A person goes to work and comes back. Daily performs routine tasks, sometimes rests. Such a way of life suits one. Another is looking for an alternative to such an existence and finds it. It's called a "roller". This means that he is part of a special community of people united by common interests.

Who are they
The largest groups of this kind exist in big cities. Several thousand participants are in Moscow and St. Petersburg. A role-playing game is a special event for which people gather in a place in a certain area. Basically, their age ranges from 12 to 45 years. Although you can meet younger children, their parents take them with them. Both men and women participate in the games, and it cannot be said that any gender tips the scales in their favor.
Wearing special armor for role-players, people turn into the heroes of their favorite computer game, book or movie. The main thing is compliance with a given era and complete immersion in it. Forin order not to disturb the necessary atmosphere, it is necessary to foresee every little detail in the costume and your behavior. A roleplayer is a person who comes up with a new original name for himself or takes a suitable one from the corresponding work.
How it all began
Many people associate role-playing with Tolkinists. And this is not accidental, because it was the famous book of J. Tolkien that became the impetus for the emergence of a new subculture. The first community was formed in England in 1969, the second was the American one, whose members have been participating in story games since 1970. In our country, role players, whose subculture beckoned with freedom, which was so lacking, began to appear in the 90s. And the beginning was the appearance of a book by the same author, published in samizdat. The first platform was the land near Krasnoyarsk. The Hobbit Games were held there for the first time.

What are they like
Events of this kind are attractive in that they clearly outline the confrontation between evil and good forces, and there is also the opportunity to try on your favorite image, to become, at least for a while, a magical creature. But there is also a separate category of those who like not to participate, but to organize this large-scale action, as well as to make costumes, weapons and other necessary attributes, without which participation becomes impossible and meaningless.
A special slang has gradually formed, so the conversations of roleplayers for an uninitiated person may be incomprehensible. But society has its writers, musicians and poets, who not onlythey speak a special dialect, but also compose literary works in it, write suitable music. They, like those who create armor for roleplayers, are respected members of the community.

May be hooligans
Rolevik is a member of peaceful communities created for entertainment and self-affirmation. But there are also violent groups. They set themselves the goal of disrupting the activities of other associations, interfering with the holding of rallies, and some are united by a love for hallucinogenic mushrooms. They are called so - "Mushroom elves". But if we do not take into account these negative phenomena, we can say that for the most part roleplayers whose games are not available to the general public are ordinary people.
Why are they doing this
Some, having tried to take part in the event once, no longer dare to repeat such an experiment. No wonder. Indeed, a lot of money is spent on a suit, equipment, payment for travel to the place of collection, and not everyone can afford it. Others are not satisfied with living conditions, not everyone agrees to live without the amenities that they are used to in the city. For some, on the contrary, the opportunity to sit by the fire against the backdrop of wildlife is a romance and an incomparable pleasure.
People who attend games regularly do so for different purposes. Someone is attracted to large-scale battles, someone wants to get away from everyday problems. Fans of the role-playing movement, of course, are rooting for everything to happen as close to virtual reality as possible, without deviating fromoriginal.

But for the majority, such games are just a way to organize their leisure time. Currently, roleplayers take part in events that are held not only in nature. There are several varieties, for example, in large and small rooms, in urban environments. Games differ in duration and purpose for which they are held. Some are only combat battles without outlining the main plot. Be that as it may, the roleplayer lives a segment of someone else's life.
How the event is organized
The game is usually led by a leader. It is he who has the knowledge of what the action is dedicated to, in what direction it will develop. It is necessary to take into account any little things, even possible atmospheric changes. He has in his hands a list of players, a description of their characters and destinies, that is, the result of their life, to which they must come at the end of the game. The leader keeps track of how everything goes, how the participants maintain their conformity to the images, and some have to be in someone else's guise for a long time. It can be said that a role-playing game is like a long performance in which the actors only improvise. Newcomers are loved here and always ready to give good advice. The main thing is to remember that you must obey your elders, otherwise you can suffer and suffer serious losses in the very first battle.

A role player is also someone who participates in the reconstruction of grandiose historical events. The participant in this case may not be a member of the community, but he alsoyou will have to make or purchase a costume that matches the theme of the event, prepare weapons, household items. Many specifically master specific types of weapons, such as a bow, learn to ride horses in order to be able to participate in special types of battles, for example, in a jousting tournament. But role-playing games differ in that some recreate what really happened, while others realize the author's fantasies, allowing you to bring to life what existed only on paper.