Today, talk about having your own child in the womb of a stranger is quite common. And this fact is easily explained. Firstly, this is an effective way to continue your family if a woman cannot do this for he alth reasons, and secondly, this is an opportunity to receive a fairly solid financial reward. However, not all Russian women know how much a surrogate mother is paid.

Very often in various sources of information you can find ads with the following content: “My name is Veronica (Irina, Olga, etc.). I live in the countryside and have never been married. I am currently in dire need of money. I started thinking about becoming a surrogate mother. For me and my son, this is the only way to survive.” Undoubtedly, for such a woman, the question of how much a surrogate mother is paid is of paramount importance.meaning. Of course, applicants for the status of "bearing vessel" must be of the right age, have their own children. As for medical indications, a woman should not have a miscarriage in the past. Moreover, she should not suffer from any chronic ailments.
So, how much do surrogate mothers pay for one newborn baby? She has the right to count on a material reward in the amount of five hundred to eight hundred and fifty thousand rubles.

The parents of the future baby independently negotiate the terms of the contract with the biological mother. The parties individually decide on the issue of additional cash payments, so that subsequently the question of how much the surrogate mother is paid does not become a stumbling block between them.
It should be noted that the medical examination, as well as food and accommodation within the walls of the medical center, is paid by the customer. Every month, a surrogate mother receives about twenty thousand. For these purposes, on average, up to 200 thousand rubles can be spent.
Among other things, the selection of donors is carried out quite carefully and thoroughly. In their capacity, candidates under the age of 35 years are considered, in addition, and they must have their own children. Moreover, preference is given to men who have an attractive appearance.

It should be emphasized that the contract specifically stipulates the issue of non-disclosure of information related to the execution of the surrogacy agreementmotherhood.
Without fail, doctors examine in detail not only the physical, but also the mental state of a woman who intends to bear a child for other people.
After the answer to the question of how much surrogate mothers are paid, many will be interested to know how much the "biological" father of the baby can expect. The donor is paid a sum of money in the amount of 10-12 thousand rubles monthly.
Of course, a huge number of couples who are not able to have children of their own can say: “We learned in detail about what surrogates are for. What is the asking price?”
It will include: medical expenses (including consultations of specialists, operations, medicines, IVF), monthly allowance, final payment after the birth of a child, legal support of the transaction.