A registry is a list or list. According to another interpretation, this word means a book for recording documents, property, and other matters.
During the work of any company, documents are created that reflect the essence of its activities. The number of such papers is constantly growing. The storage and destruction of such records is subject to regulations set by federal agencies.
In order for the company not to have a house with papers, a registry is needed. A large number of documents need to be structured and systematized. The registry is a system that will greatly facilitate the work with papers and allow you to find them in the shortest possible time.

Archiving and storing documents is a labor intensive job. But every large enterprise should implement such a system. Large amounts of paper and digital information are entered into the register of documents.
Specialists work with any data:
- credit and insurance affairs;
- commission contracts;
- forwarding waybills;
- accounting and personnel documents, etc.
Registering work includes:
- Listing by specialists intable of contents of each case of the list of documents that are part of it.
- Entering this list into the electronic register.
- Setting the retention periods for each type of document or its group.
- If the case is stored in the archive, then the number of the box where it is located is indicated in the register.
When developing a new technical task for the proposed project, the amount of information that will be entered in the inventory is determined.

The register is a list of information that is entered in a journal or on electronic media. Each group of documents has its own short table of contents. Sample rostering:
- personal files for the personnel department;
- company accounting documents;
- concluded agreements of the organization;
- insurance policies;
- loan agreements;
- technical documentation for architectural design organizations;
- periodicals;
- a catalog of all company documents with an inventory or register.

Compilation of registers in the company can significantly reduce the time to find a document and resources. In large companies, one cannot do without a strict inventory and grouping of all documentation. But small firms can also implement such an accounting system.
An organization that is engaged in retail trade takes into account goods not only at producer prices, but also at selling prices. At what cost the accounting of goods will be kept, the trading company decides. Price formationsales must be documented. In retail, a register is compiled for each product. This makes it possible to keep records of each unit of production, by purchase price and sale.
There is no single sample according to which goods are kept. The trade organization independently draws up the form of the document "Price Register", which contains complete information about the product and its details. Such paper is compiled daily for all incoming goods. The head of the company approves the retail price.