Douglas Graham is a doctor, celebrity trainer and nutritionist who created the legendary 80/10/10 diet. He became famous all over the world and gained millions of followers. Among them there are many Hollywood and Russian stars such as Demi Moore, Martina Navratilova, Madonna, Jennifer Aniston and others. He not only created the diet, but also proved its effectiveness from his own experience. At his age, Douglas Graham is not inferior to many young athletes. It is worth noting that very few nutritionists can boast of such achievements.

Douglas Graham: biography
Famous nutritionist was born and raised in the USA. From a young age, he was fond of gymnastics and athletics. Over time, he not only did not outgrow his passion, but also became a professional coach. Starting from regular gyms, he moved up to a higher level, becoming a celebrity trainer, fitness consultant for many famous actors and athletes.
Douglas Graham became the founder of the raw food diet. He began to apply his technique since 1978 and has been practicing it untiltoday. That is, for 40 years he adamantly follows his own diet. In addition to diet, sports are the basis of his lifestyle. Strength training and cardio have become an integral part of his life.

During his career, the nutritionist managed to write several books. One of them made him a cult figure, a role model and one of the most famous doctors in the world. The title of this book, written by Douglas Graham, is 80/10/10. He collected in it everything he knows about the raw food diet, fruit diet and weight loss.
Book "Diet 80/10/10"
This edition is not only a book, but also a desktop reference for people seeking to maintain their he alth, youth, strength and good figure. Douglas Graham's book "80/10/10" gave impetus to the start of a whole cult of the raw food diet. Probably every person in life at least once heard about this method of nutrition. And that's not counting those who are already following it, and perhaps not for the first year.
The book does not only present a diet. She explains, talks about the consequences of malnutrition, diseases of the internal organs and the results of an unhe althy lifestyle. And also about how to change your life, get rid of chronic fatigue, ailments and other ailments that worsen the quality of human life.
Those who read this book noted a change in their attitude to life and their he alth. In addition to excess weight, they got rid of complexes, fatigue, depressive mood. In return, readers acquired a slender, toned figure, a positivemood, good mood and lightness in the body.
Diet 80/10/10
One of the most effective diets on the planet is the 80/10/10 diet. Douglas Graham has been following her for years and recommends it to anyone who wants to stay slim and he althy.

The basis of the diet are plant foods high in carbohydrates, that is, fruits. Green vegetables such as lettuce, parsley, celery stalk, and cucumbers are also allowed. Total fruits and vegetables should be 80% of the diet.
Also, Douglas Graham emphasizes that at one meal you can eat only one type of fruit, but in absolutely any quantity. For example, for breakfast, you can eat 2 kg of melon and no other fruits.
Sweet vegetation has taken a special place in the nutritionist's diet for a reason. It has many amazing properties, such as low calorie content, easy digestibility and most valuable - it gives the body energy, which is so often lacking in people's lives.
Another 10% is acceptable vegetable fats like avocado, coconut, nuts and seeds. They can be eaten 1-2 times a week and no more than one fruit per meal.
The last 10% are proteins. They should also come from plant foods such as legumes. Soybeans, peas and beans are allowed to be consumed raw. They can be soaked in water to soften. But heat treatment is not allowed.

Sample menu
It is worth clarifying that this menuis exemplary. You don't have to follow it daily. It is just a sample of how to eat according to this system:
- Breakfast: one kilogram of watermelon.
- Second breakfast: 10 hazelnuts.
- Lunch: one kilo of bananas.
- Snack: green salad leaves.
- Dinner: one kilo of peaches.
Sport while dieting
The author of the technique is not only a nutritionist, but also a famous bodybuilder and athlete - Douglas Graham. Diet and sports, in his opinion, are two integral parts of a he althy lifestyle. Sport during this diet is not only desirable, it is mandatory. It is important that a person who is losing weight exercise daily. Due to the fact that the diet itself is easy, the physical activity should be the same. That is, it is worth giving preference to fitness, callanetics, gymnastics, body flex, step, easy running, many hours of walking. They differ in that during their exercise a lot of calories are burned. This means that excess fat will go away several times faster.

But strength training is also needed. Douglas Graham recommends doing them three times a week for 1-2 hours. This will help strengthen the muscles, give them tone and prevent the body from weakening.
Pros of the 80/10/10 diet
The diet gained its popularity precisely because of its pluses. There are many of them, but the following are considered the main ones:
- Those who lose weight have a lot of energy, which is enough for work, daily physical training and normal life.
- Perfect for loversvegetables and fruits.
- You don't have to give up sweets on it. Fruits give a person enough glucose to stop thinking about desserts.
- Cleanses the body of toxins, toxins and other chemicals.
- Clears the taste buds, and the person begins to be content with fruits and vegetables.
- Reduces the risk of developing fatal diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and oncology.
- Saving time. Food is eaten raw and does not need to be cooked.
- Edema subsides, excess water leaves the body. This is mainly because the diet lacks s alt, sugar and spices.

Cons of the diet
Any food system has disadvantages. The 80/10/10 diet has few of them, but they are also present:
- Lack of protein foods such as eggs, meat, cottage cheese. First, it is very difficult for many people to get used to their absence. Secondly, protein is a building material for the body. And its absence can harm he alth.
- Unpleasant sensations during the sharp removal of toxins from the body. Nausea, headache, dizziness may occur. But this is only the first time, after a week all the discomfort disappears.
- The body lacks trace elements contained in protein foods, so it is necessary to take vitamin complexes.
At the end of the article, we can say that the 80/10/10 diet is really effective and good for the body. And even if a person cannot follow it all his life, but will use itperiodically for cleansing, then it will bring great benefits to he alth and figure.