I wonder what kind of gait there is?

I wonder what kind of gait there is?
I wonder what kind of gait there is?

There are no identical people in the world, we all differ in one way or another. This article will talk about what kind of gait there is, because it is an integral part of the personality of almost every person.

what is the gait
what is the gait

Psychology about gait

You can study any topic from different angles and sides. So, what is the gait of people, according to psychologists, and what is behind it? First of all, it is worth saying that the gait itself performs a number of different functions: it can speak about the state of a person, about his character traits, and even about how ready this person is to communicate with others. However, in order to correctly classify its subspecies, it must also be said that there are various criteria by which the walking method can be determined. So, there is a gait of a baby and an old person - an age criterion, male and female - a difference in gender, the gait of a boss and a slave - a status factor, a confident or uncertain gait - these are characteristic features of the state of a certain person. Depending on this, we can talk about the types of the gait itself.

What is she like?

what is the gaithuman
what is the gaithuman

So, what is the gait according to psychologists? First: rhythmic. It is typical for those people who think about something good, who came up with a great idea and the person is in a hurry to realize it. The second option: a sweeping gait. It may indicate that a person who walks in this way is a purposeful person, striving for new beginnings and victories. Also, such people are by nature extroverts and very active. What can short and rather small steps say? Most often, this is how a cautious, prudent person moves, one who perfectly controls himself in almost every situation. Unsure people, shackled will walk, stumbling or breaking. If a person walks, as they say, with a dragging gait, this indicates that he is not in the mood or he is simply not interested in anything and he simply has nowhere and no reason to rush. If a person is thinking while walking, his gait will be calm, and his head will most likely be tilted forward. If a person keeps his hands in his pockets all the time while walking, this indicates that he is secretive by nature and wants to control others.

how to walk adjectives
how to walk adjectives

Sick walk

Another kind of gait - doctors can tell about this. So, having already looked at a few steps of a person who walks through the doctor's office to his table, often they can tell if he has he alth problems. This is the so-called antalgic gait, thanks to which a person, at an unconscious level, tries toothers to hide that something hurts or does not work properly. For example, doctors distinguish a wooden gait, which will indicate pain in the spine, especially its lower section. A special type of gait is developed in people who have problems with calluses, corns in the feet. Their gait will seem easier, because the person will try to step on the sore spot as little as possible. These include the cock's gait, when a person's peroneal nerve is affected.


What kind of gait does a person have? She can be professional. What does this mean? The simplest example: the gait of a model who occasionally participates in fashion shows. Often these are specific steps, such that it is inconvenient to move just down the street. A special gait can also be developed in people of leading professions, today this is an important point. After all, the director must evoke respect from his subordinates with his whole appearance and even gait. There are certain nuances of gait among teachers and teachers, people of working professions who are always on their feet, as well as those people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

gait happens
gait happens

About love

What kind of gait is there? So, often in girls she is sexy. What does this mean? Here the hidden instincts of the lady come into play, which she uses to attract people of the opposite sex. The steps of a girl with a sexy gait will be light, often slow, the hips will sway slightly. However, when developing this type of walking, a woman must remember thatit is very easy to overdo it with sexuality and turn from a mysterious lady who attracts the eyes of men into a woman of easy virtue in the eyes of others.

More views

What else can be a gait? Atactic, in other words, drunk or stamping; puppet (often called parkinsonian) - small steps, the body does not bend, hands are not involved. Fox, in which a person walks, as it were, along one line, without taking extra steps to the side. Hysterical: with it, a person moves with large steps, stopping abruptly in front of the target. Senile - small shuffling steps. Dancing girl - a lot of unnecessary movements, uneven step.


It's very clear what kind of gait there is. Adjectives - that's what else I want to say a few words. If a person needs to write a work in which it is necessary to describe a gait, you can pick up a few beautiful synonyms to designate it. So, it can be light, soaring, flying, in love - if the topic is about love. The gait can also be confident or heavy, if you want to describe the boss. A hurried walk will suit a character who is too active. And so on, there are actually a huge number of options.
