UN Secretary General: hard service for peace

UN Secretary General: hard service for peace
UN Secretary General: hard service for peace

It would seem that there is no position more honorable and influential than the head of the international community. The leaders of the major powers are attentively listening to his opinion - perhaps only the Pope of Rome has such authority.

UN Secretary General
UN Secretary General

The UN Secretary-General is certainly one of the most powerful pieces on the chessboard of world politics, because practically no major international problem is complete without his direct or indirect participation. It is also indicative that in the almost seventy years of the existence of the international community, only eight UN Secretaries General have been replaced. At the same time, none of them left his post under external pressure and did not resign with a grandiose scandal, as happens from time to time with the powerful of this world, whether it be a president or a prime minister.

Alas, even the UN secretaries general can encounter various kinds of unpleasant situations in their official activities. The mission of such a leader is not only difficult, but sometimes thankless. And it simply cannot be otherwise, because sometimes diametrically opposed interests must be taken into accountalmost two hundred countries! For example, serious disagreements have arisen between Russia and some of its neighbors that threaten to develop into a dangerous armed conflict. Both sides, as it should be, turn to UN mediation. Russia defends its point of view, its opponent categorically refuses to reckon with it, everyone proves the legitimacy of their actions. This is where you need to show all your diplomatic skills! And it is in such situations that the UN Secretary General manifests himself! To extinguish the conflict in the bud and at the same time make sure that both participants in the confrontation do not feel disadvantaged - here it is, the "aerobatics" of peacemaker number one!

UN. Russia
UN. Russia

Reconciliation of warring parties is the most important and most difficult duty of the head of the United Nations. There is a tragic page in the history of this organization that clearly testifies that the settlement of "hot conflicts" is by no means reduced to just smiles and handshakes on duty. A good example of this is the death of Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld in 1961, who once again visited the Republic of the Congo, engulfed in civil war. According to the official version, his plane crashed as a result of a plane crash, but there are still doubts about this. The independent and indefatigable UN Secretary-General with his peacekeeping activities has interfered with too many.

Dag until his last days acted in defense of the interests of the UN member nations. Hammarskjold, a year before his death, at a time of harsh criticism against him, once said that he wasresponsibility to all countries that are part of the UN, and if he leaves his post in difficult and dangerous times, he will jeopardize the work of the Organization itself.

United Nations secretaries general
United Nations secretaries general

These few phrases succinctly characterize the difficult and noble work of a man whose post is the UN Secretary General. And whose efforts are entirely devoted to one thing - maintaining peace and tranquility on our planet - so beautiful, but restless.
