This cactus is one of the most famous and recognizable among such plants, as it is featured in many films of the West and in computer games. And his huge size, characteristic only for him, makes him quite recognizable among his brothers.
We are talking about the unique Saguaro cactus (photo presented in the article) - the largest cactus in the world.
General information
Life is not easy for many plants. These include the giant Saguaro (the scientific name is giant carnegia). Its life begins from a small grain, which, by a lucky chance, fell into suitable soil, located under the light shade of a tree or shrub. From the seed after heavy rains, a sprout breaks through, turning after 25-30 years into a full-fledged plant about one meter high. And after 50 years, the giant Saguaro cactus reaches its most mature state and blooms with wonderful white flowers. Their beauty can only be observed at certain times - they bloom at night, but sometimes they can remain until the morning.

A five-meter cactus forms young lateral processes. The most mature plants reach a height of up to 15 meters with a weight of 6-10 tons. They can grow up to 150 years.
Giant carnegia is a real giant. It is known that there are cacti 200 years old. The diameter of such plants reaches one meter. Despite such an impressive size, it is grown both in botanical gardens and simply collectors of unusual plants.
It should be noted that 80% of the mass of a cactus is water.
The main habitat of the Saguaro cactus in nature is the Sonoran Desert, stretching from Mexico to Arizona (southern part). Some individual specimens may also be found in southeastern California.
Important factors for the growth of a giant are temperature, air and water. For very tall cacti, frost and cold water can be quite devastating. It is believed that the plant receives the bulk of the moisture in the summer, during the rainy season. Although it rains in the desert in winter.
The Saguaro National Park was established in Arizona in 1933 to preserve this peculiar plant.

Interesting facts
- The Carnegia Giant flower is the state flower of Arizona.
- The Saguaro cactus begins to bloom at the age of 35. Moreover, the flower itself has a powerful aroma.
- The main pollinators of the plant are bats that feed on its nectar.
- Cactus branches beginonly grow from the age of 70.
- Ruby red fruits (6-9 cm long) containing up to 2000 seeds ripen in June. They are edible and well appreciated by the locals.
- Only after reaching the age of 125, a cactus can be considered an adult.
- A giant grows only 1 meter in the first 30 years of its life, and in the next 50 years or so, its growth increases daily by 1 millimeter.
- If the cactus were empty, then a person could easily accommodate in it, escaping from the exhausting desert heat and sipping tequila extracted from the juicy pulp of the plant.
- Among the white and delicate petals of Saguaro are hundreds of stamens, among which there are so large that small birds even make nests between them.

Refuge for birds and animals
The giant Saguaro cactus is home to some species of birds and small animals.
For example, small owls and woodpeckers make a hollow right inside the plant, in which they live, breed and hide from predators. Lizards often live in the voids and cracks of the cactus.
For many desert animals, the fruits of this plant serve as a source of moisture and food. Thanks to this "mutually beneficial cooperation", the seeds of this unique flora are spread across vast areas of the desert.

Saguaro National Park
Several thousand specimens of this species grow on the territory of this unique national parkcactus. The saguaro is strictly protected by state law.
Constant monitoring of the park is carried out both on the ground and from the air. When inflicting any even small harm on this plant, punishment inevitably follows (from a fine to imprisonment for up to 25 years). Park employees keep the strictest control and accounting (once every 10 years) of the amount of giant carnegia.

It should be noted that there are 49 more varieties of cacti growing in this protected area, with 1,162 plants in the eastern part, 512 in the western part.
In the national park, the animal world is also quite diverse, here you can meet: owls, bats, rattlesnakes, desert turtles, raccoon, baribal, American fox, badger, coyote, cougar, coati and red lynx.
In closing
In 1988, a surprisingly large cactus was discovered in Arizona. The prickly giant reached a height of 18 meters.
What is the largest Saguaro cactus today? The record belongs to a specimen that also grows in Arizona Sonora (Maricup County). In girth, this plant reaches up to three meters, and in height - just over 13. The mass of the largest cactus in the world is about 8 tons!
There are many similar thorny plants in this desert, but their sizes are smaller.