Actor Vasily Kachalov is as famous in the theater world as Leonardo da Vinci is in the art world. He embodied everything that today we call a talented Soviet artist. A textbook figure, he never studied acting, having amazing stage charm.
11.02.1875 in Vilna (modern Vilnius) the third son was born in the family of priest John Shverubovich, rector of an Orthodox church. This was Vasily Kachalov. The biography of the actor is described in detail by V. Ya. Vilenkin, who spoke about the childhood years of the future brilliant artist. The father came from the Belarusian gentry, the mother had Polish and Lithuanian roots. The family adhered to a harsh school of education; in childhood, Vasily was flogged for misconduct. In addition to two older brothers, the age difference with which was 10-15 years, two girls were later born: Sonya and Sasha. They were widowed early and for the last 26 years were under the care of V. Kachalov, with whom they lived together.

The young man received an excellent education at the 1st gymnasium, which F. E. Dzerzhinsky graduated from at the same time. Under the influence of his father, who conducted services with greatartistry and pathos in his voice, he climbed onto the closet and engaged in recitation. The performance of the Vilna Theater "Demon" made a great impression on him, which determined his passions. On the stage of the dormitory of the gymnasium, he, being a sixth grader, made his debut in the role of Khlestakov, immediately becoming a local celebrity. And then there were the roles of Nozdryov and Podkolyosin, a real passion for the local theater. However, to enter the young man went to St. Petersburg University in the footsteps of his older brother Anastasia, demonstrating what it means to be educated. Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov leaves his parents' house in 1894.
Beginning of acting career
Having entered the Faculty of Law, the young man immediately becomes a member of the theater circle and simultaneously spends all his time at the Alexandrinsky Theater. On the recommendation of the actor M. I. Pisareva, she tries out the role of Valera in Moliere's play The Miser in a small theater (directed by E. Karpov), having received a blessing on the stage and recognition of her talent. Stage skills Vasily Kachalov (photo in his younger years is presented in the article) comprehended from the great actor V. N. Davydov, who headed the student theater group by that time. His first creative success was the role of Neschastlivtsev (A. I. Ostrovsky, "Forest"), which in 1895 was presented to the general public. V. N. Davydov came out to applause together with the young talent.

At the age of 21, the young man is already becoming a professional actor of the Suvorinsky Theater with a salary of 50 rubles. When drawing up the contract, A. S. Suvorin recommended VasilyIvanovich to change the name Shverubovich to a more harmonious one. So the actor got a pseudonym by which he is known all over the world. The young man successfully combined professional activities with education, although he was completely captured by creativity and bohemian life. But Suvorin's roles (he played 35 of them) were only comedy and vaudeville, so on the recommendation of V. N. Davydov, the actor goes to the province, leaving the university after four years of study.
Provincial Period
Having got to the talented entrepreneur M. M. Boroday, 2 years and 6 months Vasily Kachalov played in two cities, speaking in Saratov and Kazan. He was obsessed with work, playing about 250 roles during this period. At 23, he created the image of Cassius in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, receiving unanimous recognition. The audience was struck by the appearance of the actor: with a high height (185 cm), he was rather thin and pale, but at the same time he had excellent control over his body. The artist actively connected his hands with incredibly long fingers by nature. But the main treasure was his charming voice. The sonorous baritone literally fascinated those sitting in the hall.

After the brilliant role of Shakhovsky in "Tsar Fyodor" and the creation of the Moscow Art Theater in the capital (1898), he began to dream of a big stage. In Kazan, he met his future wife, actress Nina Litovtseva (Levestam), who was a student of V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko. This finally predetermined the departure to Moscow.
Appearing at the Art Theater
Upon arrival in February 1900 at the Moscow Art Theater V. KachalovK. S. Stanislavsky had to appear. A scene was chosen where he should appear in turn in two images: Boris Godunov and Ivan the Terrible. The stamps developed in the provinces played their negative role - the show was a hopeless failure. Vasily Kachalov did not give up and continued to go to the theater every day, watching the play of outstanding actors of that time. The Snow Maiden was preparing for the production, but the role of Berendey did not succumb to anyone. Stanislavsky decided to give the novice actor another chance and was not mistaken.

