The ascent of a submarine, like all physical processes, is subject to certain laws of exact sciences, in particular, Archimedes. It says that for a body to be completely immersed, for example, in water, its weight must be equal to the volume of the displaced liquid.
To comply with this, ballast or tanks filled with water are attached to the boat. When a submarine is required to surface, the liquid is forced out of the ballast by blowing using the power of compressed air. They control the dive with the help of special rudders. Filling or displacement of liquid is carried out to achieve equilibrium.

Introduction of the main ballast
When the tanks that belong to the main ballast are filled, the buoyancy of the boat is extinguished to ensure normal immersion. Control over this process is carried out by CGB divided into groups (main balance tanks):
- Nasal.
- Fodder.
- Average.
Ballast controls ascent and descent. To do this, fill or purge all the elements at once. Pre-calculation is done in positional movement. If an emergency dive is not required, conduct:
- Filling the end ballast.
- Checking case tightness.
- Landings.
- Filling medium tanks.
When a normal ascent, the middle ballast is blown first. When making a move above water, the ship's kingstones must be in the open position with emergency latches. You need to close the ventilation valves. The vessel will be supported by the created air cushion in the cylinders.
At the moment the valves open, the backing liquid displaces the air, and the boat will begin to sink. As soon as it reaches the desired level, the valves are closed. When the normal mode is observed, the vessel sails at depth with open kingstones. If it starts to float, close the emergency flaps for air supply. A normal ascent is accompanied by a calculated volume of air with the kingstones closed for economy. Sailors do not forget about the residual buoyancy or the difference in volume of the CGB and the water required for diving. The difference is compensated by auxiliary ballast.

What techniques are used
Submarine surfacing may be required urgently or routinely. When there is nowhere to rush, it is performed in 2 stages. All personnel are involved in the action. The commander of the vessel supervises the activities. To work withthe mechanism in two ways is to use horizontal rudders with a move. Initially, the ascent of the submarine is carried out to the level of a safe depth, then the following actions are performed:
- Adjust the hydroacoustic station to the noise bearing mode.
- Listening to the horizon.
- Survey heading angles.
- Write off the coordinates.
- Switch to echo direction finding mode.
- The bow and stern sectors are being examined.
- Preparing diesel to purge the tank.
Work can be done on the move or at a complete stop.

How to climb to the next parameter
The ascent of a submarine to the level of periscope depth is performed in emergency situations when a combat alert is announced. To do this, create an appropriate stern trim at an average speed. When they reach the desired depth, perform the following actions:
- Decrease speed.
- Trim to zero.
- Raise the periscope.
The commander personally inspects the horizontal surface and checks the air content. To prevent the boat from being thrown onto the surface of the sea, do the following:
- The leveling ballast is filled in time.
- Push out the antenna.
- Raise the periscope.
The crew must be ready to fill the ballast at any moment.

Captain's actions
When a submarine dives and resurfaces, andduring maneuvers, the commander constantly monitors the operations performed by the team, assesses the situation. If the boat reaches the periscope parameters, with a favorable assessment of the situation, the captain decides to establish a surface position:
- Giving a stern trim order.
- Reaches half of the periscope.
- Purges the middle group.
- Closes the kingstones.
The commander checks the stern and bow settings, the condition of the ballast. If everything is in order, he opens the hatch on the wheelhouse and goes out to the bridge. In general, we have considered the principles of the ascent of a submarine. The ship rises to the cruising position, all unnecessary retractable devices are removed by the crew members.
When diving, perform the following actions:
- Start prepared diesel.
- Exhaust gases are sent to tanks.
- Fill up the ballast to make a quick dive.
The boat is ready. The crew awaits further commands from the captain. Without clear instructions from the main person on the ship, no one has the right to perform any maneuvers.

Urgent Actions
Emergency ascent of a submarine is carried out during exercises, honing the process, as well as in emergency situations. During the urgent rise:
- The boat reaches the surface position or the specified depth in the minimum time.
- Intermediate depths pass without delay.
- The main ballast is blown under high pressure.
The choice of tanks depends onthe created situation. If it is not necessary to increase the trim, the middle tanks are blown out, keeping the ship at full speed. At the same time, they work with a horizontal steering wheel. By changing the order of fluid displacement from the tanks, the commander controls the ascent, observing the trim. If water begins to flow through the robust case, do the following:
- Declare an emergency alert.
- Close up holes.
- The emergency compartment is being dried.
- Start drainage.
In order not to collide with a surface ship during an emergency ascent, observe safety rules.
Submarine surfacing in Arctic ice

The Arctic is a serious territory. To go there, you need a specially trained team, an experienced captain. Accounting is required for success in maneuvering:
- Currents.
- Directions and speeds of ice drifts.
Clusters of ice form the following drifts:
- Wind.
- Separate.
- Sparse.
In Russia, exercises were conducted in these places back in 1934 with the help of icebreakers. The boats plunged into the polynya and passed a distance of up to five miles under the ice shell.
Pride of America
The United States conducted an exercise with the Arctic surfacing of a nuclear submarine. The spectacle was impressive. For some reason it got on TV screens. "Accidentally" a secret special operation event was filmed and published. The crew acted skillfully, worked out to the smallest detail actions in the Arctic ice. There isone nuance that favorably distinguishes our equipment from foreign ones. So, the Russians in the most difficult situations emerge on the move, and the Americans definitely need to stop.
Providing security
The most valuable thing on a submarine is the crew. Therefore, he undergoes thorough training before each campaign. Vessels are provided with maps showing where polygons are located and boundaries are marked. Movement in such places takes place in compliance with the rules:
- You can't cross polygon boundaries unnecessarily even with a free path.
- Need to bypass the corridors of adjacent polygons if they are designed for other activities.
- You must not approach within 1 mile of the line of the polygon.
At night, if the submarine emerges, the parking lights must be turned on.