Bityug is a Russian river, which is a left tributary of the Don River. It flows through the territories of the Voronezh, Tambov and Lipetsk regions. Large settlements of the Tambov and Voronezh regions, the city of Nizhny Kislyai are located along its banks.

Bityug, the river of the Oka-Don Plain: description
The length of the river is 379 kilometers, the basin area is 8840 km². It flows along the Oka-Don Plain, which is swampy in places. The high right bank is covered with deciduous forests, and the low left bank is a plowed steppe. The main food of the channel comes from melting snow. Ice on the river lasts from mid-December until almost April. The average annual water consumption is 18.2 m³/sec.
The following settlements are located on the river and its tributaries: Novopokrovka, Bobrov, Mordovo, Anna, Ertil and others.
This river is very popular among Voronezh lovers of fishing and water tourism.
Bityug River: photos of landscapes
Some of its sections are hydrological and natural attractions. Back in 1998, the territory of the river in the area with. Talitsky ChamlykThe Lipetsk region is designated as a landscape monument "Upper reaches of the Bityug River".

The second section of the landscape monument is located below the village of Anna. And to the left of it, the Kurlak River flows into Bityug, the valley of which has a width of 3000 meters. Its slopes are completely covered with oak forests.
The Bityug River has many tributaries: the left - Kurlak, Chigla, Tishanka, Ertil, Mordovka, Mosque, Rybiy Yar, Kislyai, etc., the right - Plaskusha, Raft, Maleyka, Anna, Chamlyk, Mosolovka, Toida.
Ecology of the area
There are many rather old sugar factories in the Bityug river basin. Often there were accidental releases of sewage that polluted the river. The Novopokrovsky, Ertilsky and Nizhnekislyaisky sugar factories of the Voronezh region were especially distinguished in this.

The result of such cataclysms is a decrease in the content of dissolved oxygen in the water, as a result, indicators of water disappear - crayfish, fish die.
Landscapes, fauna and flora
The Bityug River is chosen by Voronezh lovers of fishing and tourism due to its fabulous beauty and abundance of various fish. Various species are found in its waters: pike, tench, ide, rudd, bream, roach, burbot, ruff, perch, chub, crucian carp. Less common are zander and catfish.
Flora here is represented by oak forests, reed beds, rare pine forests at this latitude. Numerous sandy beaches, spacious stretches and vast backwaters, narrow and fast channels - all this is observed when traveling on water. SchemeThe Bityug River is a very winding line, especially near the Chiglin zone.

A bit of the history of the settlement of the banks of the river
Bityug is a river with a rather curious history.
In the distant 1450, on the banks of the Bityug River, the troops of Moscow Prince Vasily II defeated the Tatars, who came from the horde of Kichi-Muhammed.
The surroundings began to be settled in 1613, during the reign of the young Tsar Mikhail Romanov. Then there was an urgent need in various ways to replenish the treasury of the state, ruined in "troubled" times.
And one of the ways to implement this event was to lease vast uninhabited territories in the southern territories of the country on behalf of the state.
Since then, a lot has happened in these places.
In April 1699, Tsar Peter I signed a personal decree, according to which the Russians and Cherkasy people who settled near the Bityug River should be exiled to their places of former residence, and all buildings should be burned and no longer allowed to settle here. According to this decree, a punitive detachment was sent there.
The archives contain records of those times that the order was carried out and the inhabitants of these places were exiled, and their dwellings were burned (1515 households).
After that, Peter I issued a new decree and palace peasants from the northern and central Russian districts (Poshekhonsky, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Rostov, etc.) were resettled in Bityug. This was in 1701.
The resettlement led to the death of thousands of people who could not withstand the difficulties of long-distance andhard way, not adapted to unusual climatic conditions.
Features of the nature of the coast
Bityug is a river with a valley of 3,000 to 7,000 meters on average, and even more than 10 km in its lower reaches. In its floodplain there is an abundance of lakes. The river is very winding throughout, with numerous old rivers. Sometimes it is divided into two, and sometimes more - up to seven channels.

Another feature of the Bityug is that the channel has lake-like extensions up to 5 km long, and their width is from 40 to 80 m. Depths reach 8 m.
In the upper reaches of the river, the banks are treeless, in the middle (from the village of Anna) a deciduous forest grows on the banks, thanks to which the valley acquires a very picturesque colorful look.
Slightly below the Chigla tributary, already on the right bank, the southernmost natural Russian pine forest begins - Khrenovsky Bor.
The Bityug River is one of the most attractive rivers of the Podstepye of the Russian middle zone. Extensive oak forests, pine forests rare for these latitudes, reed beds, golden sandy beaches, narrow channels and much more attract tourists to these amazing and beautiful places.