Catnip is a perennial, hardy plant that has been known since ancient times for its unusual effects on felines. It is also used in folk medicine, because it has numerous medicinal properties. We will talk in detail about the scope of this plant, its benefits and harms in our article.
Catnip description
It is a perennial plant that is widespread in almost all corners of our earth. Mint has a pleasant lemon scent with floral notes. In nature, this plant reaches a height of about one meter and is a rigid stem with triangular pubescent leaves located on it. At the top of the stem are white, purple or pink flowers that are collected in a brush.

At the top is a photo of catnip, the description and properties of which we will consider in more detail below.
Currently, botanists distinguish a great variety of mint species. All of them have similar properties and speciescharacteristics. The plant begins to bloom in early summer.
What attracts pets?
In ancient times in Egypt, cats were considered sacred animals, and in order to appease them, priests laid out inflorescences and mint leaves in temples. Nowadays, it is reliably known that this plant contains essential oils, the main component of which is such an organic compound as nepetalactone. It is this substance that acts on all individuals of the cat family, imitating the effect of the so-called pheromones.

It is worth noting that the action of catnip is individual for each pet. For example, some cats, upon contact with a plant, fall into real ecstasy, namely, they begin to roll on the floor, meow invitingly and rub their muzzle against the plant. Other individuals, on the contrary, become more calm and relaxed. Some pets lack a special gene that is responsible for the perception of the smell of mint. Also, individuals who have not reached the period of puberty remain indifferent to it.
According to statistics, the number of cats that are indifferent to this plant reaches forty percent. In any case, the effect of mint does not last more than ten minutes, after which the pets stop perceiving the smell of the plant for several hours. This mint is non-toxic and non-addictive, so you don't have to worry about your cat's unusual behavior. All you have to do is watch your furry pet's reaction to this type of plant and makerelevant conclusions.
Catnip: what is it for?
This plant has a whole range of useful properties and is used by many cat owners in order to correct the behavior of pets. For example, if your pet is hyperactive, you can give him mints to calm him down. The same goes for pets that are too lazy, who become more playful after using the plant. If your cat has experienced a lot of stress, you can use mint to help the animal relax and calm down. Catnip also has a bactericidal effect, it can help relieve stomach cramps in your pets.

It is worth a separate note that this plant has beneficial properties for humans. For example, herbal mint decoction is effective for colds, viral and allergic diseases. It has sedative properties, improves gastrointestinal function, and is used by many women to relieve menstrual cramps.
How to use the plant?
How to use catnip? In this part, we will answer this question. For example, many cat owners use mint in order to quickly accustom their pet to the tray. To do this, under the base of the tray you need to put a small bunch of plants. You can also update a boring toy, namely, gently rip open and sew a little mint into it. If you have to move, you can put some catnip in the carrier, and your pet will react to this event much more calmly. If your pet hasparasites or problems with the gastrointestinal tract have appeared, it is worth giving him to chew a small bunch of grass, then these problems will disappear.

Currently, many enterprising manufacturers of toys and other cat paraphernalia add a little mint to their products to interest your pet. Here is the answer to the main question: "Why do cats need catnip?".
We also mentioned in the previous part that this plant has many beneficial properties for humans. Therefore, for the proper use of herbal mint decoction, you need to do the following: boil half a glass of water and add one teaspoon of this plant there, and then let it brew for twenty minutes. Take the resulting broth should be warm, you can with honey. It will help improve sleep, alleviate the condition of colds and viral diseases. Mint drink will help with spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce menstrual pain. Compresses from this herbal decoction can be applied to the eyes to relieve swelling, massage for arthritis and joint pain.
Harm and benefit of the plant
The benefits of this plant for your pet are obvious. In particular, it does not cause addiction in the animal, it is easy to correct the behavior of the pet with its help, including relieving stress in difficult situations, for example, during a flight. The bactericidal properties of mint and a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are also widely known.
Worth a separate notethe fact is that if the animal reacts too violently to this herb, for example, they begin to show aggression or rush around the apartment, then experts do not recommend its use. This also applies to individuals of the cat family that bear or feed offspring. In other cases, there are no contraindications to the use of mint.
Where to buy?
You can buy catnip at any pet store in your city. It is sold both as an herb and as a spray.

Many cat owners prefer a spray that is easy to apply. For example, you can sprinkle a scratching post on them so that your pet does not spoil the furniture. The same can be done with boring toys. But you should not give a spray to a cat. For this, grass (catnip) is suitable. It is securely packed by the manufacturer in a vacuum bag. It is worth noting that it is better to choose the package of mint, where more inflorescences and leaves of grass are collected, because they have the desired effect on pets.

You also need to remember that when you open the package of grass, its smell quickly disappears and no longer has such an effect on animals. Therefore, it is recommended to store mint in vacuum bags or containers.
How to grow mint at home?
Catnip is a very hardy plant and you can grow it yourself if you wish. To do this, you need to purchase seeds at the nearest store in your city, which sells goods for the garden. Plant the seeds either in a pot or in soil in the garden. They aregerminate in about two weeks.
It is worth noting that this plant does not require frequent watering, as well as special care and soil conditions. After the mint blooms, it must be collected, crushed and dried. In order for the mint not to lose its smell, it must be removed in a vacuum bag or container.

Many owners note the positive effects of catnip on pets. They successfully use this plant in order to correct the behavior of their pets. Including accustoming to a tray or scratching post, making it easier for a cat to fly or go to the vet.
It is worth noting that there is a certain percentage of cats that are indifferent to this plant, due to the lack of a special gene. Therefore, their owners did not reveal any effect from the purchase of catnip. Despite their independence, cats require care, especially if they live next to a person.