Alexander Gavrilin: filmography and photos

Alexander Gavrilin: filmography and photos
Alexander Gavrilin: filmography and photos

Dubbing actors are those who stay behind the scenes and play roles using only their voice and while revealing the versatility of the hero on the screen. Here we will talk about the famous representative of this art - the Russian actor Alexander Gavrilin.

Alexander Gavrilin
Alexander Gavrilin

Alexander Gavrilin: biography

The date of birth of Alexander Olegovich Gavrilin is November 19, 1981. He was born in the city of Voskresensk, Moscow Region. After graduation, he goes to study as an actor.

In 2004 he completed his studies at VGIK at the acting department, where Vitaly Methodievich Solomin was the master of the course. All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography. S. A. Gerasimova produced many famous actors and other figures of cinema art, including Alexander Gavrilin.

Career start

Most of his career began in 2002, when he voiced one of the roles in the film "Fever" His voice became his work and vocation. Now he is a professional dubbing actor. His first works: the films Love Actually and The Butterfly Effect. From thistime, his professional activities are gaining momentum.

Alexander Gavrilin photo
Alexander Gavrilin photo

Theatre actor

Besides the fact that he is actively engaged in professional voice acting, Gavrilin is also involved in the theater. He plays on the stage of the Moscow Gogol Drama Theatre. Among his works, the following can be noted: "Ugly Elsa" (Parrty), "Weary of happiness" (Frank) and others.

Dubbing Master

He is a Russian film and theater actor, dubbing master. Gavrilin took part in voicing more than two hundred and eighty film roles, and also worked with computer games.

Many famous characters from the highest grossing films speak in his voice. This is the hero Robert Pattinson from the famous Twilight saga, and the young James Potter in the Harry Potter film - these characters, like many others, were given their voice by Alexander Gavrilin. Hollywood actor Ashton Kutcher's voice work has been repeatedly seen in his work, for example, he dubbed the character Evan from the movie The Butterfly Effect.

In addition to feature films and TV series, he also voices documentary programs, as well as cartoons. Many viewers fell in love with Alexander Gavrilin: his voice is distinguished by a soft timbre, in which notes of expressiveness sometimes appear. At times, it sounds with a bewitching hoarseness.

In 2011 he was invited to duplicate Johnny Depp in the cartoon "Rango".

Due to the nature of his job, he has to worry about keeping his voice in good condition. For this he takes a breatherand periodically turns on the “radio silence” mode, moving away from the worldly bustle and relaxing alone in nature.

Thanks to hundreds of voiced roles, Alexander Gavrilin became a popular dubbing actor. The photos show him doing his favorite job.

Alexander Gavrilin filmography
Alexander Gavrilin filmography

Iconic role - the voice of Edward Cullen

He masterfully copes with many roles and his voice perfectly conveys the character of the hero and his emotions.

It often happens that an actor who has played a role is strongly associated with it in the future. So it happened in this case: at the present time it is his landmark work, which, by the way, turned out well for him.

He is the official voice of actor Robert Pattinson in the Twilight saga.

Alexander Gavrilin who voiced
Alexander Gavrilin who voiced

Gavrilin voiced Edward Cullen, conveying with precision the timbre of the actor who played this role. In the film, he speaks quietly and slowly, while incredibly accurately conveying the emotions of the film's protagonist vampire Edward. Thanks to his participation in the dubbing of this film, Alexander Gavrilin gained great popularity.

Who did he voice besides Robert Pattinson? He has dubbed many Hollywood blockbusters to his credit: his voice is spoken by the characters of famous actors, namely Ashton Kutcher, Ben Foster, Andrew Garfield, Josh Harnett, Paul Rudd, Colin Farrell, Tom Hiddleston, Matthew McConaughey, Mario Casas and others.

So, at the Georges film award, which was held in 2014, in the nomination"best villain" was won by the hero Loki from the second part of the movie "Thor". The image of this character was complemented on Russian screens by the voice of Gavrilin. He went on stage to receive an award, because after all, he was involved in the embodiment of his screen image.

