Suprotek's tribological composition is the most neutral chemistry for the latest generation vehicles. This technology involves the use of the unique properties of natural minerals in order to restore the friction units of engines with a gearbox, mileage, as well as other vehicle components. Using this tribotechnical composition, the contact characteristics of several friction pairs of parts can also be optimized, providing a significant improvement in technical parameters.
Do I need to use it on new engines?

A new layer is also created in the areas where the friction of the new engine occurs, and although the gaps are already in order, the anti-friction properties of this layer ultimately lead to a significant reduction in friction losses, and therefore increasing mechanical efficiency. Thus, the overall fuel consumption is significantly reduced, the engine throttle response and its power are increased, but the most important thing is that both new and old engines are characterized by an increase in the resource, that is, if the Suprotec tribotechnical composition is used,the need for a major overhaul arises 50,000 - 150,000 km later. If the most careful operation of the car is carried out, then in this case it may not require major repairs at all.
What is it?
According to its functional purpose, the Suprotec tribotechnical composition is included in the group of antifriction, that is, those that reduce friction losses, but it also reduces the wear rate, and also increases the maximum possible load of the friction surface setting. By itself, it is an additional additive needed to increase the performance of lubricants.
This tribological composition is used to restore various worn friction surfaces, as well as to optimize the gaps of friction units mated in pairs of various mechanisms. Their use is carried out in the normal operation of vehicles and various mechanisms using their lubrication system, as well as their standard lubricants as carriers of these compounds directly to the point of contact of the rubbing surfaces.

The tribological composition basically consists of various balanced combinations, consisting of a number of crushed materials of the layered silicate group. It should be noted that in addition to minerals, this composition also contains approximately 99.5% to 95% yellow mineral oil, which is completely free of anyadditives. It is worth noting the fact that the tribological compositions of Suprotec Power Steering and Automatic Transmission use specialized fluids for automatic transmissions of red color as a carrier.
The unique composition and technology of this composition is the result of more than 20 years of scientific research, while the developed systems are constantly being improved even today. Developers strive to increase the efficiency of their product due to the fact that modern cars are constantly changing design features, as well as the operating conditions of friction units.
The choice of compositions is carried out separately for each friction unit, and is initially tested in the laboratory on a machine and a specialized bearing stand. Quality is controlled after the production of each individual batch.
How do these formulations differ from standard additives?
There are several differences between this product and similar ones, which were determined by an independent examination. Tribological compositions "Suprotek" differ from additional additives as follows:
- The presence of the effect of restoring various friction surfaces, which is ensured by the creation of a protective layer, as well as the effect of optimizing the distorted geometry of rubbing surfaces.
- The protective layer has an extremely high oil-holding capacity, that is, it will hold oil on the surface an order of magnitude stronger than the standard surface, as a result of which the friction mode will gradually shift to the area of hydrodynamic or semi-fluid friction.
- The presence of an aftereffect, when the friction parameters will be maintained even after a full oil change until the protective layer is completely worn out. The layer wears out 1.5-3 times slower compared to the original material if it contains the Suprotec tribotechnical composition. Reviews indicate that this indicator may vary slightly depending on the mode in which the unit operates, as well as the degree of corrosive and abrasive wear.
- The composition is chemically neutral to any substances that are part of the lubricant additive package, as well as directly to the lubricant itself, and therefore it is guaranteed to be absolutely safe to use it in any units or mechanisms, if the instructions for application.
Where is it used?

Just like the tribological compositions "Liqui Molly", "Suprotek", in addition to increasing the service life of car engines, is actively used in industry. In the transport environment, it is mainly used to improve the operation of trucks and cars, as well as various specialized equipment.
The use of this train is carried out in the following transport hubs:
- internal combustion engines, regardless of types and sizes, as well as all kinds of diesel generators;
- automatic and manual transmissions, reducers;
- CV joint, plain and rolling bearings;
- high pressure fuel pumps;
- various hydraulic units and power steering.

