Why does it rain?

Why does it rain?
Why does it rain?

Why does it rain? It is unlikely that a person will begin to ask this question if the sky frowned outside the window, the first drops fell from it, but you urgently need to leave the house. In this case, people just take an umbrella and go about their business. But it is quite possible in moments of leisure, philosophizing and contemplation

Why does it rain
Why does it rain

think about why it rains. There are many constant processes going on in nature. One of them is the water cycle. Its main participants: liquids of various kinds and the sun.

The luminary not only illuminates the earth, but also warms it. When water heats up, it goes into another state - gaseous. Water vapor rises. The higher the vapor rises, the colder the air surrounds them. Molecules under these circumstances, in the process of condensation, are converted into crystals, which, accumulating, form clouds and clouds. When they gain a large mass, there is a violation of their stability. Cloud clusters are no longer able to hold water, and drops begin to fall out of them. That's why it rains.

Why is it snowing and raining
Why is it snowing and raining

Water that falls on the surface of the earth either evaporates again or seeps into the ground,or immediately enters the reservoir. In any case, the evaporation process starts again. It is infinite and, like everything ingenious, simple.

Usually, the type of precipitation is determined by the temperature regime in the subcloud layer, the height of the clouds and their structure. As a rule, clouds that bring precipitation have a mixed composition: ice crystals and drops of cold water. Falling down from the total mass, this mixture is transformed in conditions of either warm or frosty air. If the temperature of the subcloud layer is positive, then raindrops reach the ground. If the parameters are negative, snow falls on the ground.

Why does it rain in winter
Why does it rain in winter

The lower layers of the atmosphere also play a role. If in summer clouds form very high above the ground, in conditions of negative temperature, then the main composition of the mass consists of ice crystals. This means that snow flies out of the cloud into the subcloud layer. But as the snowflakes pass through the warm air, they melt. Then hail falls on the ground. If they manage to melt completely, then drops of water. That's why it's snowing, raining, hail.

Why does it rain in the summer - every student will answer this question. Because it's warm. Why does it rain in winter? It happens that atmospheric phenomena occur with a deviation (for various reasons) from the normal course of events. For example, in winter, warm cloud clusters that form in a tropical region over an ocean or sea can enter mid-latitudes. In this case, a thaw begins, the previously fallen snow melts, and instead of snowflakes, rain falls on the ground.

This happens in summer too. From the Arcticmasses of cold air break through. The warm one is pushed aside, but at the same time an atmospheric front with powerful cloudiness is formed. Precipitation can be extremely heavy. At first it rains, then as the air cools, hail or sleet can fall. These precipitations can fall without cooling, but always in the presence of powerful clouds. If the front hangs over a certain area, the temperature of the atmosphere will drop even more, then real snow will fall on the ground.
