Common daisy - an ordinary chamomile with unusual properties

Common daisy - an ordinary chamomile with unusual properties
Common daisy - an ordinary chamomile with unusual properties

Video: Common daisy - an ordinary chamomile with unusual properties

Video: Common daisy - an ordinary chamomile with unusual properties
Video: Chamomile Plant Profile 2025, January

Common daisy (or, more simply, chamomile) is known to all people. Surely every person saw him at picnics or when moving on the highway between two settlements. This plant is quite popular, it is able to germinate on its own, without human help or any special care. Moreover, it is not only perennial, but also multiplies rapidly. For example, one small bush of this chamomile can produce more than a thousand seeds in a summer season. Moreover, they breed not once, as happens in most representatives of the flora, but constantly as they mature. That is, during the summer, a whole field can grow from one stem of chamomile.


Common cornflower got its name from the word "field", meaning "field" or "arable land". That is, it was named after the area on which it, in fact, grows. You can verify this yourself, because the fields are literally filled with daisies so much that they become white. Few people know that this beautiful sight causes a lot of trouble for shepherds and field workers. Common cornflower is a tough plant that cattle usually do notuses. In addition, it often prevents ordinary soft grass from germinating. Consequently, the meadow is transformed from a nutritious area for horses or cows into an ordinary one. And also daisies are weeds that adversely affect cultivated plants.

herbaceous plant names
herbaceous plant names

As a rule, many people know virtually all herbaceous plants whose scientific names are unknown to them. However, this does not negate the various properties of these representatives of the flora. Common leucanthemum is just such a herbaceous plant. Few know its name, but everyone knows the chamomile. Unlike shepherds and field workers, ordinary people value her much more. The fact is that the use of chamomile in scientific medicine is not actually observed, but there are quite a lot of various folk remedies that cannot be prepared without it. Its healing properties are almost legendary, because many centuries ago it found its application. It should be noted that the plant is fully used, that is, leaves, stems, and flowers. The use of leucanthemum is useful for those who suffer from skin diseases, headaches, suffocation and small parasites in the body.

common daisy photo
common daisy photo

Most often, chamomile is used for childhood illnesses. This is due to the fact that the child should not use certain medications at such a tender age. On the other hand, children still have a poorly developed immune system, and they need help to cope with certain ailments. In this case, onhelp comes folk medicine led by chamomile. By the way, some adults consciously refuse pills or injections, and this plant also often becomes their savior.

It is also worth mentioning that only leucanthemum can be used in folk medicine. The photo will help you accurately identify this plant. Other varieties of chamomile were developed for garden plots that would look more attractive.