After the rehearsal, he hugged V. Kachalov, who did a great job on himself and caught the demands of the theater's artistic directors. The triumphant debut took place in September 1900, opening up a brilliant prospect for the actor. Among his first notable works:
- The role of the Baron in the play "At the Bottom", about which M. Gorky spoke with admiration.
- Caesar in the performance of the same name by W. Shakespeare.
- Roles in the plays by A. P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard" (Trofimov) and "Three Sisters" (Tuzenbach).
Peak career
Real success came to Vasily Ivanovich in 1905, and until the revolution, Moscow would be so in love with him that the maid would risk selling things from his wardrobe for big money, which were hunted by numerous admirers. The poet S. Solovyov will call him "the king of girlish ideals", and the audience will know all his roles without exception. In each, he put his understanding of the personality of the hero, offering an unexpected, but hard-won interpretation. Yes, hepainted a completely different image of the Prince of Denmark, overthrowing him from the pedestal on which he was raised in previous years. He shows the tragedy of Hamlet through spiritual contradiction: understanding the imperfection of life and the impotence to change anything in it (1911).

Glumov in the play by A. I. Ostrovsky has always been played as a scoundrel and a careerist. Vasily Kachalov will offer a new interpretation of the image, where he will appear talented and ironic, for whom all life is a game. And in this game he wants to be the winner (1910). The role of Ivan Karamazov (F. M. Dostoevsky) is one of the most difficult on the stage. Once having played it, the actor will use the central monologue in concerts, revealing through it Karamazov's understanding of the world (1910). Later, he confesses that he fell in love with Karamazov in his rebellion against God and his faith in the power of reason. This illuminated even the defeat of the hero, which he justified with an amazing thirst for life.
Kachalov's attitude to the revolution was ambivalent. On the one hand, he was familiar with the revolutionary N. Bauman and considered meeting with him one of the most important in life, on the other hand, his son Vadim fought in the White Army. Since 1919, he led part of the troupe, which went on tour in the south of the country. The war forced the actors to leave their homeland, and their tour continued in Europe: Sofia, Prague, Berlin, Zagreb, Paris. The West applauded the talent of the Russians, and Kachalov Vasily Ivanovich also performed with concerts, reciting Alexander Blok's "Scythians" for the first time. A man of phenomenal education, he read Homer onGreek and Horace in Latin.

After taking a break for a short vacation, the troupe set off on new journeys, having made a tour to the USA, where they successfully began their tour with the play "Tsar Fyodor". By that time, the family had moved to the German village, and K. S. Stanislavsky began to fear that many artists would not return from the tour. He sent out letters inviting the troupe to meet at the theatre. In August 1924, V. Kachalov returned to Moscow.
Private life
In Vasily Kachalov there was nobility and scope, but at the same time kindness and unwillingness to upset people. He loved communication, nature, long walks and feasts, with pleasure arranging them at home. His apartment has seen a huge number of famous personalities, among whom was Sergei Yesenin. He made friends with the owner's Doberman named Jim, writing a beautiful poem "Kachalov's Dog".
From 1900 until his death, Vasily Kachalov was married to Nina Nikolaevna, who, after an illness, remained lame and could not perform on stage. He helped her take up directing. On his 50th birthday, he played Nicholas I in a play about the Decembrists, staged by his wife. He is credited with a huge number of novels, including a long relationship with an actress, the wife of a great man. But he did not leave the family, loving his only son Vadim.

He generously gave himself to people, endlessly adoring the stage. In addition to performances, he conducted a grandiose concert activity, leaving behind a huge number of recordings,available today. In 1928, he starred in the silent film The White Eagle (directed by Y. Protazanov). During the filming of "Trip to Life" (1931), it was he who was entrusted with reading poems about homeless children that create the mood of the picture. The state appreciated his merits by conferring the title of People's Artist of the USSR (1936).
Last years of life
After the Great Patriotic War, which he spent in evacuation, the actor no longer appeared on the stage of the Art Theater. His last significant role was Bardin based on M. Gorky's play Enemies. He became ill with diabetes, but continued to participate in radio plays and concert programs. 1948-30-09, after 50 years of serving Melpomene, Vasily Kachalov passed away. A brief biography does not allow us to convey the scale of the great actor's personality, with the departure of which we can talk about the end of an entire theatrical era.