Everyone knows that the life of royal people is very different from what ordinary people are used to. Therefore, everyone who is at court must learn the rules of conduct. And the offspring of aristocratic families are taught court etiquette from childhood. In Russia during the time of the empire, there were special teachers who taught the rules of conduct in palaces. During its existence, etiquette has undergone many changes. Let's talk about how court etiquette appeared, what are its features.
Concept of etiquette
In order not to lose face, there are rules of etiquette. Everyone knows that when meeting other people you need to say hello, and when entering a room, take off your hat. These rules are taught to us in early childhood. But when we find ourselves in an unfamiliar situation, we can feel awkward because we don’t know how to behave. It was to relieve this discomfort that people began to come up with general rules that should beadhere to all people to communicate effectively with each other.
Etiquette is a special social contract that people of different countries and groups adhere to. At the same time, we often do not understand why we need to act one way or another. The fact is that etiquette is rooted in the distant past of mankind, and we have already lost the explanation of these rules, only the formal part, the ritual, remains. Etiquette has national characteristics, for example, court etiquette in Europe is very different from the code of conduct in the East. It can also include universal rules that any nations have. For example, the custom of greeting each other exists in all cultures, but the rituals can vary greatly.

History of etiquette
The first rules of behavior in society appear in ancient times. So, among the texts of Ancient Egypt there is one dedicated to instructing young people on how to behave. Among the rules there are also such: you need to restrain your appetite at the table in society, do not talk a lot, do not be contemptuous and arrogant. And on the clay tablets of the Sumerians, you can read how the court rituals were arranged, as well as the rules of conduct during sacrifices and other rituals. In Italy, in the 14th century, a culture of people's behavior in society was formed, which became the basis for everyday etiquette. From the 15th century, the design of court etiquette and traditions of palace ceremonies began. There are ancient traditions of behavior in society and in Eastern cultures. In Russian history, there is a 16th-century book, Domostroy, which also outlined the rules of everyday etiquette. Initially, the rules of conduct at the court of the monarch were significantly different from how people behave in ordinary life. This emphasized the difference between monarchs and commoners.
The term "etiquette" appeared in France during the reign of Louis XIV. In the king's palace, guests were given cards on which the rules of conduct were written: how to behave when the king appeared, what to do at the table, how to bow. These cards were called labels, hence the term.

Types of etiquette
Traditionally, etiquette is divided into areas of operation. So, there is a general civil, secular, everyday etiquette. He dictates the rules on how to behave in typical etiquette situations: greeting, farewell, apology, request, refusal, invitation, dating, etc. Court etiquette is also distinguished, which describes the rules of conduct in the palaces of royal persons. There is also diplomatic etiquette, one of the strictest after the courtier. This code of conduct stipulates who and in what order, what should be done during receptions, negotiations, signing documents.
Still stands out military etiquette, which prescribes special rules of conduct for people serving in the armed forces. There are also narrower types of etiquette that develop within individual professions. For example, lawyer, pedagogical, medical, etc. Recently, business etiquette has also been highlighted. Heapplies to people involved in business, and operates in typical situations for this area: during negotiations, meetings, interviews. And also speech etiquette is distinguished, which regulates speech behavior in etiquette situations, for example, condolences, invitations, introducing people to each other, a telephone conversation. There are also special types of etiquette associated with different types of activities. So, there are religious, festive, wedding, funeral etiquette. Today, for example, a new etiquette is emerging - electronic communications.
Functions of etiquette
There is nothing meaningless in human society. The emergence of etiquette is associated with the functions that it performs. First of all, etiquette is a tool for establishing contact. With the help of special means, you can attract attention to yourself, induce to enter into communication. For example, by saying hello, we show that we are ready to communicate. Etiquette also performs the function of maintaining contact. Everyone knows that there are certain common topics on which you can talk with any person, for example, about the weather. Rules of etiquette are also necessary in order to express respect, respect. For example, court etiquette provides for emphasizing the status of the monarch in a variety of ways. Another important function of etiquette is regulatory. People who follow the rules of etiquette demonstrate their predictability, and this greatly simplifies communication between them. Court etiquette acts as a kind of password between people, it indicates the status of participants in communication, facilitatesmaking contact. And the last function of etiquette is the prevention of conflicts. People act in accordance with the established rules, and this reduces the risk of dissatisfaction with each other.