Work on TV channels

Alexander Gavrilin's voice can be heard on television channels such as Animal Planet and National Geographic in documentaries, as well as on Nickelodeon (CIS).

Gavrilin became the voiceover of the CTC Love channel from the first days of its broadcast. The TV channel was created for a female audience. Before he was approved as the announcer of CTC Love, he had to go through a serious casting. As Gavrilin himself says about this appointment, that voicing the notorious character of Edward Cullen, a romantic hero, in some way influenced the decision of the channel's management to choose him for this position.

Alexander Gavrilin voice
Alexander Gavrilin voice

Alexander Gavrilin: filmography

Famous film works in which he was involved as a dubbing actor:

  • "Fever" (Gender).
  • The Butterfly Effect (Evan).
  • The series "Lost" (Jacob and other roles).
  • King Kong (Jimi).
  • "Not caught is not a thief" (Zahir).
  • "Perfumer: The Story of a Murderer" (Lucier).
  • The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (DK).
  • "Gryffin and Phoenix: On the Edge of Happiness" (Fiance Terry).
  • Basic Instinct 2: Risk Taking (Adam Towers).
  • Bourne Ultimatum (Technician).
  • "Saw 4" (CecilAdams).
  • Carrier 3 (Malcolm Manville).
  • Twilight (Edward Cullen).
  • Kung Fu Panda (Crane).
  • Total Recall (Douglas Quide).
  • "Step Up - 4" (Sin).
  • Sea Battle (Dr. Nogradi).
  • Phantom (Ben).
  • "Three meters above the sky" (Mario Casas).
  • "Parallel Worlds" (Adam).
  • "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" (Fasbinder).
  • Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 (Xander).
  • "Descent 2" (Den).
  • Destination 4 (Hunt).
  • "District 13: Ultimatum" (Captain Damien Tomaso)
  • Ghost Rider 2 (Ray Carrigan).
  • "House of the Paranormal" (Malcolm).
  • "Dracula" (Mehmed).
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Leonardo).
  • Pixie Adventure (Sam)".
  • "The Magnificent Age" (Ibrahim Pasha, Shehzade Bayazit).
  • "9/11 Twin Towers".
  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (James Potter).
  • "American Pie All Set" (Kevin).
  • The Lake House (Henry Wheeler).
  • "Robocop" (Tom Pope).
  • Loft (Chris).
  • The Wolf of Wall Street (Jerry Vogel).
  • Thor 2: The Dark World (Loki).
  • "Time Keeper" (Inspector) and many other roles.

He has episodic roles in the series "The Return of Mukhtar", "Kulagin and Partners", "Wild 3".

Voice acting for computer games

In addition to feature films and cartoons, his voice also sounds in a number of popular computer games.

  • "The Witcher 2: Assassin of Kings".
  • "Prince of Persia:sands of time" (Prince of Persia).
  • Assasin's Creed 2 (Desmond Miles).
  • Crysis 2 (US Marines).
  • "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" (Ravenclaw Students).
  • "Call of Duty: Covert Ops" (Fidel Castro, Swift, Robert McNamara)
  • "Gothic 4: Arcania" (Nameless Hero).
Alexander Gavrilin voice acting
Alexander Gavrilin voice acting


He took part in the TV show “Fishing Saga”, which was broadcast on the TV channel “Male” since August 2010. The program highlights exciting fishing trips. Alexander Gavrilin, together with his friend Andrey Grinevich, who is the producer of this channel, travel to various water bodies of the country to show the audience their fishing skills. Thus, Alexander Gavrilin acted as a host in a TV show, the theme of which is close to him in spirit.

Being a dubbing actor is a big responsibility, because high-quality and professional voice acting in general greatly affects the perception of a movie. Gavrilin manages to convey the character and emotions of the hero with his voice, which makes the perception of the character voiced by him more complete for the viewer.
