the name Baikal (2481 m) - the highest place among the mountain ranges surrounding Lake Baikal. This is a unique place with a wonderful panoramic view of the central and northern parts of the famous reservoir, the Barguzin valley, the Ikat and Baikal ranges. Kurumkansky district, no doubt, has excellent prospectsfor the development and promotion of mountaineering.
And finally
These are far from all the sights of the Barguzin Valley, which this magical picturesque region is ready to share, hiding alluring secrets and unprecedented gifts. In such places, fashionable spa resorts are usually built, but here wooden houses without amenities and instead of thermal baths are pavilions with a patched roof. But believe me, this does not in the least diminish the high value of the healing properties of this truly living water, which gives he alth and restores strength. Unfortunately, even the best photos of the Barguzin Valley cannot convey the true beauty and grandeur of this region. Here you will find many amazing discoveries and sincere emotions - the unique pristine nature of these places will give peace and harmony to your soul, and the locals will delight you with cordiality and hospitality.