Princess Diana was not just a high-ranking person - even after her divorce from Prince Charles took place, she remained the national favorite of Great Britain, and her death really became a tragedy of a national scale. Also, Princess Diana was widely known around the world for her charitable work. Lady Dee was called the "Queen of Hearts". Despite the fact that the entire planet adored her, the royal court hated her. How did her wedding with the representative of the royal family, Prince Charles, take place?

Long acquaintance
The wedding of Princess Diana with the heir to the royal throne Prince Charles took place on July 29, 1981. The love of these two high-ranking persons was short-lived, full of contradictions, and in many ways tragic. The prince had known his future bride for a long time - their first meeting took place when she was only 16 years old. At that time, the prince was in a relationship with the sister of the future princess named Sarah.

Sister of the future princess and Charles
There is a version according to which Sarah's unionand Charles collapsed at the moment when the princess inadvertently shared with two reporters rather juicy details of her private life. Sarah told the press about her problems with being overweight and drinking, and also that she had already begun collecting press clippings, which would later serve as proof of her “royal romance.”
When the article was published, Prince Charles, as one might expect, found Sarah's behavior completely unacceptable. Despite the opinion that the wedding of Princess Diana was the reason for the cooling of her relationship with her sister, many biographers point out that there was always a fairly trusting relationship between her and Sarah. In addition, the sisters often appeared together at various public events.

Royal Society Pass: Noble Title
Even before the wedding of Princess Diana took place, she had already received the title of "lady". After all, the daughter of Viscount Spencer, who came from the same family as the prominent politician Winston Churchill, was the bearer of royal blood through the illegitimate children of Kings Charles II and James II. This title was granted to Diana as the daughter of a high peer in 1975, at the time when her father became the eighth Earl Spencer.
Princess Diana's family lived in London before marriage. After the father of the family received the title of earl, the Spencers moved from the capital to a castle called Althorp House. Diana was very educated - she studied first at home, and then in the best private schoolsSwitzerland and native England. All these qualities, combined with a modest nature, made Diana the perfect bride for Prince Charles.

Princess Diana's wedding date is July 29, 1981. But a serious relationship between her and the prince began in 1980. The novel was carefully planned by the grandmothers of the future princess and Charles. They constantly tried to push young people nose to nose. Later, the prince was told openly: he should forget about his beloved, Camilla, and marry Diana.
During the first meeting, the prince did not even pay attention to Diana. She also had no time for romantic meetings - she planned to fly to Switzerland to continue her studies in one of the elite boarding houses.
The young lady and Prince Charles rested on board the yacht Britannia, and after that, Charles invited Diana to the summer residence of the royal family, where he introduced her to his relatives as a bride. An offer from Prince Diana was received on February 3, 1981, but the public learned about the future wedding of Princess Diana only on February 24. She answered "Yes", because by that time she was already in love with the prince. The future princess appeared in public with a ring that consisted of 14 diamonds and a sapphire. This decoration cost the groom £30,000.

Magnificent celebration
Preparation for the celebration lasted 5 months. It was decided that the wedding of Princess Diana and Prince Charles should take place in St. Paul's Cathedral, and not inWestminster Abbey, where royal weddings usually took place.
High-ranking persons came to London from all over the world - kings and queens, princes and princesses. In addition to them, representatives of the high society of England were also present. The weather was perfect on the day that Princess Diana and Prince Charles got married. A crowd of enthusiastic citizens watched the wedding procession in the streets of London. Everyone was looking forward to seeing what the bride would look like. And this expectation was not in vain.
Ceremonial outfit
Princess Diana's wedding dress was really gorgeous. Until now, it is considered the most luxurious wedding dress in history. The fragile girl practically drowned in a fluffy silk skirt trimmed with pearls and delicate lace. The length of the train was 8 meters. The bride's head was adorned with a tiara that belonged to Lady Dee's family. Photos of the wedding of Princess Diana on the same day scattered around the world. The celebration was discussed everywhere - both in rich salons and among representatives of other classes.
The vows that the bride and groom made to each other, thanks to the speakers, were heard far beyond the ceremony venue. However, it was not without some overlays. Princess Diana only showed nervousness once, when she couldn't pronounce her fiancé's long name correctly. And Prince Charles, in turn, instead of “I promise to share with you everything that belongs to me,” said in excitement “I promise to share with you everything that belongs to you.”
And also from matrimonialvow, for the first time it was decided to remove the word "obey". This wedding was one of the most expensive in the history of the UK. In total, about 2.86 million pounds sterling was spent on its organization.

What happened after?
But at the end of the celebration, Lady Dee's life turned into a living hell. Despite the wedding, Prince Charles continued his relationship with his longtime passion - Camilla. The royal family looked down on Diana. After all, she came to the royal court practically from the street, although her ancestors were noble people. Diana gave birth to two children - Prince William and Harry. She regarded this stage of her life as one of the most difficult, but at the same time, happy. Lady Dee spent a lot of time with the children, learning to stand up for herself in front of the queen. The princess chose the names for her sons on her own, and also refused the services of the royal nanny and found her own.
In the early 1980s, the public became aware of Prince Charles' affairs. Diana did not stand aside, and in retaliation began a relationship with her riding coach named James Hewitt. It was impossible to fight off the attention of journalists, so Diana and Charles were forced to comment on what was happening.
Once the princess broke down and said: "There are too many people in my marriage." Her phrase immediately circled the planet - Lady Dee meant both Camilla and Queen Elizabeth.

Interesting facts
One of the most expensive weddings inthe world did not bring happiness to the good princess. However, the solemn event, like the life of Lady Di, forever remained in the hearts of the British and fans of the princess around the world. Consider some more interesting facts about the wedding of Diana and the prince.
Spare shoes from the princess's wedding were an exact replica of the ones she wore on the day of the celebration. They were sold at auction for £36,000.
An exact copy of the princess's wedding dress went under the hammer at the same auction for fabulous money - 84 thousand pounds sterling.
Interestingly, the princess's wedding outfit was criticized to the nines by fashion experts. In their opinion, the dress hid Lady Dee's femininity and was too pompous.
One of Lady Dee's spare wedding dresses is still kept at Madame Tussauds.
The broadcast of the wedding on television was watched by about 750 million viewers from all over the world.
Three bridesmaids helped the princess cope with the eight-meter train.
Before the wedding, Diana never wore a tiara. And so the luxurious decoration caused the princess a headache during the celebration.