Despite the fact that the abbreviation EEC has a single interpretation, misunderstandings and sometimes heated debates on this issue can be found on the net. There are few main options: someone believes that the UES is the Unified Energy System of Russia. Indeed, there is such an abbreviation, but in this sense it is found with additional symbols RAO (Russian joint-stock company), and more recently, SO - system operator. If RAO UES or SO UES is written, then we are really talking about the energy system of our country, and for the symbols of the UES, the decoding will be “unified energy system.”

Another opinion of users, which can often be found, is that the EEC is the Eurasian Economic Union. However, this organization is shrinking in a different way. The generally accepted designation looks like this - EAEU or EurAsEC. Both abbreviations are officially allowed and accepted in the international document flow.
What is the EEC? Transcription
Practically the EEC and the EU are one and the same. In both cases, a united Europe is implied. To designate the EEC, the decoding in the international format isit is the Common Economic Community. The question arises why we mainly hear about the EU on TV and radio, as well as write in newspapers and on the Internet. However, the last abbreviation appeared later, actually replacing the previously used form of the EEC. This happened after the conclusion of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, when the allied relations of European countries were legally fixed, a single European currency was adopted and a number of other important steps were taken to strengthen the European Union.
EEC: deciphering the abbreviation and the history of the accession of states
In English, the symbols look like EEC - European Economic Community. This will help to understand what is the decoding of EES - the Russian abbreviation.
On the territory of the European Union, all languages of the member countries have an equal right to use, however, it is customary to use three main ones in the document flow - English, German and French. Since English is considered an international language, the most common English name is the EEC, which later (since 1992) was transferred to the EU - European Union.

For the EEC, the decoding and history of creation are closely connected with the first attempts to form the European Union, which date back to the 50s of the last century. Although globalist ideas have long been cherished by progressive minds, the first practical steps were taken in 1951, when six European countries created an alliance that was aimed at ensuring the energy security of all of Europe. The European Coal and Steel Community included the largest economies in Europe: Belgian,German, French, Italian. The Netherlands and tiny but by no means poor Luxembourg also joined. The English version and decoding of the abbreviation EES of that time sounded like ECSC - European Coal and Steel Community.
From a steel concern to the EEC
In 1957, the European Economic Community (EC decoding) was officially established, about which the participating countries signed an appropriate agreement. The meaning of the new formation was the gradual increase in the rights of the central office and the delegation of administrative functions to it by the countries that are members of the association.

UES Today
The European Union in its current form has already become a supranational entity that fully represents its member countries in the international arena, has a common economy, currency and security system. Officially, the EU includes 28 states, along with the UK, which in June 2016 by popular vote headed for leaving the European Union.
The victory of the anti-globalists in Foggy Albion turned out to be minimal, the advantage was less than 2%, however, the legitimacy of the vote is beyond doubt and the UK government is now preparing measures for Brexit.
Earlier, Greenland had already left the European Union, but it was only an autonomous territory, not a full-fledged state. Therefore, the precedent with Great Britain can be considered the first and so far the only one. Although today the inhabitants of many European states declare their desire to return to an era when there was nosingle currency market and the euro, believing that participation in the European Union is unprofitable for them.

Future prospects
The European Union with a population of about 500 million people and a developed economy is the largest exporter and partner of many countries around the world. The GDP of the European market is more than 20% of the entire world economy. The level of per capita income in the EEC is one of the highest in the world, although it varies widely: from $7 (in the newly joined countries) to $78 thousand in the richest economies. The European Union has a negative budget deficit, and out of the five hundred largest companies in the world, 161 are headquartered in the European Union.
Despite the severe crisis that undermined the economy of the zone, most experts assess the prospects for the development of the EU as positive, given the high innovative focus of European industry.