How to make your period go faster? Many modern women are puzzled by this question. After all, sometimes menstruation begins at a completely inappropriate period. In order to speed up their arrival, there are several methods, which we will discuss in this article. Note that it is impossible to abuse such methods, since even the most harmless decoctions and pills can cause irreparable harm to the body. Use them only when absolutely necessary.
How to make your period go faster? Pharmacology
- Take hormonal birth control pills. This is the safest method of intervention in the work of the body. But to say unequivocally whether he will help a particular woman or not,you can’t, as the reaction to it may vary.
- Take Postinor pills or products containing progesterone. We note in advance that the first remedy is a very strong medication that brings ambiguous consequences. For some, it will really cause menstruation in half an hour or an hour, while for someone it will not cause anything at all or lead to profuse hemorrhage that lasts longer than usual.
How to make your period go faster? Folk methods
- Use oregano as your regular tea. The herb can be purchased at the most ordinary pharmacy.
- Break three bay leaves in one cup of boiling water. Takethis infusion three times a day, one glass.
- Onion peel tincture taken at night can also make your period come faster.
- Break parsley in a mug (add dill if possible) and drink half a cup at a time throughout the day.

How to make your period go faster? Other ways
- It is believed that taking a hot bath with a little s alt added will also induce menstruation prematurely.
- Steam your feet overnight in hot water and at the same time take a tablet of ascorbic acid.
How can I shorten my period?
Now let's look at the reverse situation. For example, we need our periods to end earlier, what can be done to achieve this? Traditional medicine advises:
- drinktincture of water pepper, as well as a decoction of nettle (it has hemostatic properties);
- use shepherd's purse herb tincture.

Are there any pills to make your period end faster? Yes, there are such medicines, but they are not intended for this at all, for example:
- Vikasol, hemostatic, 5 drops each;
- vitamins A and C per tablet morning and evening.
Here are the methods to induce periods and shorten their duration. Doctors warn that these methods cannot be used all the time, and interference with the functioning of the female body is not a good thing, as it can cause hormonal imbalance, which is fraught with serious consequences. Therefore, think carefully, is the game worth the candle? Maybe it's wiser to postpone the business for which you decided to take such a step, and not risk your he alth?