Girls, if you haven't met your prince yet, we invite you to close the gender gap in a number of countries. Search for a husband according to the demographics of the world. In the article we will tell you whether it is true that the male population prevails in countries where it is unsafe, and also find out where the extra princes live.
East is a delicate matter
Many of the fairer sex dream of an oriental fairy tale, where a courageous and brave macho will be captivated by beauty and will marry a Russian girl. Well, they are right about something.
In the Emirates, the number of men significantly exceeds the number of women, namely 2.47 times, that is, there are 247 men per 100 women. However, it should be borne in mind that these are not only indigenous Arabs, but also visiting workers from less developed countries.

Many women have reconsidered their position in Iran and decided to simply move away from the strict norms of Sharia. Hence the rise in the number of single men.
The same is true for women in Afghanistan, Qatar, Egypt and the Philippines. Women dissatisfied with the situation leaveabroad. There are many young men left. In addition, some of the countries are quite unsafe to be in, as frequent cases of violence have been recorded.
India has a huge gender disparity. So in the country there are 37 million more men than women. However, China suffers even more from the gender imbalance. There, the figure rose to 40 million.
Cold calculation
Cold Iceland solved the problem differently, promising potential brides $5,000 if they stay in the country. However, it soon turned out that these were just rumors. Therefore, Iceland has remained a country in which men outnumber women by 1.7%.
Norway and Sweden, despite the high standard of living, also suffer from a lack of female attention. In addition, the male population is growing every day due to continuous migration.

Misty Albion is losing women because of its tolerance and equal treatment of the sexes. Women, accustomed to earning no less than men, leave to build a career in other countries, and the male population is growing.
In Finland, almost 300 thousand men remained single, and in Canada 250 thousand. It's all due to the same problem. Women are leaving, and more and more migrants.
Sicilian passion
Which countries are male dominated? It's happening in the south.
Italy is a country of sun, spaghetti and seductive machos with a romantic soul. But not every Italian has an object of adoration, which you can kiss the hands and sing serenades under the moonlight. many italianslonely. And again the same problem: women leave to build a career, leaving hot men alone.

Greece and Cyprus - that's where the handsome "lie stacks" in anticipation of love. They appreciate Russian beauty, they are jealous of their ladies, but they give so much love and tenderness that women are thrilled with happiness. And since there are more men than the fair sex, there are plenty to choose from.