Structure etiquette
Within each type, there are varieties of etiquette that are associated with different situations. So in everyday etiquette there are such levels as table etiquette, i.e. behavior at the table, telephone etiquette, appearance rules in different cases, they are also called a dress code, etiquette of behavior at a party, there is a regulation for non-verbal communication: facial expressions, gestures. Such levels stand out in each type of etiquette. For example, palace etiquette regulates the behavior of courtiers and etiquette during receptions and audiences, at the table, while greeting the monarch, speech etiquette of interaction with the ruler and between courtiers, their dress code.
Concept and specifics
At all times, rulers tried to establish a distance between themselves and other people. To emphasize the importance and weight of the status of the monarch, special rituals and rules were established.
Court etiquette involves the establishment of special rules for all spheres of the ruler's life, from the moment of birth to death. Its specificity lies in the fact that each action turns into a whole ritual, with a strictly defined sequence of actions and verbal accompaniment. It is not in vain that at all royal and imperial courts there were always such people as masters of ceremonies. Their duties includedmaking sure that the rules of etiquette are followed strictly.

The Emergence of Palace Etiquette
Even in ancient times, in the presence of the ruler, subjects had to behave in a certain way. For example, in ancient Egypt, commoners were forbidden to look directly at the pharaoh, they had to bow their heads in front of him. During the heyday of Eastern civilizations, court-diplomatic etiquette develops, which regulates the rules of conduct in the courts of the rulers of foreign delegations. Etiquette comes to Europe from Byzantium, which, in turn, adopted these traditions from the rulers of the East. During the Middle Ages in Europe, more and more attention was paid to manners and rules of conduct. Then the norms for seating guests at the table began to be established. Venice, as a cultural mediator between East and West, began to establish special rituals and ceremonies in the houses of rulers. But the development of these rules, their regulation occurs later. In the 15th century, a code of conduct began to take shape in Burgundy and Spain, which would later become the basis of court etiquette. In the 16th century, already at each royal court there was a special person who was involved in observing the rules and conducting ceremonies. At the court of the English King Edward the Sixth, a rule was introduced according to which knights served the monarch at the table.
Developing etiquette
France under Louis the Fourteenth became the capital of Europe, a trendsetter, so the rituals adopted at the court of the king quicklybegan to be adopted in other royal houses. At this time, a complex, strict, regulated court etiquette of the 17th century was formed. He was often absurd and ridiculous, but his task was to astonish the guests and make the courtiers realize the greatness of the king. Failure to comply with etiquette was almost equated with treason. For non-compliance with the rules of the courtiers, serious sanctions awaited.
In the 17th century, the court ritual covered all areas of the king's life. The birth of heirs, weddings were especially magnificent and ceremoniously arranged, special rules accompanied the burial of royal persons and the observance of mourning for them. Etiquette extended to the king's family, they had special privileges, as well as courtiers and guests of the court.

The period of establishment of European traditions
In the 18th century, kings began to travel a lot, and this became another reason to follow the rules of etiquette. During this period, the madness of the era of absolutism began to fade into the past, and court etiquette began to be based on the principles of respect and politeness. Observance of etiquette has become a sign of a cultured person. Much attention at this time is given to the costume, the ability to dance, play music. All this became part of the daily palace ritual. These norms are accepted for themselves by the aristocracy, which also wants to emphasize its chosenness.
Etiquette of European royal courts in the 19th century
19th century court etiquette becomes simpler, follies and pomp are a thing of the past. Also during this period, on the basis of court norms of lifesecular etiquette begins to take shape, which the emerging bourgeoisie uses in their lives.

Absurd rules and prohibitions
Often the rituals and rules of court etiquette reached real absurdity. For example, under the English throne there was a special person who opened messages in bottles found on the shore. And if someone else dares to open the bottle, then the death pen alty awaited him. Under the French kings, there were many ridiculous rituals, for example, the king himself served coffee to his favorite, and the whole court had to be present at the birth of the queen. No less bizarre was court etiquette and ceremonial in Russia. For example, Peter the Great demanded that everyone who was late for an appointment drink a large glass of vodka - a pen alty.
History of etiquette of monarchs in Russia
Own court etiquette in Russia begins to take shape under Emperor Peter the Great. He brought many rules from abroad, began to struggle with the original traditions. Everyone knows his demand to shave the beards of the boyars. But the scope of court etiquette reaches under the Empresses Elizabeth the First and Catherine the Second. They arranged numerous rituals for each of their exits and spent huge sums of money on the observance of ceremonies. For ceremonial receptions, balls, receptions of delegations, chic palaces were built, and a system of ceremonies was established in each. Russian empresses severely punished those who did not follow the rules.

Modern norms and regulations
Today the monarchsThere are few yards left, but they continue to follow the rules established for centuries. Although it is worth noting that modern court etiquette is experiencing general trends towards the weakening and democratization of etiquette. Not only everyday, business and diplomatic codes have become softer, but palace rules are no longer something unshakable and strictly enforced. So, you can see that British duchesses, wives of crown princes, dress in modern clothes, people do not prostrate themselves in front of them, although etiquette, of course, is preserved and performed. Especially in terms of official ceremonies (weddings, christenings of children, funerals, performances and visits of the monarch).