Coalition against ISIS: list of participating countries. Which countries are in the coalition against ISIS?

Coalition against ISIS: list of participating countries. Which countries are in the coalition against ISIS?
Coalition against ISIS: list of participating countries. Which countries are in the coalition against ISIS?

Now in the news every now and then flashes a certain concept of "coalition against ISIS." They are operated in their favor by the leaders of almost all significant powers. It is sometimes difficult for people who do not follow political collisions on the world stage to understand not only which countries are part of the coalition against ISIS, but they do not understand at all what is at stake in this or that case. Let's clear things up.

coalition against ISIS
coalition against ISIS


The Islamic State declared itself not so long ago. In 2014, this structure, called a quasi-state, proclaimed a global caliphate. The terrorist organization operates mainly in Syria, Iraq and Libya. However, its activity is spreading on the Web, which causes serious harm to many states. ISIS (banned in the Russian Federation) recruits people through the World Wide Web, calls for a change in the existing political system, which, according to its supporters, is unfair. This quasi-state arose in those territories where the administrative official structures lost their capacity in the course of hostilities. In fact, there was no power in this region of the Middle East. Because the terrorists decided to establish their order by violent means. In the world, they broadcast their own plans for the destruction of all significant states and the spread of the Caliphate. That is why the first coalition against ISIS was created. This process was initiated by the United States, familiar with terrorism firsthand. The events of September 11 are still a great tragedy for the people and a factor in the political game in this country.

coalition against ISIS members
coalition against ISIS members

First coalition against ISIS

There are certain nuances regarding the association that began to fight terrorism. The fact is that the countries were gradually included in it. Their number varied depending on the source of information. From 40 to 70 members of this association were named. And now it is difficult to say exactly who this coalition against ISIS consists of. The list of countries cannot be found in any of the official sources. And there are perfectly rational reasons for this. There is no single document on the creation of the association. Each of its members took on certain functions. Thus, military operations are conducted mainly by NATO countries. Named among them in the first place the United States, Belgium, Denmark, Canada, France and the Netherlands. In addition, the countries of the League of Arab States initially joined this association. They operated mainly in Syria. Among the participants were Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan,KSA and UAE. These states also allocated military personnel directly to fight terrorists. It should be noted that the countries of the coalition against ISIS have certain political contradictions. Because the union itself is unstable. And this became clear in 2015, in the course of events.

coalition against ISIS list of countries
coalition against ISIS list of countries

Accessing States

But we are still considering the first coalition. It includes countries that provide political or technical support in the fight against terrorism. Thus, Albania, Israel, Spain, Hungary, the Republic of Korea, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Sweden, Japan and several other powers participate in the fight with reconnaissance units. Some of them help with technology and funding. Not everyone wants to widely advertise their participation in this work for the benefit of the world. Most likely, the point here is political motives. Everyone understands that the world has become very interdependent. Influential financiers and diplomats have no special secrets from each other. Intelligence works great. That is why the coalition against ISIS is so difficult. The members of this association are too dependent on each other in the economic sphere. They do not want to accidentally step on someone's sore spot. And this is quite easy to do in the Middle East, where very cheap oil is pumped. Most states have decided that inactive participation in the fight against terrorism is much cheaper and more profitable, for which it is difficult to blame them. Money from stolen oil spreads around the world. No one wants to give them up, even to please the hegemon who has proclaimed the fight againstterrorism.

coalition countries against ISIS
coalition countries against ISIS

Russia's participation in the fight against ISIS

It should be noted that the Russian Federation, like Iran, was not invited to the first association, although the Russians constantly supported the Syrian army with material and technical means. And Assad, it is already clear to the whole world, was at that time practically the only force holding back the growth of the quasi-state. In the fall of 2015, Russia created its own coalition against ISIS. It is easy to list the countries of this association. There are only three of them: the Russian Federation, Syria and Iran. More willing to join this coalition has not yet been found, although its efforts are recognized as more successful than the one that was created first. This question is in the political plane. Nobody wants to argue with the States, which did not want to cooperate with the Russian Federation. But the second coalition against ISIS led to the announcement of the third, which was quite unexpected, and for people who understand world politics, it is indicative.

countries in the coalition against ISIS
countries in the coalition against ISIS

Third coalition against ISIS

Participants of the next formation, to put it mildly, are peculiar. Initially, they joined the United States, but subsequently decided to announce a new association without leaving the previous one. Such a political maneuver looked somewhat illogical. Why give birth to a new coalition if the first one is operating, no one hinders it, it enjoys the support of the world community? This association included (by announcement) thirty-six states. It was led by Saudi Arabia. However, just a few days later, the pressdata began to leak out that not all the declared members understand what exactly is happening. Their leaders did not give consent to participate, and, as it turned out, there were no negotiations. What a third of the coalition against ISIS, whose members have not agreed on a specific plan of action, is doing, is not told to the world community. It seems that she did not have enough time to deploy active actions. After all, the situation is rapidly changing.

Which countries are part of the anti-ISIS coalition?
Which countries are part of the anti-ISIS coalition?

Is it rational to create so many joins?

You know, there are many answers to this question, as well as countries with their own interests. When the Russian Aerospace Forces began to work on oil transporters, everything fell into place. It turned out that not all countries that are part of the coalition against ISIS are interested in destroying the quasi-state. According to political scientists, among them are those who participated in financing its creation in order to profit from cheap oil. Money rules the world, it also influences politicians who make loud statements but sabotage the fight against terrorism. But at the insistence of the Russian Federation, the UN Security Council adopted a resolution binding on all countries. Its essence lies in the organization of measures to prevent the financing of terrorism. Perhaps this was the most significant stage in the fight against ISIS.


To understand what is happening, it is not always important to know the specific list of coalition members. It is necessary to observe the actions of the leaders of the powers. You need to understand that in the information space there areconstant battles for influence and money. What we are told in the news is not always what it seems. Much is hidden from the public eye. An example is Turkey. Its president positioned the country as a fighter against ISIS. But in practice, it turned out that Turkey profits from Syrian oil. There are many more secrets hidden behind the dusty curtains of the coalitions. Some of them will be revealed in the course of the struggle, while others will remain unknown to the broad masses. And do you need to know them?