In industry, tribological composition is used for the following purposes:
- in any company transport;
- to increase the life of engines in specialized and heavy equipment;
- in diesel engines;
- in screw and piston compressors;
- in reducers and multipliers;
- in the machine park;
- in lifts, presses, hydraulic systems, manipulators and all kinds of actuators;
- in plain and rolling bearings;
- in gears, guides and other mechanisms commonly referred to as greases.
How does it work?
Like the well-known tribological compound Trenol, "Suprotek" is not an additive or a specialized additive in the lubricant, because it is not intended to improve its characteristics, but directly interacts with the friction surface of various mechanisms and components.
With the help of these compositions, the "friction pair" system reaches a completely new level of energy balance quality, this composition is a kind of initiator or catalyst for various adaptation processes of the entire "friction pair-lubrication" system.
How does he behave in practice?

Automotive chemistry "Suprotek" allowsto form a completely new structure of the friction surface, based on the crystal lattice of the metal in the same way as the tribological composition of Trenol. Reviews about this effect are left by drivers only positive, since the composition significantly extends the overall life of various mechanisms, ensuring a consistent build-up of layers in the process of work at the atomic level. It is for this reason that the tribological composition of "NIOD", "Suprotek", "Trenol" and any others are full-fledged nanotechnologies.
What does it look like?

The parameters of the created structure, such as porosity, microhardness, thickness and oil-holding capacity can be determined by the operating conditions of the used friction unit.
The appearance of this layer is an ideal mirror surface, but in fact it is a microporous structure of maximum strength, which is distinguished by the maximum possible oil-holding capacity, due to which a lot of unique properties of various mechanisms, assemblies, assemblies, as well as all kinds of internal combustion engines.
The procedure for forming the protective structure of the layer after adding this composition to the node is divided into three main stages:
Surface preparation
Initially, a thorough cleaning is carried out using an ultra-thin soft abrasive, which is directly included in this composition, the surface layer on friction pairs, which is deformed during operation.
Creationprotective shell
The prepared metal surface is covered with an additional layer of crystalline structure, which is a continuation of the metal substrate of the contacting part. Thus, an increase in the protective structure of the "layer by layer" type is provided. As a material for creating this protective layer, iron is used, which is present in the lubricant itself as a wear product, as well as various specialized substances that are part of Suprotec.
Dynamic layer adjustment
Provided the maintenance of such parameters of the protective layer, which provides the optimal energy state for the friction system in a certain mode of operation. In particular, among such parameters it is worth highlighting the following:
- porosity;
- layer thickness;
- microhardness;
- wavy;
- roughness;
- and others.
At the same time, it is worth noting the fact that if even a not so large amount of the “Suprotek” composition is present in the lubricant, dynamic self-regulation of all the above characteristics of the protective layer is ensured. During this period, any wear processes related to the contacting friction surfaces almost completely disappear due to the extremely high oil-retaining ability of the protective layer. In this regard, the boundary regime of friction begins to gradually shift towards the hydrodynamic regime, which is characterized by an extremely low degree of wear.
Expert Opinion

In accordance with the opinion of a huge number of experts in the field of the auto industry, it can be said that Suprotec compounds:
- Provide absolutely unique protection for the internal combustion engine, regardless of its type, as well as any other mechanisms and components of the vehicle using CIP technology during normal operation.
- Allows literally in just two or three treatments to completely form on the friction surfaces to create an extremely durable layer that provides effective protection of the engine against wear even if it is operated under the most extreme conditions, such as: increased loads, oil starvation or sudden changes in ambient temperature.
Great option for all motorists
For lovers of sports driving, this composition allows the most simple and cheap increase in engine power by approximately 10%, ensuring the complete preservation of the resource of the unit, as well as improving the main acceleration characteristics of the car if the composition is used for the full processing of all nodes.
If we are talking about zealous motorists, then this technology will allow them to achieve approximately 8% fuel savings, which, with an average mileage of 20-30 thousand km per year, saves more than 250 liters of gasoline. Among other things, providing savings on oil and fuel, this treatment significantly increases the overall life of the engine and individual components by approximately two times, which makes it possible to carry out much lessoverhaul of the vehicle, as well as significantly reduce the overall cost of various parts and maintenance.