In our century, many concepts have received a perverted meaning, although initially they were exclusively positive. So, in the understanding of the majority of the stronger sex, a feminist is a woman who hates men, wants to dominate everything, takes revenge on the opposite sex for her failures. In fairness, we must admit that often men are not so wrong in this judgment. And all because the concept of feminism in the modern world is turned upside down.
Feminism, by its very nature, in its original sense, meant fighting for women's rights. The thing is that two centuries ago, the lot of the weaker sex was exclusively to monitor the house, courting the husband, caring for children. Women did not have the right to work, own property, vote, they could not get a decent education, since there were no educational institutions for them. In such a situation, a feminist is a woman who does not want to put up with this state of affairs, who wants a better life for herself. Of course, statements and publications against discrimination against the weaker sex appeared as early as the 16th century, but very often carriers of such bold ideaswere persecuted and even executed.

The first signs of the success of feminism were the performances of women in the United States at the beginning of the 19th century. The industry developed, required the participation in the production of not only men, but also women. American feminists have been able to achieve a lot. Englishwomen followed their example, achieving a shorter working day, providing leave after childbirth, and the opportunity to manage the money they earned.
In every country, women had their own needs, which they sought, but feminists around the world fought for the provision of one right - suffrage. Somewhere earlier, somewhere later, but almost all women in the world got the opportunity to choose. The only exceptions are Saudi Arabia and Andorra. With that, the first wave of feminism quietly faded away.

The story received a new round in the sixties of the last century. Feminist organizations began to reappear, believing that all the achievements of this movement were just an empty formality, and inequality continued to exist. There are two branches of feminism: liberal and radical. Liberals sought to improve the lives of women without destroying the existing way of life. But radical feminism demanded the complete destruction of the existing system, the redistribution of roles in society. It was this moment that became the cornerstone in the definition of an initially positive concept.
Feminism in Russia is less developed than in the West. Perhaps that is why the understanding of its essence in ourthe country is so perverted.

A feminist is a radical, militant lady who wants power over men. She argues that women's rights are being infringed upon, that they receive low wages, that they cannot become leaders, they cannot take a seat in the Government. Many young girls, not understanding the very essence of the movement, declare their feminism. And in the end they get only misunderstanding and ridicule.
But if you think about it, women of the 19th century fought for the right to choose. And they really got it. After all, a modern feminist is one who herself can choose the job of a teacher, not a programmer, choose the role of a homemaker, not a leader, be a good mother, not a President. And may there be more teachers, wives and mothers in our world. Then the world, maybe just a little bit, will be better.