Origin of the surnames Shvetsov and Shvets

Origin of the surnames Shvetsov and Shvets
Origin of the surnames Shvetsov and Shvets

Under the surname is meant a certain male verbal gene, which is inherited. A person remembers it from childhood and carries it through his whole life as something important. Our article is for those who want to learn about the meaning of the names Shvetsov and Shvets. These surnames came out of the European group associated with professions and occupations.

surname Shvetsov origin
surname Shvetsov origin

The mystery of the name Shvetsov

Surname Shvetsov is quite common. The owners of this name are proud of their ancestors, many of them were included in the documentation confirming their importance in the history of Russia. Even the ancient Slavs, in addition to the name, gave a person a nickname. This was due to the small number of church names. Nicknames hinted at the type of activity, character traits, and the appearance of the owner. Sometimes there was a hint of nationality, place of birth. There are two interpretations of the origin of the Shvetsov surname:

  1. Professional value. In the Pskov and Tver regions, a shvet was a person who sewed boots.
  2. Historical roots. After the defeat of the Swedes near Poltava, many Swedish soldiers remained in some areas.
  3. Shvetsov family origin
    Shvetsov family origin

When the surname Shvetsov was documented

To understand the origin of the surname Shvetsov, you need to know about its first record. The consolidation and transmission of surnames by inheritance began in the XIV century. The origin of the Shvetsov family leads to Solvychegodsk, Vyatka, Solikamsk. It was there that the name of the Shvetsovs was recorded in the 14th century. It was then that surnames appeared in the form of adjectives with suffixes -ov / ev, -in.

In the 18th century, a decree was issued on the assignment of surnames to all and the issuance of documents. The one who had the nickname Shvets received the surname Shvetsov. This is how you can briefly explain the origin of the Shvetsov surname. The first bearer of this name most likely worked as a shoemaker or had something to do with this occupation.

Origin of the Shvetsov family
Origin of the Shvetsov family

Origin of the surname Shvets, nationality representatives

The Jewish group of surnames is considered quite common. For their education, words were taken from the German language, Hebrew, Yiddish. Surnames were also created based on the language of the Slavs. Many are interested in what nationality the Swedes belong to? Once on the territory of Belarus and Ukraine, a shoemaker was called a Swiss. This profession was popular among different nations. There were many sayings and wise sayings about the Swedes. By the way, Ilya Shvets is called an alternative name for Nikita Kozhemyaki.

Chronicle papers indicate that residents with the surname Shvets were representatives of the highestsociety, belonged to the Moscow bourgeoisie. They are mentioned in the index of the census of the times of Ivan the Terrible.

First, the Swedes appeared in Ukraine, Belarus, Poland. There is another explanation for this surname - toponymic. In Poland there was a small town of Svece, in German it sounds - "Shvets". So its inhabitants could be called Swedish.

surname Shvets origin nationality
surname Shvets origin nationality

Famous Shvetsovs and Shvets

Names, nicknames and surnames just did not appear. Beautiful lines come to mind:

Let's honor our fathers and grandfathers, To carry the surname like pride through the ages.

She's not a whim at all - the name of a person, The surname was given by fate for a reason.

Surnames are so diverse - funny, funny, wise. The main thing is what features their representatives have. Dozens of famous people represented the names Shvetsov and Shvets. After all, these surnames are not very rare in Russia and neighboring countries. So the bright bearer of the surname is the famous marathon runner, athletics coach Leonid Shvetsov. You can see the triumphant photo above.

From the Soviet era, many people remember the football player and coach V. S. Shvetsov. Hero of the Soviet Union, who died in 1943, was Ivan Ivanovich Shvetsov. The Shvetsovs also showed themselves in science. A famous aircraft designer was Arkady Dmitrievich Shvetsov. Many people know the Russian hockey player Alexander Shvetsov.

The surname Shvets was glorified by journalists, football players, poets, politicians. The famous scientist-geologist was the winner of the Savarinsky Prize - VladimirMikhailovich Shvets. The hero of Ukraine, who participated in the Euromaidan and died at the hands of a sniper, was the former midshipman Viktor Nikolaevich Shvets. The production designer in the Soviet era was Yuri Pavlovich Shvets. The bishop of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the rector of the Tauride Theological Seminary is Rostislav Filippovich Shvets. For those who love pop music, it is useful to find out information about the soloist of the Russian-Ukrainian group "VIA Gra". Her name is Yana Igorevna Shvets.
